Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1992 Buying time

With a more energetic state of mind, Lu Yu began to read the deeper memories in Xu Zhiyang's sea of ​​consciousness.

This will be a very long process. Lu Yu also specifically explained to Fu Jing that this reading process will last for more than one day.

In view of this, Fu Jing did not stay by Lu Yu's side, but walked out of the Ark on the Other Side and patrolled various places in Fenghe Prefecture.

Since Lu Yu has no time to clone, many orders can only be conveyed by her. Not to mention her title of alliance leader, just because she can control the Miracle Sword, no one dares to disobey her orders.

In addition, there are the defense arrangements throughout Fenghe State. Although Xu Zhiyang kept saying that all the high-level officials of Hades Temple were dead, Fu Jing still did not dare to take it lightly. Besides, even just one Emperor Siyu could bring great damage to Fenghe Province.

Therefore, the first batch of people who were qualified to enter the Ark of the Other Side have not been called back for the time being, and they are still allowed to set up defenses everywhere in Fenghe State. Under Fu Jing's arrangement, they focused on the northeastern area of ​​Fenghe Prefecture, and also sent top experts as sentinels to guard all the way towards Junshui City. The range of the warning even exceeded thousands of miles. Once If there is any disturbance in the direction of Junshui City, Fenghezhou will be informed as soon as possible.

Although everyone had doubts about this, no one dared to question her decision, so they all followed the order. In an instant, various fortifications were erected, surrounding the northeastern stronghold of Fenghe Prefecture, becoming like a monolith.

Soon, the day passed by unconsciously.

Fu Jing was stuck for time and returned to the interior of the Ark. But when she returned to the Hall of Heroes, she found that Lu Yu had stopped reading Xu Zhiyang's memory and was standing silently next to the Six Peptide Cube. daze.

"What's wrong?" Fu Jing saw something was wrong with Lu Yu's expression and couldn't help but ask, "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, you're back..." Lu Yu came back to his senses and said, "Nothing went wrong. The memory reading process is going very smoothly. At present, I have mastered all the details since Emperor Siyu's awakening... I suddenly found out , one thing seems to be more difficult than I originally expected..."

Fu Jing was slightly startled: "How do you say that?"

Lu Yu said: "First of all, Xu Zhiyang did not lie, but he did not tell the whole story either. Emperor Siyu did kill the high-ranking officials of the Hades Temple, but it was not just for revenge, but more importantly, to absorb their power... "

Then, Lu Yu described to Fu Jing the scene that happened in the Devil's Heart Palace in Xu Zhiyang's memory, and finally concluded: "So, at this time, Emperor Siyu possesses the God of Hell, Golden Crow, Chenghuang, Fudou, and Ying at the same time. The power of recruiting a series of gods is equivalent to a combination of gods that combines the power of many gods. I have never seen such complex power appear in one person. "

Fu Jing asked softly: "Is this difficult to deal with?"

Lu Yu nodded: "If so many types of powers with completely different attributes appeared on someone else at the same time, I would say that his death is not far away. But since this person is Emperor Siyu, then it is natural that common sense cannot be used... First of all, from Xu Zhiyang Judging from her memories, the process of her absorbing these powers was very smooth, with almost no pressure; in addition, all of this was actually completed under the instruction of Lord Qianyanyan. Why do you think Lord Qianyanyan ordered the senior officials of Hades Temple to transfer the divine power? To her? I can't think of any other reason besides targeting me..."

"Based on these two points, I think Emperor Siyu will definitely be able to integrate these divine powers and perfectly combine them. When I was in the Hades Temple, the power of the four first-order gods increased exponentially when they joined forces, which caused a lot of trouble to me. Trouble... Now that Emperor Siyu has gathered the power of the gods into one body, her combination of changes will be richer, and her power will be doubled exponentially. In this case, if we face her head-on, even if we can continue as usual If you start the Nine-Nine Lotus Life, I'm afraid you won't have much chance of winning..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned: "Can't even resist Jiujiu Liansheng? Could it be that her power is stronger than the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube? Stronger than the strongest tribulation?"

Lu Yu said: "It's not that we can't resist, it's that we can't win... Jiujiu Liansheng is our strongest trick, but it can only be used as a passive defense. From this point of view, we are naturally at a disadvantage, and Emperor Siyu's power But it’s ever-changing and impossible to guard against.”

"So... what about your other trick? The infinite circle spell?" Fu Jing asked again.

Lu Yu shook his head: "The infinite circle is like a fishing net. It is made of the toughest material. Any fish that falls into the net will have difficulty escaping. But it can only be used to deal with ordinary fish. Compared to me, In terms of strength, Emperor Siyu is the great white shark in the deep sea. My fishing net cannot contain her at all..."

"So, we have no way to confront her head-on now. Seeking cooperation is the best way..." Fu Jing said in a low voice.

Lu Yu sighed softly: "It seems to be the case at the moment... But it's still early to draw a conclusion. When I look through Xu Zhiyang's memory again, I might be able to find a way to restrain myself! But I have no energy left now, and I need you. Come and add some more!”

With that said, he took Fu Jing over.

Fu Jing didn't resist and leaned into his arms gently.

The state of the ethereal realm was naturally activated.

"So, the key to the problem is time..."

Fu Jing found a comfortable position, rested her head on Lu Yu's shoulder, and continued to talk about the previous topic, "As long as there is enough time, all the problems will be solved... You also said before that you would repair this Ark on the other side. Will we be able to deal with the more powerful enemies of Bixiao Palace by then?"

"If we can repair the Ark on the other side, then the problem will be simple!"

Lu Yu said, "There are a total of three large attack arrays on this ark, called Heavenly Punishment, Kuangsha, and Nirvana. No matter which one of the three is repaired, it will be more than enough to deal with her! Even if a thousand are added, Your eyes are enough to make them die together!"

"Well...I understand." Fu Jing nodded.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled: "What do you understand?"

"I understand that we must try our best to buy time!" Fu Jing replied: "Time is on our side. As long as there is enough time, we are actually invincible! So, Afeng, let it go. Deal with her, if necessary, I can also be one of your bargaining chips!"

Lu Yu said in shock: "What are you talking about?"

Fu Jing raised her face and looked at Lu Yu's angular profile. Her bright eyes were as gentle as water: "A Feng, I have thought it through now. I understand your thoughts, so there is no hesitation in my heart." …”

"I'm telling you seriously. If an unfavorable situation really arises, you can use me as a means of blackmail to buy more time. Anyway, I was carefully cultivated by them, so I should still have some weight. Bar?"

Lu Yu was stunned for a while and then said: "I think it shouldn't be that bad..."

"But didn't you just say that Qian Yanyan's condition for her was to capture your soul?" Fu Jing said.

Lu Yu said: "That's the condition, but Emperor Siyu didn't agree directly...Besides, even if the worst happens, it won't be that easy for her to capture my soul!"

"Anyway...I will never allow that to happen!"

Fu Jing buried her head back on Lu Yu's chest and said in an extremely firm tone: "Even if she is the most powerful person, she will never allow it!"

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