Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1990 Seal again

Lu Yu and Fu Jing brought Xu Zhiyang to the Hall of Heroes.

First, it is relatively quiet here, with a certain distance and depth. Even if something unexpected happens, there is still a certain buffer time.

Secondly, you can take care of the Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube at the same time.

After arriving here, without any unnecessary words, Lu Yu immediately pierced Xu Zhiyang's skull with his finger and began to invade his mind and consciousness.

Although Lu Yu said "Let's start together", in fact Fu Jing could not help at this stage and could only watch from the sidelines as an audience.

The entanglement and struggle at the level of thoughts is as dangerous as the thrill of cracking the six-peptide Rubik's Cube. However, this scene will not be seen by outsiders. What Fu Jing saw was just the scene of Lu Yu inserting his fingers into Xu Zhiyang's skull. Although this scene is already quite terrifying, it is far less thrilling than the one inside.

An hour later, Lu Yu finally opened his eyes again, but his face was pale and his forehead was dripping with sweat, as if he had just experienced a battle and he was about to collapse.

"How about it?"

Fu Jing hurriedly greeted him, and when he saw Lu Yu's appearance, he couldn't care too much for the moment. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves and asked with some worry: "Are you okay? "

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "It can be confirmed that at least Emperor Siyu did not lie to us about the resurrection of the dead. I have clearly seen the image of the emperor in his memory... "

Fu Jing was stunned and said: "Let's enter the ethereal realm first..."

This step was already familiar to the two of them, and soon the two of them successfully entered the ethereal state. Lu Yu's depleted energy was quickly replenished, and his face became slightly better.

Fu Jing's face turned red. In order to resolve the awkward atmosphere, she began to change the subject: "So, Xu Zhiyang has become an idiot now, right?"

Lu Yu said: "I have broken through his mental defense. Compared to me, his sea of ​​consciousness is like a safe that has been smashed open. The contents inside are free for me to browse at will... If it were in the past, It’s really possible to become an idiot, but it probably won’t happen this time…”

"Why?" Fu Jing asked curiously.

"Of course it's because of the incantation of the infinite circle." Lu Yu replied, "Although his natural safe no longer exists, the incantation still keeps his mind in a locked state, and it did not cause a full-scale attack due to my invasion. The collapse... Therefore, he will not become an idiot because of this. If I stop invading him immediately and unlock the spell on him, then there is a high probability that he will just lose the memory of the past few days. But if so. As the invasion continues, that won't necessarily be the case. Even if his mind and spirit don't collapse by then, his memory will definitely be confused and he will eventually become a madman..."

"Oh..." Fu Jing nodded suddenly, showing a thoughtful look.

Lu Yu noticed that her expression was different and couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly so concerned about this guy's fate?"

Fu Jing said: "I just think that it would be too easy for this guy to die like this... Besides, you also said that he has two very strange powers, one of which is the Thousand-Eyed Lord. The other part of the divine power given to him is the power given to him by Emperor Siyu. His identity is so special, I always feel that if I can save his life, it might be able to work wonders at some point in the future."

Lu Yu was surprised: "You have thought so far?"

Fu Jing has such thoughts, which in itself shows a change in her mentality. It means that she has gradually changed from her previous confused mentality to a mentality that is ready to confront Emperor Siyu, so she will There is such a long-term plan...

Lu Yu was also very surprised by this. He didn't expect her mentality to change so quickly.

Fu Jing said a little lonely: "I have thought about it clearly. You said that Emperor Siyu will not give you much time, but the time she will give me will only be less...Obviously from the time I was born Q, everything has been under her control In the arrangement and calculation, this arrangement will not end here, it will only continue. My mother’s strange reaction fully illustrates this point. I don’t want to go on like this. I don’t want to be like an animal and spend my whole life in other people’s hands. Living under arrangements, so this is an unavoidable problem.”

Lu Yu didn't expect that she had thought so thoroughly.

Indeed, this is a problem that cannot be circumvented no matter what. From Mrs. Ru's strange attitude and a series of actions of Emperor Siyu, it can be seen that they have a more profound plan for Fu Jing...

According to Xu Zhiyang, the original purpose of the bloodline cultivation plan was to help Emperor Siyu get out of trouble, but the word "get out of trouble" is actually a very general concept. How will she use Fu Jing's existence? It's really hard to say.

If you think about it further, when the Thousand Eyes Lord came before, Fu Jing was selected as the recipient of the possession. This may not be without reason... And Emperor Siyu already knew very well that he no longer had a physical body. No, does she also plan to use Fu Jing as a recipient for her resurrection?

It is said that a tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds, but if it was to completely resurrect the most powerful person, would Madam Ru be willing to sacrifice her daughter?

Besides, there is another possibility that Mrs. Ru was also deceived by Emperor Siyu.

So, all this is possible.

Fu Jing has obviously thought of this...

Lu Yu didn't know how to comfort her for a moment, so he could only smile and said: "Don't think so much, maybe the situation is not as bad as we thought, maybe she also came with good intentions?"

Fu Jing shook her head again: "It's hard for me to imagine she would have any good intentions... Tell me, since the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube is in our hands, is there any way to connect the ancient anchor point here and seal her again? ?”

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