Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2000 Guanlan Restores the Country

Lu Yu soon found Huo Siyu again and told her of his decision to re-establish the Guanlan Empire.

"Guanlan Jianguo?" After hearing Lu Yu's thoughts, Huo Siyu was a little surprised, "Why do you have such thoughts?"

Lu Yu said: "Isn't this natural? The first program established by the Renaissance Alliance is to revive the Guanlan Empire. Now you have effectively disbanded the Hades Temple. How can you maintain this without a strong political authority? A new world order? How can we effectively mobilize various resources to achieve the goal of resisting powerful enemies in the near future?

Huo Siyu suddenly realized: "Are you interested in the family wealth in Hades Temple? Scheduling resources is your real request, right?"

Lu Yu did not hide anything, and admitted openly: "Since you have fully accepted Yunru's memory, you should know that our original intention to capture the Hades Temple was not just to save Jing'er, but also to In order to obtain their massive resources, those resources are indeed very important to us now! ”

Huo Siyu looked around at this vicissitudes of life, ancient, but extremely majestic urban complex, and said: "Are you really sure that you can restore it? Just by relying on a bunch of guys from the Earthly Realm to imitate giant dragons here habits?”

Before Mrs. Ru left for Junshui City, she had been comprehending the power of the Dragon God and practicing dragon mimicry here. Therefore, Huo Siyu naturally knew what they had done here before, and used the term "imitating the dragon" to describe it. It is indeed very appropriate to summarize their actions here.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It all depends on people. How can you know if you don't try? Anyway, this is the worst limit, so there won't be any other harm, right?"

Although he used an uncertain tone, his relaxed attitude still showed his confidence to a certain extent.

Huo Siyu said: "I hope you can succeed... If you can really repair this legendary artifact, even if you only repair part of it, I will praise you! It will even make our enemies stunned!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "So, don't we still need your full support, Emperor?"

"There is no problem in supporting you in this regard." Huo Siyu said, "Anyway, you know that most of those things are equivalent to Qianye's family fortune, so there is nothing to feel bad about for me... But regarding the founding of Guanlan, I don't know Who do you intend to nominate as the first throne after the restoration of the country? "

"Who else could it be?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Of course it's you, the Emperor. A thousand years ago, you were the supreme king and the supreme power of the entire Guanlan clan. Now that you are reborn from the ashes and the king has returned, it is natural that you should take this position... Besides, in order to deal with Qianyan Jun, is there anyone more suitable than you?"

"Listening to what you said, I really should do my part..." Huo Siyu said, "However, there is a more difficult problem now, that is, it is not convenient for me to hold the enthronement ceremony..."

Lu Yu couldn't help being startled and narrowed his eyes slightly, "How do you say this? What do you mean it's not convenient?"

Huo Siyu glanced at Fu Jing next to him and said: "Aren't you also always curious about what my soul body is busy with in Junshui City? I won't hide it from you, I am choosing someone who can fully accept me. A suitable body with all the power... So, you should be able to understand now, right? I did not lie to you before, I never intended to choose you as the object of possession..."

Fu Jing couldn't help being stunned. She has indeed always been wary of the other party. Even if the other party has made a clear promise, she can't help but worry. After all, the other party is too powerful and has too many incredible means to achieve his goals... But she did not expect that the other party will now further provide Proved.

Lu Yu asked: "Where did the possessed object come from?"

Huo Siyu said: "Of course these are some preparations I have made secretly over the years. If you really dig out enough secrets from Xu Zhiyang, you will understand that I have not accomplished nothing in these years. I have also made many arrangements secretly. of……"

Lu Yu and Fu Jing couldn't help but fell silent at the same time. They knew this very well. Even Fu Jing's birth was part of her secret arrangement. How could they not understand what she had done over the years?

"In short, this is not a simple matter. It will be a very long process... If you want to know more details, you can go to Junshui City to take a look." Huo Siyu added.

Lu Yu was slightly startled: "Are you inviting me? If everything is as you said, then this process should involve many secrets. Aren't you afraid that I will see your secrets?"

Huo Siyu smiled and said: "I am indeed inviting you, because I think your arrival will speed up the process for me. As for what is secret or not, I think there should be no secrets between us. You What do you think?”

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown slightly, and couldn't help but think about what was the intention behind Huo Siyu's actions?

Is it really as simple as she said, just to advance the progress of her possession? Or is there another trap hidden?

"How is it? Have you thought it through?" Huo Siyu continued to smile and said, "If you really plan to promote the founding of Guanlan, then go to Junshui City as soon as possible. In this way, you can also get the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible. The resources at the temple.”

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Is this the condition I must exchange if I want to get the resources of Hades Temple?"

Huo Siyu's smile was as bright as a flower: "How can we say it's an exchange? It's just mutual help. Since I help you get the resources you want, it's not too much for you to come to Junshui City to help me, right?"

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