Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2003 Gathering sand to form a tower

In the dark world, there were bursts of shrill roars, like the cold wind howling in the dark night, and some kind of giant beast wailing, which was terrifying.

Lu Yu had seen a similar scene before. When he broke the dragon seal in Wanlong Cave, he once walked through a field full of broken eggshells. There were also many dragon remnant souls there, but they were just small witches in comparison. It's just a big witch. After all, the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave was formed after the Ark of the Other Shore landed in the great world of Huangtian. It was just a relic of the dragon clan's multiplication and reproduction, and the Hall of Heroes here was built even earlier, and the last person's bones were buried in it. The dragon warriors are also older than Emperor Sainty who guarded the outer shell of the Ark until his death.

"How many giant dragons are there in total here?" Huo Siyu asked Lu Yu, his eyes extremely bright in the darkness.

It can be seen that she is also very surprised by the atmosphere here, but there is not much fear in it. From this point of view, Lu Yu is indeed right to choose her as his helper. If it were replaced by someone else, even Fu Jing would not be afraid. It is impossible to be completely unaffected.

"I don't know either. I have to ask you this question. Anyway, you will be responsible for the statistics later..." Lu Yu said.

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be startled: "What are you talking about?"

Lu Yu said: "In other words, you will be responsible for sorting out the remnant souls of the giant dragon that are raging here. Although you are just a remnant soul... But with your ability as the great Emperor Siyu, this shouldn't be a difficult task. ”

"What about you? What are you responsible for?" Huo Siyu looked sideways at Lu Yu.

"Of course I am responsible for reintegrating them." Lu Yu replied, "Only through division of labor and cooperation in this way can we complete the project as soon as possible. I believe you don't want to delay here for too long, right?"

Huo Siyu said: "Are you trying to punish me? Are you deliberately trying to make me suffer here?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "How about we switch? I'll be responsible for sorting out the remaining souls, and you'll be responsible for integrating the force field here?"

Huo Siyu stared at him for a moment, and finally shook his head and said with a smile: "Forget it, just suffer a little bit! I also want to see what kind of integration method you want... Then let's Let’s get started!”

After saying that, she strode forward.

Soon, a huge dragon figure appeared in the darkness, stood in front of her, and let out a terrifying roar and breath at her.

It seemed that the momentum was extremely terrifying, but Huo Siyu was fearless and walked into the breath without dodging, and then the huge dragon figure shattered into pieces.

Naturally, it's not that her power is strong enough to ignore the dragon's breath, but because all this is just an illusion, an illusion created by the dragon's remnant soul and force field.

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up. The sudden disappearance of the giant dragon's figure meant that the dragon's remnant soul had been shattered in an instant. Such efficiency and speed showed that he had indeed seen Huo Siyu correctly. Although the other party was only a ray of remnant soul possessing Mrs. Lu, She has unique insights into the attack of thoughts.

Of course, Lu Yu can achieve such efficiency, but his attack method is relatively simple - he can wrap up the star map all over the sky in his mind with just one move, which is equivalent to squeezing extremely complex information into one place. , and then throw it towards the opponent at once, achieving the effect of smashing the opponent like a bomb. This can indeed achieve the efficiency of killing with one hit, but the consumption is also very huge. If he is responsible for "combing", he will definitely not be able to do it as easily as Huo Siyu.

"What are you still doing? Why don't you hurry up and integrate?" Huo Siyu reminded from the front.

After a pause, he continued: "How about we make a bet? Let's see whether I am faster at sorting out or you are more efficient at integrating... If anyone loses, he must agree to a condition, that's it It’s agreed, it’s a deal!”

After saying that, without waiting for Lu Yu's response, she stepped forward again, heading towards another remnant soul of the giant dragon.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned for a while, and then he smiled bitterly.

It seems that she is planning to play rogue. Regardless of whether she agrees or not, she must do what she wants...

However, this also aroused his desire to win. If it were purely based on "combing" speed, he would most likely not be able to beat her. But if it was compared with "combing" speed, then the integration efficiency would be different. You may not necessarily lose!

As a result, Lu Yu began to activate the power in his body to integrate the chaotic force field around him.

The work the two were doing at this time was equivalent to building building blocks. Huo Siyu obtained the building block fragments by constantly destroying the dragon's remnant souls, while Lu Yu used his own unique way to continuously restore these building block fragments, turning them into A brand new brick castle.

For ordinary people, the former's job is definitely easier than the latter's, but Lu Yu has special experience in reshaping force fields, so he is better at this part.

These giant dragon remnant souls no longer have any independent consciousness. They completely followed their instincts in life to form a special force field. Therefore, the actions of the two did not damage the place, but allowed them to find complete rest.

Soon, Huo Siyu sorted out four or five dragon remnant souls in succession. Just as he was about to turn around and show off to Lu Yu, he unexpectedly discovered that Lu Yu had been following him. While he was surprised, he could not help but gradually become more competitive. So without saying a word, she speeded up again.

As the two secretly competed against each other, the entire dark underground world seemed to be gathering into a tower of sand, slowly undergoing subversive changes bit by bit.

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