Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1995 The Real Test

After hearing Lu Yu's words, Mrs. Ru's body stiffened slightly.

Fu Jing on the side was even more stunned.

As soon as she received the news that her mother was back, she hurried over. In her opinion, her mother's current state had surprised her. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu made an even more sensational judgment.

However, if you think about it carefully, this judgment is not impossible. With the power of Emperor Siyu, it will not be difficult to possess a certain person...

"What are you talking about? Are you trying to test me in this way?"

Mrs. Ru quickly returned to normal and said with a slight smile.

"Or are you denying my identity and thinking that I am possessed by Emperor Siyu, so that you can alleviate the guilt in your heart?"

As she spoke, she turned to look at Fu Jing again and sneered seductively: "If that's the case, then just think of me as Emperor Siyu!"

A good one who takes retreat in order to advance!

Fu Jing frowned and said, "The way you behave now does not look like her..."

Mrs. Ru smiled and said: "Do you feel how I felt at the beginning now? My silly daughter, after your bloodline power has been awakened one after another, is it not the same with me?"

"Maybe the feeling I give you now is indeed different from the past, but I don't think I have changed, it's just that I don't have to suppress my nature anymore... because strong power is my best confidence!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned.

Is this the nature of a mother?

Has she been suppressing herself for so many years?

For a moment, he was almost moved by the other party's words, and he couldn't help but look at Lu Yu next to him as if asking for help.

But Lu Yu was unmoved at all and sneered: "You still want to keep pretending?"

"Do you think I'm pretending?" Mrs. Ru frowned and turned around to ask.

Lu Yu shook off her hand and looked directly into her eyes: "Emperor Siyu, maybe you are very satisfied with your performance, but if you think that you can get away with such a performance in front of me, you are looking down on others. …”

"As you said, strong strength is the best confidence. Do you want to try and see if I can take off your panties!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu's body began to glow with golden light, and strange spell characters loomed around his body. The entire Hall of Heroes was instantly filled with a dangerous atmosphere.

Anyone who is familiar with him knows that this is a precursor to the imminent launch of the "Infinite Circle" spell.

Seeing this, Fu Jing calmly took a step sideways. Just this distance blocked all Mrs. Ru's escape routes.

People's moods will change with their own circumstances. She has experienced this deeply... She had indeed been shaken originally, but Lu Yu's insistent attitude at this time made her firm again. .

She believed that Lu Yu would never make a mistake. Since he was so sure, he must have a very solid basis.

So, she and Lu Yu attacked Madam Ru one after another.

The three of them were silent to each other, and the scene became a stalemate.

After a while, Mrs. Ru's attitude finally changed first. She smiled with trembling flowers, which only caused a white stormy wave in front of her.

"What a Lu Yu! You really surprised me. You are worthy of being the person who can put Qian Yan into sleep... It seems that you have indeed seen something!"

As she spoke, the clothes scattered on the ground flew back to her body one by one.

In a moment, she returned to her dignified and gorgeous attire, and her whole temperament also underwent earth-shaking changes, giving people a sense of superiority and untouchable distance.

At this time, Lu Yu's judgment was finally confirmed.

The woman in front of her is still Mrs. Ru on the outside, but she has been replaced by Emperor Siyu on the inside.

However, this scene made Fu Jing feel cold all over: "You are really the Great Emperor Siyu... What about my mother? What did you do to her?"

Emperor Siyu smiled lightly: "Silly boy... Yunru is my child just like you, how could I harm her? Don't worry, I'm just borrowing her body temporarily, she will be fine …”

Fu Jing felt a little at ease, but soon she noticed the other party's words - temporarily.

Since this is just a temporary decision, what will be her longer-term plan next? Would she still be willing to return to Wu Qibin's body that had experienced thousands of years of decay?

Emperor Siyu moved lightly and walked up to Lu Yu again. He stretched out his long, white fingers and gently touched the hidden incantation characters surrounding Lu Yu's body.

There is no doubt that this is a very dangerous move, but the overbearing spell characters appear extremely docile in her hands and do not have any backlash on her.

"Is this the rumored 'Infinite Circle'?"

Emperor Siyu said with great interest.

"When I heard Yunru talk about it before, I thought it was incredible. Now that I saw it with my own eyes, I realized that she was not exaggerating. Her statement was even biased. She simply did not understand the essence of this power..."

Emperor Siyu's eyes were full of admiration.

Lu Yu shook his head and then removed the spell characters around him.

He knew that the other party had seen through the truth. The "Infinite Circle" spell was not completely ready yet, and could only be used as a bluff... Moreover, since Mrs. Ru provided information, even if the spell was ready, it would not be ready. It is difficult to work because the other party is already on guard.

"Heard? I'm afraid you didn't get this information from her, right?" Lu Yu said.

Emperor Siyu said: "It seems that you have quite a lot of experience in the use of thoughts and consciousness. I haven't met someone as interesting as you for a long time... Yes, since I have integrated my thoughts with her body, then Nature also fully accepted her memory."

"This means that I now know all the little secrets between you. In a sense, you have no problem treating me as her..."

Emperor Siyu looked at him with a smile and even gave him a wink.

Lu Yu said: "Even if you have the same appearance, the same body as her, and know all about her experiences, you can't really be her... because every living being in the world is unique. Each has its own unique soul mark, and you can never completely replace another person."

Emperor Siyu's smile faded, he stood upright and said, "It seems that you really understand. Then you might as well tell me, what is my current state?"

As her expression changed, Lu Yu suddenly understood that the reason why Emperor Siyu possessed Mrs. Ru and came here was precisely to evaluate his overall strength.

The real test has officially begun.

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