Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2001 Fantasy Plan

After some thought, Lu Yu finally decided to accept Huo Siyu's invitation and go to Junshui City to "help each other" with her.

He first informed Fu Jing of his decision and said that he would go alone with Huo Siyu.

Fu Jing couldn't help showing a worried expression and said, "Have you really decided? Can't you just not go?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Although I have found information about various resources of Hades Temple from Xu Zhiyang's memory, even if we only rely on our own strength, we can still get these resources in hand, it is just to spend more time... But If Emperor Siyu deliberately tries to trip us up, he can still cause us a lot of trouble. In order to avoid such a situation, I'd better take this trip!"

"Besides, if I don't take this trip and see what's going on in Junshui City, I won't be able to feel at ease... On the contrary, by taking this trip, I can guarantee that at least she will focus all her energy on me. I don’t have to worry about him causing trouble here! In this way, we can continue to move forward according to the original plan..."

"But, have you ever thought that if there is a trap over there, you will be in a very dangerous situation, and we will not be able to give you any assistance." Fu Jing said.

Lu Yu said: "It is indeed possible, but I think it is unlikely. After all, she has just walked out of the Demon Heart Palace. Relatively speaking, she is still at a relatively weak stage. She chose to fall out with me at this time. There is no benefit to her...and this is a problem that cannot be avoided. We will all take this risk sooner or later, but taking it now is less risky."

"So you have already thought about it..." Fu Jing said, "Then... do you want me to go with you?"

Lu Yu still shook his head: "We have already evaluated it before. If there is a head-on conflict with Siyu, even activating the Nine-Nine Lotus Life will be of no avail... Under such circumstances, it doesn't matter whether you go or not. On the contrary, It would be more meaningful for you to stay here and continue to steadily advance the plan we made before. "

Fu Jing looked into Lu Yu's eyes and said: "Although I can control your Galaxy Sword, you are the core of everything here. If you are not here, let's not talk about other things, just the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill." If the supply cannot be guaranteed, how can we continue to advance the previous plan?”

Lu Yu said: "The top priority is to ensure that everyone can continue to understand the power of the Dragon God and become more familiar with the operation of the dragon mimicry. Everything else is secondary and can be put aside first."

Fu Jing couldn't help but frowned: "But without enough Red Flame Dragon Control Pill, how can we guarantee this."

To a certain extent, the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill is equivalent to a medium. Only through it can a group of strong men master the power of the dragon. Without this medium, naturally nothing can be discussed.

However, after hearing Fu Jing's words, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile: "That's not necessarily true... Do you still remember what I told you? There are many skeletons of dragon clan warriors buried under the Hall of Heroes. Using The special force field there can open up an illusion. In this illusion, even if you don't take the Red Flame Dragon Control Pill, you can still control the dragon's mimicry... Such an effect will only appear in the illusion, and once you leave, it will There won’t be any dragon power left, so this approach doesn’t make much sense, but it’s perfect for practice!”

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a while. Lu Yu had indeed mentioned before that the Hall of Heroes could be transformed into an illusion place to assist in practice, but he did not say at that time that this illusion could achieve such an effect...if this could really be achieved. , that would save a lot of trouble, at least I don’t know how much can be saved in the loss of elixirs!

"Is this really achievable?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu nodded: "It's theoretically possible, but it's still a bit troublesome to implement. Originally, I didn't plan to start this step so quickly. After all, this illusion was transformed from the dragon's graveyard. If I want to There is a certain threshold required to enter it... However, at this moment, at that moment, there happened to be ready-made helpers to help me complete this matter, and by the time the current elixir inventory is exhausted, it is estimated that most of them will have reached this threshold. "

"Are you planning to ask Emperor Siyu to help?" Fu Jing said in astonishment.

Lu Yu replied: "Didn't she say it herself, we want to help each other? I think she has no reason to reject me... I will complete this matter before leaving!"

Fu Jing didn't know what to say for a moment. It was obvious that Lu Yu had thought everything through.

Lu Yu continued: "When this illusion is completed, although it is just an illusion, it still has a certain degree of danger. Someone must be on duty at all times to ensure safety before it can be put into use... And in the entire Renaissance Alliance, the only one who can It is estimated that you and Guo Kun are the only two people responsible for this important task. Even if Guo Kun is allowed to sit here alone, it is still a bit reluctant. It is best for the two of you to work together to supervise this place, so as to avoid accidents to the greatest extent. So as not to lose manpower... So, this is another reason why I hope you stay!"

Fu Jing nodded, now she completely understood Lu Yu's intention.

Not to mention that the first batch of selected personnel were already good players in the Renaissance League, and it took a huge amount of resources to train them to be qualified enough to enter the Hall of Valor.

Even if sufficient resources are obtained from the Hades Temple, the process of repairing the Ark on the Other Side in the future will still require these strong men who can master the dragon's mimicry to play a vital role. Every strong person who can enter the illusion of the Hall of Valor will be extremely precious and will definitely be the elite among the elite.

From this point of view, such losses are unbearable for them.

"I understand." Fu Jing finally replied softly.

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