Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2004 Everyone has secrets

In the deep and dark lower world, no one knows how much time has passed.

"How's it going? Are you okay? Do you want to take a rest?" Huo Siyu asked from the front.

Lu Yu focused on the changes in the force field around him, without raising his head, and replied: "You are okay, how could I not be okay... But if you want to take a rest, I don't care."

"Stop showing off!" Huo Siyu said again: "You may not know that I have a special knack for the offensive of soul thoughts. Otherwise, how do you think I could occupy Wu Qibin's body in such a disadvantageous situation? In addition, Thousand Eyes also asked me to take your soul and exchange it with him. You don’t doubt whether my ability can do it. Do you think that all this is without reason? "

"Oh? What's the reason?" Lu Yu asked pretending to be surprised.

Huo Siyu laughed, "Don't try to trick me... If you admit defeat, how about I tell you this secret?"

Lu Yu also laughed: "It's impossible for me to admit defeat. As long as I win you, I can also know this secret... If you can't persist, then quickly admit defeat!"

After another long period of time passed.

Huo Siyu finally lived up to his previous vigor and said in a consultative tone: "How about we call it a draw for the time being and continue after we have a good rest?"

In fact, Lu Yu had already reached the end of his strength. He was just lifting it in one breath. When he saw this, he immediately borrowed the donkey from the slope and said: "I agree... we will continue the competition later!"

So, the two finally stopped.

They looked at each other silently, unable to say a word for a while.

"So this is your limit..." Huo Siyu said with regret, "If I had known this, I should have persisted a little longer!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "Stop talking nonsense, isn't this your limit? If you can continue to persist, I don't believe you will make such a request!"

Huo Siyu was speechless and could only laugh at himself.

After a while, both of them gradually recovered some remaining strength.

Huo Siyu suddenly burst into flames and threw himself on Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was startled immediately, and then he realized that the other party did not have any malicious behavior, but was just tightly wrapped around him. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Great Emperor... what are you doing?"

Huo Siyu's eyes flashed with seductive colors: "What else can we do? Let's enter the ethereal realm together to restore our vitality. Haven't you and Yunru done this many times before?"

Lu Yu suddenly felt uncomfortable: "Emperor, please respect yourself... I think we should have other ways to solve this problem..."

"Other ways?" Huo Siyu smiled, "What other ways? Do you mean calling Jing'er over? That will only solve your problem at most, but it won't solve my problem... Besides, you can't You don’t want to see me using Yunru’s body to solve problems with other people, do you?”

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "But... this really doesn't work. When I think about your identity, I will have a psychological barrier..."

"Is it?"

Huo Siyu smiled lowly, and then took the initiative to move his hands up and down Lu Yu. After just a few simple gestures, Lu Yu could no longer control himself.

"Haha... I don't think this is an obstacle. At least your body is still very honest!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look embarrassed, and then he remembered that Mrs. Ru once said that Huo Siyu had taught her various postures when she was being trained in the Hades Temple. When it came to the skill of seducing men, she was definitely a master. Class.

Huo Siyu smiled softly and continued: "You don't have to pretend anymore... I know that my current status should make you very excited. All my concubines were like this in the past!"


Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He never thought that one day he would fall into such a situation and be compared to himself with such words...

However, he could not make any rebuttal, because the two of them had indeed entered the ethereal realm, and this state was enough to explain everything.

"Okay, Emperor, since this is the case, let's hurry up and recover! Don't say anything else. This is my bottom line, okay?" Lu Yu said helplessly.

Huo Siyu smiled seductively: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you...but it should be okay if we talk about other things, right?"

"What to talk about?"

"For example, when you integrated the force field just now...where are you from? Can we achieve this?" Huo Siyu said in surprise.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and asked: "You ask this, which in itself shows that your origin is not simple... Then what is your origin, Great Emperor?"

The competition between the two people before was not just a battle of fighting spirit, but also a kind of mutual testing and mutual understanding...

In Huo Siyu's opinion, Lu Yu's soul power was incredibly powerful, but in Lu Yu's opinion, her soul power was also the same?

However, Lu Yu is very clear about his true identity. He possesses the seed of lotus and has been tempered by the stars since he was a child. His mind and spirit are now strong enough because they were born out of the Nine Turns of Nirvana and refined by the secrets of the starry sky. The result... But what did Huo Siyu rely on?

No matter what she relied on, it couldn't be simply because of the blood power of the Guanlan clan.

Bloodline power and spiritual power are two completely different categories.

She must have had an extremely special experience, which allowed her to grow into a supreme power a thousand years ago, even to the point where she could arm-wrestle with Thousand Eyes Lord, and she was resurrected again a thousand years later with a ray of residual soul.

"Why do Qianyan want to get your soul at all costs? What exactly do they want to use your soul for?" Huo Siyu asked again.

Lu Yu also responded: "According to the information in Xu Zhiyang's memory, Thousand Eyes King gave ten divine powers to ten priests thousands of years ago before sealing the Great Emperor... It means that he also spent a huge price on you. , why is this? Can't we just kill it?"

Huo Siyu giggled, but did not answer directly, saying: "It seems that we all have many secrets!"

"It doesn't matter. As we get closer in the future, I believe that one day, you will be willing to tell me all your secrets... Of course, I will not hide my secrets from you!"

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