Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1989 No need

Hearing Lu Yu's explanation, Fu Jing found it unbelievable and shuddered unconsciously: "Can you directly spy on the information in other people's heads?"

Lu Yu was speechless: "What are you thinking? This matter is not as simple as you think... How should I put it, spying on other people's thoughts is actually a very complicated process. It is just like the six-dimensional code we cracked before. The peptide Rubik's Cube is a very complicated problem-solving process, and it is not solved in a normal way, but directly destroyed in a violent way..."

"It's easy to pry into the memories of ordinary people, but if the target is a powerful opponent, it won't be so easy... Think about it, if we were to brute force crack the Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube, how much power would it take to do it? ?”

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu paused and then continued: "In addition, there is the most important point..."

"After all, this is a violent method, which means that not only will the other party be aware of it, but it will also cause irreversible damage afterwards... In fact, I have not used this method a few times, and every time I use it, the other party is not To die is to become an idiot..."

"So, the fact that you are still standing here safe and sound means that I have never used such methods against you. Do you understand?"

Fu Jing felt at ease and stuck out her tongue in embarrassment: "I didn't say you used it on me... So, you decided to complete this test question of Emperor Siyu, right?"

Lu Yu said: "Whether all this is true or not, even if Emperor Siyu does not exist, directly obtaining Xu Zhiyang's memory will be of huge benefit to us. Besides, this guy should have died a long time ago. I have nothing to do with making him an idiot." It’s a psychological burden… but like I just said, it’s not easy to do that.”

"Is it because he is too powerful?"

Lu Yu nodded, looked at the motionless Xu Zhiyang in front of him, and said: "If I have enough time, with the cooperation of the 'Infinite Circle' spell, I may be able to obtain all his memories over the years, but now, Emperor Siyu will definitely not have such good patience, and besides, we ourselves don’t have so much time..."

"Then what are you going to do?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu's eyes flashed: "Although it is impossible to obtain all the memories, there is still no problem in obtaining short-term memories. Wasn't the seal cracked three days ago? We only need to obtain Xu Zhiyang's memories within these three days. With your memory, you will know whether what he said is true or false!”

"Even if the time is relaxed, there is no problem in obtaining the memories within ten days. In this way, we can also know the details of his communication with Qianyanjun! On the basis of this information, I will process it myself. I think this is enough To frighten Emperor Siyu, she has never read Xu Zhiyang’s memory anyway, so even if I make some nonsense, she doesn’t know whether what I say is true or false!”

Fu Jing said in shock: "You are cheating..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "Yes, this is cheating! She doesn't know all the answers anyway. As long as I answer all the questions on the test paper, she might even be shocked!"

Fu Jing was stunned and speechless for a moment.

After a moment, she nodded slightly: "This might actually work! In fact, I think you can see through her intentions, which in itself is enough to scare her."

Lu Yu looked into her eyes and asked: "Do you also support me doing this? After all, she is the supreme power of your Guanlan clan... Can you just watch me deceive her?"

"The most powerful one..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"If what Xu Zhiyang said just now is true, then it is not just the Hades Temple that has inflicted suffering on our Guanlan clan over the years, but she is also one of the culprits... Even if she is the former supreme power, she is The king of the entire Guanlan Empire, I don’t think she has the power to enslave us like this.”

"So, you don't have to consider me. Just go ahead and do what you think you should do. At least I won't hold you back."

Lu Yu nodded and said, "I understand."

He could understand the complexity of Fu Jing's heart at this time. After all, the most powerful person had always been a symbol deep in her heart, a driving force that inspired her to continue to struggle and move forward. But the facts presented at this time were like a Cut her heart with a sharp blade, causing her whole heart to become dripping with blood...

However, there was nothing Lu Yu could do about it. She could only rely on herself to recover and heal herself, and to get out of the frost-shrouded haze.

"Okay, then I'm going to get started!"

Lu Yu said, turning his head to look in the direction of the Hall of Heroes, and sighed softly: "I originally wanted to install the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube as soon as possible, but now I don't know when it will be delayed again?"

Fu Jing said: "Should we start now? But didn't you just cast the 'Infinite Circle' spell? Don't you need to restore your energy first?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Emperor Siyu won't give me too much time. I guess she will come here soon after she is integrated in the north... In addition, I don't plan to challenge the high difficulty level right from the beginning. The first part I just need to confirm whether what he said is true or not, and then we can make the next step! I will do what I can, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Fu Jing hesitated and said: "Let me help you together... Didn't you say that the ethereal realm is also very helpful for restoring your spirit?"

Lu Yu naturally hopes to be assisted by the ethereal realm so as to maximize efficiency, but he still said: "Are you sure you don't need to be alone?"

Fu Jing shook his head gently: "There's no need..."

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said, "Okay, let's get started together!"

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