Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2006 Heading to Junshui City

Lu Yu was unmoved at all and said calmly: "Actually, these words also apply to you. Without your help, I wouldn't be able to do this, and you are just a clone of the remaining soul... …How powerful would you be if you completely returned to your true form and merged your spirit and body?”

Huo Siyu smiled: "Do you want to know? If you want to know, come with me to Junshui City and have a look!"

As she spoke, she turned to look at Fu Jing again: "I'm sorry, my child... I can only let him tell you about the creation of this place next time!"

Fu Jing couldn't help being startled, looked at Lu Yu and said, "Are you going to set off now?"

Lu Yu nodded slightly: "I have already promised her, otherwise she would not work so hard to build this place so quickly... I will leave this place to you and Guo Kun. Is there any problem?"

Fu Jing stopped talking.

Guo Kun looked embarrassed and said: "Lu Shen, it's not that I, Guo, mean to shirk. Although I have promised you before, I did not expect that the scale of this place would be so big. It is like a complete world... so In a short period of time, I feel that my experience is not enough, and I am afraid that I will not be able to control it, and I will betray your trust. Can you give us a little more time to get familiar with it?"

Fu Jing also nodded and said: "As you said, the safety here is extremely important and there can be no mistakes."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry. Although this place looks grand, it's actually just an appearance, and it's incomparable to the real events... I've seen your performance just now, which is enough to prove your strength. I I feel that there is no problem in guarding this place with such strength, even if there is a problem..."

Lu Yu said and took out two pieces of paper from his arms. Although there was nothing on the paper, it gave people a very strange feeling.

It was the Shensi Seal Paper. Lu Yu handed these two pieces of paper to the hands of the two people in front of him, and then continued: "I have recorded all the problems that may arise on it, and also responded to the details. As long as you follow the above solutions, you won't have any problems. Even if there are, it's just a minor problem. "

The two of them took it doubtfully, took it in their hands and only took a glance at it. Then they felt the huge information coming towards their faces. They were stunned and immersed in the huge information brought by the Shensi Seal Paper.

Similar methods were used by Lu Yu before on Cui Zhenzhen and Ning Wanxuan, but that was just to explain the incident itself. At most, it only added some operating instructions for the natural alchemy furnace. Although it was also quite complicated, other The amount of information attached is completely different from the various details of the entire illusion at this time.

Seeing that both of them were immersed in the contents of the Shensi Seal Paper, Lu Yu couldn't help but gesture to Huo Siyu, indicating that she could leave.

As a result, the two walked out of the illusion, then walked out of the Hall of Valor and left the inside of the Ark.

It wasn't until he came to the outside world of Fenghe State that Huo Siyu finally suddenly said: "That's it! The two pages of paper just now were specially made of gelatin, latex and other materials. You can attach your thoughts to the paper, making it They turned into two small illusions. This is really clever... How did you come up with this method? "

Lu Yu asked, "Is there anything surprising about this method?"

Huo Siyu said: "Your method is really time-saving and labor-saving. Although I also know other similar methods that can achieve this function, in comparison, those methods seem very...clumsy and far more efficient than others." I fell in love with you so neatly... Back then, if I had the same method as you..."

She did not continue talking, but had a look of regret on her face.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart, and asked: "What happened back then?"

Huo Siyu shook his head, did not continue the topic, and smiled seductively at him: "It's better to introduce your method to me in detail! You should never hide this little thing from me again. Bar?"

Lu Yu said: "There is nothing to say. You have already said almost everything. There are just some fine-tuning in the details, such as..." After that, Lu Yu introduced her in detail about the two Shensi Seal Papers. specific production methods.

Although this was just a trivial matter and not worth mentioning to Lu Yu, Huo Siyu listened with great concentration, as if this was really some extraordinary skill.

"You are indeed a genius!" Huo Siyu praised again, "Sometimes I really want to invade your consciousness directly and see how your thoughts are composed... How did you come up with all this?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "These are not my thoughts. In the world where I originally lived, this was just a very common method."

Huo Siyu couldn't help being stunned, looking at Lu Yu with bright eyes, and said, "If you have a chance in the future, can you take me with you to your hometown to have a look?"

"Hometown..." Lu Yu looked up at the sky and murmured in a low voice.

"This matter is too long ago...Emperor, let's go to your Junshui City to see it before we talk!"

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