Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1998 Free Choice

Lu Yu was not easily fooled by Huo Siyu's tone, but said very calmly: "So, if we cooperate, your final request is to get the key from Qianyanyanjun?"

"Of course this is the most ideal state." Huo Siyu replied, "But I know this is not a simple matter, so I won't rush it. I have survived it for thousands of years, so it doesn't matter if I wait a little longer. What? The most important thing is that I am optimistic about your future, and I believe you will not let me wait too long..."

Lu Yu said: "I'm afraid Qian Yanyanjun won't give us too much time... Since he has made conditions for you, he will definitely not sit back and watch us join forces. How do you plan to deal with him then?"

Huo Siyu said: "There is no need to worry about Qianyan for the time being. After his last advent ceremony was destroyed by you, he was almost in a semi-disabled state. It is impossible to recover without a period of deep sleep... And wait for him After recovery, if we want to regroup and come back, we will no longer be what we are now. I believe that the cooperation between you and me will be very promising. Our mutual strength will be greatly improved. By then, we will only be a Thousand Eyes Why should we be afraid?”

Lu Yu couldn't help but was slightly startled. He saw the fierce ambition in the other person's eyes... Although the image of this person was Mrs. Ru, the impression given to people was completely different, just like the supreme and powerful man with great talents and scheming thousands of years ago. Standing in front of him, he showed a heart-wrenching kingly aura.

But having said that, he does agree with Huo Siyu's point of view. Although it is not clear what kind of trump card Junshui City has, at least on his side, if he is given enough time, once he uses the functions of the Ark on the Other Side, If you recover, then there is nothing to worry about even if Thousand Eyes Lord makes a comeback.

"Of course, Thousand Eyes is not alone. Behind him is a very powerful force. He also has many powerful subordinates. Even if he falls into a deep sleep, this matter will definitely still happen. There are others following, so to be on the safe side, we’d better release some false news to paralyze them, so as to buy us more time.” Huo Siyu added.

"What kind of fake news?" Lu Yu asked.

Huo Siyu looked Lu Yu up and down and said, "Don't they want your soul? But for such a powerful guy like you, how can it be so easy to peel off your soul? Then we can make a plan to create I pretended that you had been captured and imprisoned by me. On the surface, I was working hard on how to peel off your soul, but in fact, secretly, we were developing separately, silently accumulating strength. When the mystery was finally revealed, then they It’s too late to regret it!”

Lu Yu frowned: "Will they believe you? What if they directly ask you to hand me over?"

Huo Siyu smiled and said: "This is the subtlety of the whole thing. They really won't believe me, just like I won't believe them. Even if they knew that I was deliberately delaying, they wouldn't have thought that we were secretly delaying. If they join forces, they will only think that I am raising the price and want to take the opportunity to negotiate terms with them... When the time comes, I will handle these details personally, and I will be measured. If everything goes well, at least I can Give us one or two years, I think, one or two years is enough to change a lot of things.”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

If it were before, he was not sure what kind of achievements he could make in one or two years... But now, he has clearly grasped the distribution of resources in Hades Temple, plus the resources of the entire Renaissance Alliance. Full support, if you give him a year or two, maybe he can really let the Ark of the Other Side sail into the starry sky again.

"How's it going? Do you still have any questions?" Huo Siyu looked at him with a smile and asked.

"Of course there are still questions, but they are all trivial issues. We can leave them to be discussed later..." Lu Yu replied, "Now, there is the last core question!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu glanced at Fu Jing opposite.

Obviously, the last core issue is one related to her.

Fu Jing couldn't help but feel at a loss. Although she knew that Lu Yu was fighting for his own destiny, her heart was still full of fear and anxiety.

Huo Siyu looked back at Fu Jing and said with a smile, "Do you like her?"

Lu Yu replied: "I have promised her that I will take her to more distant and beautiful star fields."

Huo Siyu smiled softly: "Do you think I will interfere with her freedom? Or even prevent you from making a promise to him?" As she said that, she turned around completely and faced Fu Jing completely: "Silly boy , what do you think I will do to you?"

As she spoke, she walked gently to Fu Jing, reached out and grabbed a strand of black hair on Fu Jing's shoulder, and fumbled with it gently, her eyes full of love.

Fu Jing was originally very nervous, but she still managed to endure it. However, when she saw the love in the other person's eyes, she couldn't help but be stunned. For a moment, she thought her mother was back.

"Let me guess, do you think that I have done so many things just to occupy your body?" Huo Siyu said to himself.

Fu Jing didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Lu Yu didn't have any scruples and asked from behind: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not!" Huo Siyu replied. She looked at Fu Jing in front of her with admiration in her eyes: "This is indeed a flawless body. It can be said to be the highest achievement of the entire Guanlan ethnic group for thousands of years... But in fact, you don’t exist to satisfy my possession needs!”

As she said that, she turned back and faced Lu Yu again: "Possession is not that simple. Although I am possessing Yunru very easily now, that's because Yunru If you have a very high level of awareness and can fully accept me wholeheartedly, if you do not reach the corresponding level of awareness, forcibly possessing me will only be counterproductive..."

"I won't hide it from you. I do have a set of plans and arrangements for Jing'er and have higher expectations, but all of this can only be chosen by her. I will not forcefully interfere in this."

"If she wants to choose to go to other distant galaxies with you, that is her freedom, and I will not interfere; but if she makes another choice in the future, I hope you can understand that it is also her freedom!"

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