Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1991 Once a vast sea

Lu Yu was slightly startled.

Seal the most powerful person again...

As an outsider, he had not thought about this matter yet, but he did not expect that Fu Jing, an orthodox descendant of Guanlan, would already have such thoughts.

From the question she asked, it can be seen that she is not only wary of the Great Emperor Siyu, but also has a deep fear of her.

Lu Yu thought for a while and then said: "Then at least we have to wait until we figure out what the ancient anchor point is and learn more about the power of Emperor Siyu before we can determine whether this is feasible... I don't think you need to go overboard. Worry, we have even neutralized the threat of Lord Qianyan, so what does Emperor Siyu mean?"

"This is different..." Fu Jing said: "Emperor Siyu was once the supreme power and the source of the Guanlan clan's bloodline. If I confront her head-on, I don't know how much power I will have left... This means It’s very likely that I won’t even be able to help you initiate the Nine-Nine Lotus Life.”

The actual golden elixir of Jiujiu Liansheng is the strongest ability that Lu Yu currently has. In the process of destroying the incarnation of Thousand Eyes Lord, it was this ability that allowed the two of them to survive successfully. If they follow Siyu in the future If the emperor had a head-on conflict, without the blessing of this ability, they would indeed be in a very passive situation.

It seems that while Lu Yu was exploring the secrets in Xu Zhiyang's head, Fu Jing had indeed not been idle. She had already thought of the possibilities of many problems.

"It doesn't matter. If you can't do it, you can't do it. We can't solve the problem only by relying on this ability. No matter how bad the situation is, we will find a solution." Lu Yu comforted softly.

Fu Jing nodded, but there was no sign of relief on his face. After a moment, he hesitated and said: "A Feng, can I ask you a question..."

"what is the problem?"

"If...I mean if, one day the same situation happens as before in the Temple of Hades, my body is occupied by someone else again, and all this is still led by my mother, what will you do then?"

Lu Yu's heart tightened and he asked, "Do you think Emperor Siyu will also take over your body?"

Fu Jing whispered: "She can even occupy the body of the former main hall of the Hades Temple. It will not be difficult to occupy me, not to mention that my birth was originally designed by her..."

Lu Yu clearly felt that her body was trembling slightly. Perhaps this was the most helpless moment for her. Not only had her mother abandoned him, but even the blood in her body had abandoned her... He couldn't help but hug her slightly. He tightened his grip, looked into her eyes, and said, "What do you think I will do?"

"I have no idea……"

Fu Jing turned away, not daring to look at her, "She is different from Qian Yanyanjun. If she takes over my body, she will also be able to exert the power of my blood, and she will do it better than me." …”

"This means that she can also do the things I can do for you now, and maybe she will do it better than me..."

"If you pass her test this time, maybe she will favor you and fully support you in launching a counterattack against Thousand Eyes Lord... In short, she will definitely be able to play a greater role than me. In that case, Maybe you can completely defeat your enemy!"

Fu Jing described softly.

Listening to her low tone, Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

He suddenly understood that this was the biggest fear in Fu Jing's heart - she was worried that her existence would be completely replaced by others, which meant complete obliteration from body to spirit.

"Do you really think so?" Lu Yu asked softly.

Fu Jing turned around again and mustered up the courage to look directly at him, but tears were already welling up in her eyes: "Can you answer the question I just asked?"

Lu Yu raised a hand, gently wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and smiled softly: "The fact that you would ask me such a question already explains everything... Just imagine, if these things you are worried about are really true It happened, that Emperor Siyu took over your body. She was very optimistic about me and decided to help me. She also hugged me like we are now... Do you think that at that time, she would tell you that she was with you? The same words?"

Fu Jing couldn't help but open her eyes wide, and stared at Lu Yu with a pair of clear bright eyes.

Lu Yu continued: "It is undeniable that Emperor Siyu is indeed very powerful. If the extreme situation you described really happens, it may indeed provide me with great help, but this help will only be temporary. Yes, it will never last long..."

"Don't you still understand? Everything we can do now is based on trust. You can trust me unreservedly and open your heart to me completely, and I can also trust you. You trust without hesitation and trust me with all my strength to become one with you... It is on this basis that we can exert the ultimate effect of Jiujiu Liansheng. If it were anyone else, you Do you think this can still be achieved?”

"The blood power of the Guanlan clan is important, but what really makes us successful is your spirit and your soul! I will never allow your soul to be erased. If anyone dares to try, then It’s a life-or-death situation with me! To me, your soul is unique and your existence is irreplaceable!”

After hearing these words, Fu Jing couldn't help but be completely stunned, with his mouth slightly open, unable to speak for a long time.

"How is it? Are you satisfied with this answer? Are you still worried now?" Lu Yu said with a smile.

"I...I..." Fu Jing was incoherent and lowered his head shyly.

Lu Yu said softly: "Actually, there is no need to say these words. You can feel some things yourself... When I was most desperate, I happened to meet you and found shelter temporarily under your protection; and Under my influence, you have gradually come into contact with the true meaning of power, and your cultivation level has rapidly improved. We have known each other since childhood, supporting each other, promoting each other, and growing together. For each other, this is a helpless time. Recreating the special experience... As the saying goes, it is difficult to recreate the experience. Since the experience cannot be replicated, the state of mind cannot be replicated either. Even if it is the same person and the same scene, it will not be the same as before. "

Fu Jing became even more embarrassed when she heard this. She was indeed affected by this sudden change... She said in a nonchalant voice: "I, I understand..."

"Do you really understand?" Lu Yu frowned deliberately, "After saying so much from the bottom of my heart, I originally thought you wouldn't be able to help but kiss me..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but blush, closed her eyes silently, then raised her face and stood on tiptoes.

Although the two had had close contact many times, it was the first time since they met that they had taken the initiative to kiss like this.

Lu Yu did not kiss her. Seeing the gorgeous beauty looking shy in front of him, looking like she was ready for you to take your pick, was pleasing enough in itself.

He stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on Fu Jing's charming red lips, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll let you pay the debt first! I have to continue working, otherwise, there is no way to find Emperor Siyu." The flaw comes!"

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