Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2007 The picture is so beautiful

The two began to set off for Junshui City.

In order to save time, it is natural to use the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape to maximize efficiency.

However, after performing two rounds of Heaven, Earth and Five Elements Escape, when it came time to perform the third round, Huo Siyu suddenly became eager to give it a try: "Let me give it a try, how about it?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned: "What are you trying?"

"Of course I want to try your magic!" Huo Siyu replied.

"To be honest, I have been interested in this Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape technique for a long time. When Xu Zhiyang first told me about what you did in Hades Temple, he mentioned this technique many times, but he didn't know it at the time. I know its name is Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape..."

"Later, after combining Yunru's memories, although I saw many scenes of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape, it was still not as profound as witnessing it with my own eyes. Now that I have seen it twice with my own eyes, I can barely understand it... "

As she spoke, she waved her slender fingers and actually drew a colorful strip of light on her fingertips. Although the movements were a bit jerky and not as comfortable as Lu Yu's, there was no doubt that this was a genuine Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth. .

After a while, Huo Siyu finally completed the entire spell. A complete ribbon of colorful light was drawn out on her hand and spread towards the distant sky.

"Huh - it's finally done!" Huo Siyu breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Lu Yu who looked dull, and said with a smile: "Do you dare to come up and give it a try?"

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment before coming back to his senses: "Okay..."

With that said, he stepped onto the colorful light belt.

No wonder Lu Yu was surprised... In fact, both Mrs. Ru and Fu Jing had experienced riding on the Five Elements Escape many times. Even Ning Wanxuan had taken it several times, but these three people didn't have any experience. A person who can understand the secrets, but Huo Siyu only saw it twice before being able to display it on her own. This shows how powerful she is, and she is indeed worthy of being the supreme powerhouse that she once was.

But then again, when Lu Yu learned the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape technique, he only saw Kunpeng master perform it twice in person. From this point of view, he himself was no worse than Huo Siyu.

The two figures moved rapidly across the sky.

To Lu Yu's expectation, this journey of the dazzling light belt turned out to be very smooth, without the instability of a beginner at all, even if it was replaced by the effect of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape performed by Lu Yu.

"How is it?" Huo Siyu turned around and looked at Lu Yu with some pride and asked.

Lu Yu nodded and said: "It is indeed Emperor Siyu. He is worthy of being a peerless powerhouse that has been powerful for thousands of years. Your understanding and application of the laws of heaven and earth are far superior to mine."

The principle of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape is based on the application of the laws of heaven and earth. That is why Lu Yu was unable to use this escape method at the beginning of his arrival. It was not until he stayed here for a while that he had a certain understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. Only then can this escape method be reproduced in this world again.

As a peerless expert a thousand years ago, Huo Siyu can be said to have already mastered the laws of heaven and earth in this world, which is why he performed so smoothly and like a master when he first learned this escape method.

"Ha... I told you a long time ago that I have a lot to offer! I can even understand you better than Jing'er. Do you want to reconsider?" Huo Siyu said with a smile.

"What are you considering?" Lu Yu asked confused.

"Consider whether you should choose a daughter or a mother!" Huo Siyu's eyes revealed an indescribable charm, "In other words, should you choose a daughter, or should you choose a mother plus me? If you choose a daughter, then you only have the daughter. One, but if you choose mother, it is equivalent to having me and Yunru at the same time... As long as you are willing, I can keep this ray of spiritual thought in Yunru and not take it back, and cooperate with you to play Various role plays, how about it?”

"Role playing..." Lu Yu couldn't help but was stunned. What kind of tiger-wolf talk was this?

"Not bad!" Huo Siyu leaned in front of Lu Yu, gently teased his chest with her index finger, and whispered in his ear: "As long as you are willing, I can play with you in any way... A great generation Great Emperor, the legendary supreme power, all surrendering to your crotch, does it feel particularly exciting to think about it? "

Lu Yu couldn't help but try to think about it. This picture was so beautiful that even thinking about it felt like... a trap!

He quickly shook his head and said, "What are you planning on doing?"

"What are you planning?"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but smile softly, "Isn't it enough to love you? Not to mention that you hold a legendary artifact in your hands, just by the contact between the two of us, I learned a lot from you. So many things... you are a huge treasure trove in your own right for me!”

"So, Emperor, you mean to take me as your own?" Lu Yu said, "Do you think Lord Qianyanyan and the people behind him will agree to such a thing? You don't even know Qianyanyan. Why do you want my soul? Do you know what it means to be with me?"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu pushed her away calmly, and then said: "Your ideas are too far-term. Let's wait until we solve the current problem... Hey, is that Junshui City in front of us?"

As he spoke, a majestic urban complex appeared at the end of the earth. Although this section of the colorful light belt was not controlled by Lu Yu, according to his sense of direction and distance, it should be Junshui City.

"Yes." Huo Siyu nodded and confirmed.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and continued talking about the previous topic:

"Well, what you said does make sense. Let's wait until we solve the current problem first. I won't force you... As long as you are willing to do your best to help me this time, I will actually be satisfied! "

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