Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1999 Hit it off

"Do you believe her?" Fu Jing asked.

At this time, Huo Siyu temporarily left the Hall of Heroes, ostensibly saying that he wanted to visit various places on the Ark on the Other Side, but in fact, he deliberately left space for the two of them to be alone so that they could discuss it.

Lu Yu did not stop this. Huo Siyu already had all of Mrs. Ru's memories. The situation inside the Ark on the other side was no longer a secret to her. Moreover, judging from her previous behavior of running into the Hall of Heroes silently, Even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

"Half and half!" Lu Yu replied with thoughts in his eyes, as if he was still thinking about Huo Siyu's remarks just now.

Fu Jing was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Lu Yu to give such an answer, and couldn't help but ask, "Why do you say that?"

Lu Yu looked deeply and analyzed: "Emperor Siyu is an extremely smart person. At the same time, as a once arrogant and powerful person, she has always been arbitrary. People like her will not trust anyone easily. She will only Believe in herself... So, even though she wanted to talk to me just now and seemed very satisfied with me, she would never put all her treasure on me. This means that her trust in me is Those who have reservations will also have reservations in what they say.”

Fu Jing's heart sank: "You mean, she was lying just now?"

"It's not a lie, it's just a reservation." Lu Yu corrected.

"The highest level of lies is half-truth and half-falsehood. Partial facts are used to hide the unknown truth, so as to achieve the effect of making it difficult for people to distinguish between true and false... With the wisdom of Emperor Siyu, she naturally knows this truth , so she will not use simple lies to deceive me, she will only selectively tell us part of the truth, but that is by no means the whole story..."

"For example, she said that by breaking the shackles of this world, the original appearance of the world can be restored. At that time, the bond between the Guanlan clan and the entire world will be fully reflected, and she will even name the origin of the Guanlan clan... I believe this It is indeed a fact, but what else? Is it just the effect of revealing the true face of the world? I believe it will not be that simple. If it is just like this, there seems to be no need to change the world. With her current appearance, there may be more serious consequences when the time comes, but she is just deliberately avoiding the serious consequences..."

"For another example, she said that she wanted me to cooperate with her to fool Qian Yanjun, which has achieved the purpose of delaying time... Qian Yanjun is not a fool. Since he dares to trade with Emperor Siyu who has been sealed for thousands of years, he will definitely not If we don't guard against her, she might have some kind of trump card to restrict Emperor Siyu... If we cooperate with Emperor Siyu honestly, then halfway through the acting, I won't have any problem if she suddenly pretends to be real. It’s unexpected, because it’s human nature.”

Fu Jing was stunned when she heard what Lu Yu said. In fact, she could understand these truths if she thought about it carefully, but she couldn't be as sharp, accurate and decisive as Lu Yu.

"So, we can't cooperate with her..." Fu Jing frowned slightly.

She was not regretting it, but it was just that there would be a lot of trouble in the future, the most obvious one being that she would soon face the threat of Emperor Siyu.

Lu Yu said: "We still need to cooperate, but we need to be more careful. Anyway, I think both she and we urgently need to delay time. Even if the buffer period of one or two years she said cannot be realized, we can It’s also nice to fold it in half!”

Fu Jing said in shock: "But didn't you just say that she doesn't trust us wholeheartedly? What if it's like you said, and halfway through the acting, she suddenly pretends to be real?"

Lu Yu said: "Even if she wants to fake it, it will be done in the future. It is better than falling out with her directly now, isn't it? The most important thing is that we have no choice about the current situation. We will ask for compromise." Buying time is the best way. As for the possible fallout situation that we may face in the future, there is nothing we can do about it... But I believe that by then we will definitely have more resources than we do now, because time is on our side. On one side!”

"I understand." Fu Jing nodded, then looked like he was hesitant to speak.

In fact, she wanted to ask Lu Yu what he thought about Emperor Siyu's last words, about her saying that she would not interfere with her own choice... But as Lu Yu just said, that is all for the future. , maybe the two parties had already fallen out before that, and she didn't need to worry about such a long time ago.

However, Lu Yu saw through her inner thoughts at a glance and said, "Do you want to ask if she is lying about her arrangements for you?"

Fu Jing nodded sheepishly: "What do you think?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "As I said before, we can only listen to half of what she said. Maybe she won't force you to make any choice openly, but it's not necessarily true that she will take advantage of the situation secretly, and from Judging from her determined tone, this is almost certain..."

"Taking advantage of the situation?" Fu Jing was confused for a while: "What kind of situation will she be able to take advantage of?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the restoration of the world. By then, maybe not only the source of the Guanlan clan's bloodline will explode, but other major things will inevitably happen, so that the situation will completely change. ...Otherwise, I really can’t figure out why she is so sure!”

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned. However, from her current position, she could not imagine what kind of situation would change that would cause her to give up her current ideas and part ways with Lu Yu...

After experiencing so many things, in her opinion, no one or anything can change her current mind, not even her mother!

"Okay, no need to make groundless guesses!" Lu Yu said, "No matter what the truth of the matter is, this should happen a long time later. Maybe by then we will all have left here on the Ark of the Other Side... ...Even if you don’t leave, it would be better to come back and consider this matter later when you get more information than to just guess without a clue now!”

Fu Jing nodded and decided not to bother herself about this matter... Lu Yu was indeed right. As time goes by, everything will eventually come to light. More importantly, she has confidence in herself. She has found light in her heart. direction, how can we turn our backs on the light?

"Then what should we do next?" Fu Jing asked.

"Then let's cooperate!" Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Since she is the great emperor of the Guanlan Empire, and the first program of our Renaissance Alliance is to revive the Guanlan Empire, don't we just hit it off?"

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