Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2005 The illusion is completed

There were no further accidents. After the two regained their strength, they completed the renovation of the entire underground cemetery of the Hall of Heroes in one go.

At this time, the scene of the entire underground cemetery has completely changed. The original darkness has been swept away, turning into a very empty and huge world with mountains, rivers, green grass and trees, and the most important thing is that there is a Huge mountains with very strange shapes are suspended in mid-air, as if the outside world is reappearing here.

But to say that it is a complete reproduction is not necessarily true, because this huge and strangely shaped mountain range is obviously different from the upside-down mountain range above Fenghezhou. It obviously has many holes on it, and it looks like a huge cheese.

All of this is naturally not real, it is all an illusion after being transformed by Lu Yu and Huo Siyu.

"Why does this place look like this?" Huo Siyu asked in surprise, "Is there anything special about this mountain?"

"If you want to talk about the reasons, there are some..." Lu Yu replied, "This mountain was modeled after a scene in my memory. It was originally a place where the dragon tribe lived, and its name is Panlong Realm Mountain. "

Huo Siyu said in astonishment: "It turns out that the place where the giant dragon lives is like this. This finally opens my eyes!"

Lu Yu shook his head and said nothing.

In fact, compared to the Ark on the other side, Panlong Realm Mountain is nothing at all. The dragon clan has probably been traveling long distances and reproducing in the Ark for a longer time, so this place has turned into a majestic giant city.

"I didn't expect that with your meager cultivation, under the blessing of huge thoughts and consciousness, you could transform this place to such an extent. Although it is because of the special environment here... but it is already very amazing! "

Huo Siyu praised again.

"Now, even I can't help but almost believe that maybe you can really repair this legendary artifact and let it sail into the starry sky again!"

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Do you believe it now? I have never doubted this... But don't be too busy boasting, wait until you see the results of Jing'er and Guo Kun's test!"

Huo Siyu said: "They have been in the illusion for so long. Since there has been no special situation, it means there is no problem!"

Lu Yu said calmly: "Until the last moment, let's take a look first and then talk!"

After a while, the sky suddenly shook faintly, and a strong light burst out from the Panlong Realm Mountain. Two huge dragons emerged from the holes and flew towards the two of them.

Huo Siyu smiled and said: "How is it? You should feel relieved now!"

Lu Yu didn't answer, but a smile couldn't help but appear on his face. Until this moment, his heart was completely relieved.

These two giant dragons naturally evolved from Fu Jing and Guo Kun. One of them is a Tianjing dragon whose body is covered with crystal rocks, and the other is a colorful five-color dragon.

You know, when they first entered here, they could only transform into the lowest form of fire dragon. Now they can freely evolve to this level here. Although Lu Yu gave them special advice, it at least shows that The illusion here can already run stably.

Since the two of them can achieve such an evolution, it is natural that other people can also achieve such an evolution... This evolutionary process can achieve the effect of practice, allowing everyone to have a deeper understanding of dragon mimicry. .

In the blink of an eye, two giant dragons landed in front of Lu Yu and Huo Siyu. The five-color dragon changed into Fu Jing's appearance, and the Tianjing dragon changed into Guo Kun's appearance. The whole process of change was seamless. If it were another time or another time, Depending on the location, people might mistakenly think that the two of them were transformed into dragons.

"How do you feel?" Lu Yu asked with a smile.

"Incredible...incredible!" Guo Kun's face was full of excitement, and his face turned red: "I have never felt like this...Lu Shen, do you know? When I was on that mountain just now, I almost thought that I was born It's just a dragon. If the leader of the Crystal Alliance hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten to come out..."

Lu Yu turned to look at Fu Jing again.

Although Fu Jing deliberately suppressed her emotions, it was still obvious that she was also very excited. Obviously, the process of continuous evolution in Panlong Realm Mountain was also a brand new experience for her.

"It feels very magical..." Fu Jing said, "Although I know everything here is just an illusion, it feels very real... Even when I transformed into a giant dragon, I felt some unusual feelings. I think this thing is a touch unique to the dragon clan... How is all this achieved? "

"How to achieve it, you should ask the Creator God in front of you!" Huo Siyu said.

"Compared to everything here, you are the well-deserved God of Creation!" She looked at Lu Yu intently, "Actually, this is exactly what I just wanted to say. You can do it with just such a little cultivation. To this extent, if you make another breakthrough in your cultivation in the future and transcend the mundane world, what kind of scene will it be? Just thinking about it makes people feel inexplicably excited!"

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