Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1993 The Secret of Ether

After hearing Fu Jing's words, Lu Yu felt a warm current flowing through his heart, warm but also heavy.

Now he has a stronger motivation to continue exploring Xu Zhiyang's memory.

When his energy was restored, he immediately returned to "work".

After two days, Lu Yu's exploration of Xu Zhiyang's memory has reached a deeper level.

He not only understood the whole process from the Thousand Eyes Lord's order, to the endless debate among the high-level officials, to the Emperor Siyu's breaking the seal, but also understood many secrets inside the Netherworld Temple, and had a general understanding of the various resources owned by the entire Netherworld Temple.

He even found relevant information about a top-level resource...

The reason why the Guanlan Empire and the Netherworld Temple could coexist peacefully was to jointly mine a top-level rare treasure, which was not only extremely important to the Netherworld Temple, but also an indispensable material for the Guanlan clan to use for the final awakening...

However, Mrs. Ru was very secretive about this, and Fu Jing himself could not tell what it was, only knowing that it was extremely precious and difficult to obtain. Now, Lu Yu found relevant information in Xu Zhiyang's memory and knew that its name was "Ether".

This is a very magical substance with extremely low output, but it has a great effect. The high-level officials of the Hades Temple often use it to expand themselves and consolidate their divine power. The Guanlan clan can use it to awaken in the final stage, which should be based on a similar principle.

The reason why Emperor Siyu is so powerful may be that "Ether" plays a key role in it.

However, the information Lu Yu has mastered is just this. He doesn't even understand the specific mining process of "Ether", let alone want to understand the power composition of Emperor Siyu from this side.

"Don't even Xu Zhiyang know where 'Ether' comes from?" When Lu Yu synchronized this information to Fu Jing, Fu Jing asked in surprise.

"He really doesn't know." Lu Yu replied.

"There is a forbidden area called 'Ether Field' in the Hades Temple. Its defense level is even higher than that of the Demon Heart Temple that sealed Emperor Siyu. Only the successive chief halls of the Hades Temple are qualified to enter it."

"Every ten years or so, the Hades Temple will mobilize a large number of people, and a group of high-level officials will break the ether field. The chief hall will enter it in person and then take out some 'ether' materials from it... It has been like this for many years. The 'ether' used by the Hades Temple today comes from this."

"So, Xu Zhiyang only knows that 'ether' comes from the ether field. As for what is in the ether field and how this material is produced, he has no idea..."

Fu Jing was stunned: "If the source of this material is so mysterious, then how did the Guanlan Empire jointly mine with the Hades Temple a thousand years ago?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Now that the high-level officials of the Hades Temple are all dead, the only one who can answer this question is probably Emperor Si Yu herself ... There was another thing worth mentioning. After the Emperor Siyu re -controlled the Temple, she also entered the Etherium, and went straight to Junshui City after leaving Ether. "" She went in alone? " This is true. "Lu said," but the Emperor Si Yu has plundered the power of all the high -level halls of the underworld. Jun Shuicheng's ... what did she want to do? "Lu Yu shrugged:" Even Xu Zhiyang has no clue, and we can't guess ... "Fu Jing frowned. Her mother Mrs. Ru was still in Jun Shui City. There was no news back. At this time, the disclosure of the information could not help but get more worried. Lu Yu sighed lightly, and then continued: "No matter what she wants to do, we can't stop her. Instead of wasting time to worry about this problem, it's better to do our own thing first..."

"Next, I plan to change direction. Since we can't find the flaws and weaknesses of Emperor Siyu in Xu Zhiyang's memory, let's find a way to strengthen ourselves first!"

"In Xu Zhiyang's memory, I found that there are many resources in the Hades Temple that are very suitable for our current situation and can be used to repair this Ark of the Other Shore. Next, I will find out the specific location of these resources and then find a way to control them in our own hands... As long as this Ark can restore some of its functions, no matter what Emperor Siyu plans to do in Junshui City, we don't have to worry too much."

Fu Jing was stunned: "Is there enough time?"

Lu Yu looked at her and smiled: "Didn't you say before that you can use you as a bargaining chip to exchange time?"

Fu Jing couldn't help blushing.

She did have such a sense of self-sacrifice, but that was a last resort. Who would have thought that this guy was so touched yesterday, but now he brought it up so quickly?

"Don't worry! It's precisely because we don't want that to happen that we have to hurry up." Lu Yu stroked Fu Jing's hair and said with pity.

"Isn't Emperor Siyu busy with his own affairs in Junshui City? Xu Zhiyang is now in our hands again, which means that the Hades Temple is actually leaderless now... As long as I get those resources and materials from Xu Zhiyang's head, Once the information is sorted out, we’ll go and hunt for the bottom right away! This shouldn’t take long!”

Fu Jing's eyes lit up and she said, "Does this require a lot of manpower?"

"Of course, we are going to evacuate the possessions of the Hades Temple, so of course there will be more people to help!" Lu Yu said.

"We understand..." Fu Jing nodded, "I will start making arrangements after we go out later!"

Soon after, the two separated again.

However, just as they were busy preparing their robbery plan, an enchanting and beautiful figure appeared on the border of Fenghe Prefecture.

The strong men guarding the northeast stronghold suddenly felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, because this person arrived without any sound. However, when they all gathered around, they discovered that this person had actually disappeared for several days. Mrs. Ru.

"Uh...Madam, why are you here?" King Ye said in shock.

No wonder he was surprised. The news that Mrs. Ru left a letter and went north was not a secret. Everyone knew that she went to Junshui City alone, and now there are Fuxing Alliance sentries along the thousands of miles from Fenghe Prefecture to Junshui City. Detective, but did not receive any news, she suddenly appeared here, as sudden as a ghost.

"I'm back."

Mrs. Ru simply stated and answered everyone's questions.

"Where is Feng? I want to see him."

"Uh, Master Feng...we haven't seen each other for several days..." King Ye hesitated for a moment, and finally replied: "He should be among the miraculous treasures..."

Mrs. Ru looked up at the giant thing in the sky and muttered in a low voice: "The Ark on the other side..."

Immediately, there was a burst of flying sand and rocks, and when everyone reacted, Mrs. Ru's body had turned into a bright ray of light in mid-air, flying straight towards the Ark on the other side.

The strong wind pressure blew, and everyone finally regained their feet. They couldn't help but look in the direction of the escape light and sighed.

"Mrs. Ru's power seems to have become stronger..."

"Is this person really Mrs. Ru? If I hadn't seen the person, I would have thought it was the leader of the Crystal Alliance!"

"Is this the strength of the descendants of the Guanlan royal family?"

"It seems that her bloodline power has also awakened!"

"I don't know who is more powerful now compared to her and the leader of the Crystal Alliance..."

Only King Ye did not join the discussion and turned his attention to the direction of Junshui City.

Now he is even more curious about what happened in the distant old capital of Guanlan Empire.

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