Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1987 Iterative Selection

"When exactly was the seal that suppressed Emperor Siyu broken?" Fu Jing asked.

"Three days ago in the morning." Xu Zhiyang replied.

Fu Jing stopped talking and turned to look at Lu Yu. The time was right. Lu Yu took the six-peptide magic cube away roughly three days ago in the morning.

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the strange feeling he had when he walked out of the Dead Mountains... At that time, he felt that something was wrong, as if more things were involved. Now that he thought about it, everything was right.

It seems that the cracking of the six-peptide magic cube really caused the fall of some ancient anchor point, which led to the cracking of the suppression seal. All this is really an unexpected misunderstanding.

However, what Xu Zhiyang mentioned also made Lu Yu think of more... According to him, if there are several ancient anchor points in this world, does it mean that the same six-peptide magic cube exists somewhere else?

The arrangement of these hexapeptide cubes obviously cannot be used to suppress Emperor Siyu. From what Xu Zhiyang said just now, it can be inferred that the seal connected to the ancient anchor point thousands of years ago is just a byproduct. They must have a deeper purpose. What is the secret behind this?

"What exactly is the ancient anchor point?" Lu Yu asked.

Xu Zhiyang shook his head: "I also heard this word from Emperor Siyu for the first time, and I don't know what it specifically refers to...Speaking of it, shouldn't you know it better than me?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at Fu Jing, and neither of them spoke again. It seems that this problem can only be clarified after meeting Emperor Siyu.

"What does the Emperor Siyu mean now?" Lu Yu asked again: "She disbanded the Hades Temple and sent us so many gifts in succession. What is she going to do next?"

Xu Zhiyang said: "How dare I speculate on the Emperor's holy intention... But anyway, the Emperor has no ill will towards you. Everything she is doing now is just to express this position to you!"

"No ill will?" Lu Yu couldn't help but chuckled, "Really? But according to what you said just now, even if the seal that suppressed the Emperor Siyu was broken by us unintentionally, you have already received the order from the Thousand Eyes Lord before that. Does the Thousand Eyes Lord want to release her out of kindness?"

Xu Zhiyang bowed and said: "Lord Lu, Xu dare not hide it from you... The Thousand Eyes Lord did want to make a deal with Emperor Siyu by releasing him. The target of this deal is actually It is you, but the emperor does not trust the Thousand Eyes God. She does not intend to cooperate with the Thousand Eyes God, but plans to join hands with you, use the same trick, and set up a plan to frame the Thousand Eyes God! "

Lu Yu was surprised when he heard this: "What plan does she plan to set up?"

Xu Zhiyang said: "This is not something Xu can know. I just conveyed her attitude. The specific plan must be discussed separately after you meet..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but sneer: "Did she ask you to tell me these words? Then why did you run away reluctantly before?"

Xu Zhiyang said with shame: "In fact, the Emperor Siyu did not have any additional instructions to me. The only explanation she gave me was to let it go. Now facing such a situation, I will not go against her wishes if I tell these inside stories..."

"Let it go..." Lu Yu chewed this sentence silently, revealing a weird expression.

"What's wrong?" Fu Jing came over and asked in a low voice: "Is there anything wrong?"

Lu Yu shook his head at her, not continuing to dwell on this topic, and asked: "Okay, now let's talk about something you know. Our lady rushed to Junshui City this time, obviously at the instruction of Emperor Siyu. What is the purpose of their trip?"

"To gather the old subordinates." Xu Zhiyang replied.

"Call the old subordinates?" Lu Yu looked at Fu Jing in surprise: "It seems that you are not the last branch of the Guanlan royal family?" Fu Jing asked: "Where did the old subordinates come from?" Xu Zhiyang said: "In fact, the descendants of Guanlan like the Holy Princess and King Ru are not the only ones... Oh, by the way, Madam Ru has also been canonized as a king by the emperor to commend her for cultivating a descendant with outstanding talents like the Holy Princess... In short, in the history of thousands of years, there have been many descendants of Guanlan who have similar experiences as the two of you, but the Holy Princess is the most outstanding among all the results. As for the others who are not so outstanding, they have been quietly hidden, and only the emperor knows their specific whereabouts..." "What is going on?" Lu Yu frowned and couldn't help but look at Fu Jing again. Although he promised Madam Ru that he would not tell Fu Jing the specific details of her pregnancy with Fu Jing, it is obvious that Madam Ru herself did not tell the truth at the time, so he naturally did not need to continue to protect this secret for her. "Isn't the plan to cultivate the bloodline of Guanlan's descendants led by you, the Underworld Temple?" Xu Zhiyang smiled bitterly: "It is indeed led by us... or, to be more precise, we just mistakenly thought that everything was led by us..."

"Shortly after Wu Qibin and Emperor Siyu were sealed together, some senior officials of the Hades Temple tried to spy on the situation inside the seal. At that time, they received instructions from Wu Qibin to be responsible for cultivating the pure bloodline of the Guanlan tribe to receive part of Siyu. The power of the emperor needs to be divided into Emperor Siyu's soul, so that he can smoothly and completely refine Emperor Siyu... The cultivation plan was started under this background. At that time, Wu Qibin released a part of Emperor Siyu's soul, saying that it was The part he refined was used to assist the Temple of Hades in completing this plan...

"Looking back and thinking about it now, all of this was just Emperor Siyu's plan. She had completely suppressed Wu Qibin as early as the beginning of the seal. It's just that we were kept in the dark and thought it was all wishful thinking. Even I didn’t realize the plan given by the previous head palace until I came into contact with Emperor Siyu this time..."

Lu Yu and Fu Jing were shocked. If what he said was true, then in fact Emperor Siyu had been toying with the entire Hades Temple for thousands of years... This made the two of them distrustful of this legendary powerful man. The reader gained a deeper understanding.

"Then what is her purpose in planning everything?" Lu Yu asked.

Xu Zhiyang glanced at Fu Jing and said: "I really want to say that the emperor did this out of the need to continue the Guanlan royal family, but in fact her purpose is more realistic, mainly to help her get out of trouble... Now it seems Come on, maybe there is an element of surprise in this, and her goal has indeed been achieved. "

Lu Yu thought of Mrs. Ru's series of strange reactions and couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said: "If this is the whole truth of the matter, I think it is still a bit too monotonous... In the process of Jing'er being 'nurtured' , is there anything special about it? Why is she the only one with the purest blood power?”

Xu Zhiyang was startled for a moment: "Is it special? I haven't noticed this... If there is anything special, then King Ru can be regarded as the person who has had the longest contact with the soul of the Great Emperor in history. I don't know what this means. Is it one of the reasons? However, in fact, after so many years of this plan and so many iterations, it does not seem surprising that a generation with the most pure blood power will emerge..."

When Fu Jing heard this, he couldn't help but trembled slightly: "What do you mean by this? What does iterative optimization mean?"

Xu Zhiyang hesitated for a moment and said, "Does the Holy Princess not know the truth? In fact, your mother, King Ru, and your biological father... they were also conceived in this way."

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