Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1996 Derivation of Strength

Even though he knew this was a test, Lu Yu didn't like being in a passive situation this time. He even hoped to take the initiative in his own hands.

After pondering for a moment, he said calmly: "So, is this the real purpose of the Great Emperor's coming here this time? Are you working so hard just to test my abilities?"

Huo Siyu had a smile in his eyes: "Is this how you view my arrival? Rather than a test, I think this is more of an opportunity for communication... Frankly speaking, even without Yunru's memory, you alone can bring thousands of people together." The fact that your eyes are so gray is enough to make me have a strong interest in you, and after having these memories of Yun Ru, I am even more... obsessed with you. "


Lu Yu couldn't help but sneer: "The emperor's words are serious, I can't afford your favor... But having said that, I think even if I get your favor, if the result of this exchange does not satisfy you, I will probably be dead too. The end of war, right?”

Huo Siyu narrowed his eyes slightly: "You can't say that, I still have high expectations for you."

Fu Jing was listening to the sharpness in the two people's words. He was so nervous that he didn't even dare to take a breath. Considering the identities of these two people, although there was no tense situation on the surface, the danger was far more dangerous than it appeared on the surface. Real swords and guns, because they are all existences that can make people die suddenly and violently with just a thought.

"I wonder what specific aspect the emperor wants to communicate with me?" Lu Yu asked calmly.

Huo Siyu opened his arms and stood in front of Lu Yu, spinning in a circle: "Of course it's all aspects... I would like to ask you to comment on my current state."

“Every aspect needs to be reviewed?”

Lu Yu showed a troubled look, "Emperor, you are a bit pushy... The rest is fine, but the power of your bloodline is clearly inspired by the forcible accumulation of etheric matter, while I can't even put the etheric matter to the end. I haven’t touched anything yet, how should I evaluate this?”

Huo Siyu was startled and asked in surprise: "You already know the existence of 'ether'?" Then he turned his head and looked at Xu Zhiyang, who was like a puppet behind Lu Yu: "Did he tell you?"

"I 'read' it myself." Lu Yu chuckled and said: "Isn't this the purpose of the emperor sending him here? Haven't you ever thought that if you send him to test me, you will end up in front of me? No secrets?"

Huo Siyu's face showed a look of surprise for the first time. It was obvious that Lu Yu's efficiency in exploring the sea of ​​consciousness and mining memories had caught her by surprise.

However, this is only the beginning.

Immediately, Lu Yu continued: "The topic has gone too far... Although I am a little embarrassed, since you have raised the question, I will try to answer it!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu raised his hands and gathered a ball of light on his palms. He placed the ball of light between his palms as if holding a rubber ball.

While kneading it casually, he continued: "Although I have never been in contact with the 'ether' material and do not know its specific properties, I still have a deep understanding of the bloodline power of the Guanlan clan - all of which are naturally beneficial. Yu Jing'er..."

"In my opinion, there are only a few changes in the blood power of the Guanlan clan. Although the ether material accumulated in your body is a variable, it remains the same. I can still try to deduce it..."

"But let me state in advance that before this I have only seen Jing'er, a second-level awakened descendant of Guanlan, so I have not considered in depth that the second-level awakened bloodline power will show such diversity. All of this is I started to rethink it after seeing your condition. If there are any mistakes or omissions, please forgive me!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu's movements on his hands became faster and faster, and the ball of light was shaped into various forms of power...

At the beginning is the word "Guan Tian", which represents the true meaning of this world.

Then it transitioned to the word "Guanlan", which is closely related to the blood power of the Guanlan clan - Lu Yu had previously used the display of this character to make Fu Jing's whole body uncontrollably agitated... But that was already the first stage. Now Fu Jing has entered the second stage of awakening, and her power characteristics have become more complex. Just these two characters can no longer form a secret echo with her.

Soon, the word "Guanlan" changed into a brand-new character, more complex and exquisite, full of a meaningful meaning.

At the same time, Fu Jing behind him couldn't help but let out a soft "Ah", and his body couldn't stop shaking slightly.

It wasn't that someone had done anything to her, but just like when Lu Yu first revealed his identity, the appearance of this new character once again made the power in her body agitate. It was in order to suppress her own power that she issued the Such an exclamation.

"This character should be pronounced: Guanlan Ertai..." Lu Yu stared at the characters on his hand and analyzed them.

Although he had been in close contact with Fu Jing's power for a long time, this was the first time he made such a deduction.

Huo Siyu was also staring intently, his eyes full of admiration.

She was once the master of third-level awakening, so naturally she would not be unaware of the changes in power attributes. But being able to simplify the power attributes into character forms like Lu Yu, and still do it easily, let alone other people, is Even she herself may not be able to do it.

"This is the state of power in Jing'er's body at this time." Lu Yu continued, "As for you..."

He raised his head again and stared at Huo Siyu in front of him: "Don't move! This will take a while..."

As he spoke, his hands began to change again.

This time he spent more time.

But this is only a relative term. In fact, from the time he gathered the light group in his hand, it took less than half a quarter of an hour in total.

After a moment, he finally stopped.

At this time, another brand-new character appeared on his palm. Although the shape is roughly similar to the "Guanlan Two Forms" just now, there are still obvious differences in the details. This difference has a thrilling feeling.

Lu Yu put this new "Guanlan Two States" in front of Huo Siyu.

But it wasn't that he didn't speak. Instead, he kept comparing things back and forth, as if he was making final confirmation.

However, Huo Siyu's body could not stop trembling slightly, just like Fu Jing's reaction before, but without the "ah" exclamation.

"It seems like this, it should be almost done..."

Lu Yu was muttering to himself as he handed the characters on his hand to Huo Siyu, as if handing in his own answer sheet.

But just when Huo Siyu was about to take over the characters, Lu Yu suddenly took his hand back and said, "No, it's still a little short!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and drew a convoluted arc at the end of the character, connecting it to the front end of the character.

Suddenly, the entire character took on a new look, as if it had been given a brand new power.


At this time, Huo Siyu couldn't help but exclaimed. It was obvious that this brand-new character touched the power in her body on a deeper level. Her reaction said everything.

"It seems like this is it!" Lu Yu smiled proudly.

He held up the character in his hand and pointed it at Huo Siyu in front of him, as if through the character he could clearly see the essence of Huo Siyu in front of him.

"Emperor Siyu, thank you for your cooperation! If this is your power state, then... I think I have understood your weakness!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward. His fingertips were as sharp as swords, flashing with red light, and instantly cut off the last convoluted arc on the characters.

The structure of the entire character immediately becomes loose and quickly falls apart until it disappears and disappears.

After the character, Huo Siyu was also profoundly affected, as if his strength had been drained, he instantly collapsed.

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