Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1988 Watching others serve dishes

Fu Jing's body couldn't help but tremble slightly. Obviously, this mystery of her life experience was beyond her expectation.

Who would have thought that her origin, which she has always been proud of, is actually an experimental breed that was raised like livestock and eliminated after thousands of years...

Maybe this experimental variety is indeed very successful, but it doesn't change the fact that she is an experimental subject.

She had always believed that the people who persecuted her and her tribe were the Temple of Hades, but who knew that the person who truly enslaved the descendants of Guanlan was the Supreme Power himself... This completely turned her world upside down.

Xu Zhiyang also saw that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and said cautiously: "Lu Shen, I have already said what I should say. I feel that I have no more information to provide you... Look, can I leave here?"

"Wait a minute!" Fu Jing said before Lu Yu could respond. Her eyes were fixed on Xu Zhiyang: "Tell me first, who is my biological father...?"

Xu Zhiyang looked at Lu Yu as if asking for help, and saw that he was looking at him with the same expressionless expression, and then he had no choice but to say: "Sheng Princess, in fact, this question is meaningless. No matter who your biological father is, he is no longer in this world. Already..."

Fu Jing's face was tense, but his body was still trembling slightly: "Whether it's death or life, I want to know the answer."

"What's the trouble..."

Xu Zhiyang let out a long sigh: "Actually, when the training plan was first carried out, the source of the men was provided by Emperor Siyu. I only know that they also came from a similar plan, but I don't know where they came from specifically... and , during the implementation of this plan, King Yu Ru worked with multiple men at the same time to complete it within one day..."

"So, even Emperor Siyu, I'm afraid she can't give you the answer you want. There is no answer to your question at all..."

Fu Jing seemed to be in a state of despair, with an unspeakable complex expression on his face, and he couldn't say a word anymore.

Xu Zhiyang looked at her face and turned to Lu Yu cautiously again: "Lu Shen, do you think I can leave now?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "Are you leaving so soon? Why don't you stay here to visit more?"

"No, no, no!" Xu Zhiyang said quickly, "There is actually a lot of mess over there at the Hades Temple. When I go back to clean it up, I'll wait until next time to visit!"

"Really? What if Emperor Siyu asks about the situation here?" Lu Yu asked again.

"It's really not necessary!" Xu Zhiyang insisted, "Emperor Siyu didn't explain this, so I don't need to add any extraneous information."

"Okay! In that case, please come over here!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu drew a bright strip of light on his fingertips, as if he was about to send him away.

However, just when Xu Zhiyang turned to face the colorful light belt, Lu Yu suddenly stopped his gesture. At the same time, countless spell characters flew out of his body and poured into Xu Zhiyang's body.

This is the "infinite circle" that he has been brewing for a whole day. He originally planned to use it on Mrs. Ru, but unexpectedly, it happened to be right now and can be used on Xu Zhiyang.

For Xu Zhiyang, this is the second time he has been cursed. A large part of the reason why he is so afraid of Lu Yu is because of this curse. Unexpectedly, he had been extremely careful this time, but in the end he failed. Still hard to guard against.

"Lu Shen... why?"

At the last moment when he was about to be completely swallowed by the spell, he finally asked the question in his heart.

Lu Yu just smiled softly: "There are so many reasons? Everything is just let nature take its course!"

Let nature take its course...

When Xu Zhiyang heard this familiar word, he showed a thoughtful expression. However, soon, his eyes became dull and there was no other unnecessary reaction. Only this expression was permanently fixed on his face.

"Uh...don't you want him to leave?" Fu Jing came to her senses at this time and asked in a daze.

"Why should we go? There are still many issues that have not been clarified. What he just said is just one-sided words. How can we let him go?" Lu Yu said.

"You... don't believe what he just said?" Fu Jing asked in a low voice.

"No, I almost believe it. At least he can't lie about the coincidence in breaking the seal. Otherwise, all this will not make sense at all... But as I said just now, all this is just his words after all. We can’t believe it all without seeing Emperor Siyu himself for a day.”

Fu Jing said: "Even so, there seems to be no need to launch a spell offensive against him, right? Wouldn't this also cause a lot of consumption for you?"

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "I have to do this... Assuming everything he said is true, why do you think Emperor Siyu sent him here and didn't give him any instructions? Doesn’t she know that as long as people come here, they will inevitably have to deal with me? "

Fu Jing was stunned, and even temporarily put aside the feeling of disappointment just now, and asked: "Why?"

"This is actually a test." Lu Yu replied.

"Test?" Fu Jing looked confused.

Lu Yu nodded and continued: "Xu Zhiyang is right about one thing. This Emperor Siyu cannot be willing to be manipulated by Lord Thousand Eyes, but it is also impossible for her to choose to cooperate with me without any conditions. She must at least explore it. My bottom line...this Xu Zhiyang is the test question she gave me."

"What's the specific content of the test questions?"

Lu Yu said solemnly: "You also know that my mind and consciousness are very powerful, and I can even directly spy on the information in other people's heads... The content of this test question is to see how much secret information I can dig out of Xu Zhiyang's body... …”

"At the level of Emperor Siyu, since she can resurrect a corpse with just a ray of remnant soul, you can imagine how powerful her soul is... She just wants to compare how powerful my soul is. ! Only I am strong enough to be qualified to cooperate with her. She is preparing to take advantage of me! "

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