Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2008: Shrouded in Haze

As an important town in the north, although Junshui City cannot compare with the current status of Ruijing and Wangjing, its overall scale is already very large.

It is not easy to accurately find a predetermined landing point in such a huge city. What's more, this is Huo Siyu's first time to use the Five Elements Escape. The distance control on this scale is very important. It was also the first time for her.

Therefore, although the colorful light strips along the way were very smooth, there was an accident during the final landing stage. It was not that they fell out of control, but that they landed directly on a busy street.

Everyone looked at the two people who fell from the sky in astonishment. Even in this world where almost everyone is a strong person in the golden elixir, it is a very unbelievable thing for them to arrive in this way. In the blink of an eye, the entire block was blocked. The water leaked out.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at Huo Siyu beside him. It was his first time in this city and he was completely blind to the current situation.

After Huo Siyu signaled Lu Yu not to worry, he stood quietly on the spot, calm and unfazed, turning a blind eye to the gazes of the people around him - for the former Emperor Guanlan, being the center of attention was already something he was used to.

Perhaps it was because she had been imprisoned in a seal for a thousand years, and even Lu Yu felt that her behavior at the moment seemed a bit... nostalgic?

After a while, the rumble of horse hooves was heard, and the crowd of onlookers dispersed instantly. A pair of cavalry troops with distinctive armor appeared in front of them. They were strictly disciplined and their momentum was no worse than the Snow Dragon Army of the Da Rui Empire. It was just in size. They were much smaller, and it could be seen that they were definitely the elite aces in Junshui City.

A man who looked like a general walked directly in front of the two of them, got off his horse, clasped his fists in salute, knelt in front of Huo Siyu, and said loudly: "Emperor, you are back!"

Huo Siyu nodded imperceptibly and responded calmly: "Yes."

"Prepare for the imperial drive!" The general turned around and shouted loudly at the steps behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a luxurious carriage was driven over, with the exclusive mark of the Guanlan Empire clearly marked on it.

The general then said loudly: "Please, Emperor, please move!"

So Huo Siyu got on the carriage.

Lu Yu naturally followed closely behind.

There was no verbal communication during the entire process, and Huo Siyu did not issue any instructions. It seemed that everything had been in tacit agreement.

It wasn't until the carriage started to move that Lu Yu asked the question in his heart: "So, now Shuer Kingdom has completely surrendered to you, the emperor?"

Shu'er Kingdom is the country where Junshui City is located. Compared with the huge empires like Dali and Daxie, Shu'er Kingdom is just a small land. Apart from Junshui City, it controls very few other counties and administrative offices. The scope of Junshui City can be regarded as almost the entire territory of its country.

"How can we say it's surrender?" Huo Siyu smiled softly, "They have always been the remnants of my Guanlan Empire and guarded here under my orders. However, due to changes in the general environment, they had to change their ways. The picture, which is here in the name of 'Shur', has just returned to its original appearance after all the hardships!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but was slightly shocked, and then he realized that the founding of "Shuer" was under her instruction, and everything was arranged by her.

And this happens to be the capital of the Guanlan Empire...

Back then, Huo Siyu used Wu Qibin's name to issue orders to let them implement the plan to cultivate pure blood. The establishment of the Shuer Kingdom must also be carried out during this process. This is not a simple process. She must not only gain the trust of the old ministers, but also She had to give them orders and make clever arrangements... It could be said that she did not hesitate to take the risk of being exposed in the process, but also wanted to take this former homeland into her own hands. What was the reason for all this?

"It seems that this place is very important to you..." Lu Yu frowned slightly and said tentatively.

Huo Siyu smiled slightly and said: "How is it? You are starting to be curious about this place, right? Don't worry, don't be impatient, I will tell you all the secrets here!"

Seeing what she said, Lu Yu had no choice but to suppress the questions in his heart for the time being.

In fact, this is not the only question in his mind?

Compared with the secrets hidden in the old capital of Guanlan, there was another point that he was more interested in, and that was how Huo Siyu got in touch with this place in advance?

The two of them walked together all the way, and he had been paying close attention to Huo Siyu's every move. During this process, he never found that Huo Siyu had sent out a message in advance, but the defenders in Junshui City seemed to be predicting the future. He found it accurately as soon as he landed, and even prepared the carriage in advance... In his opinion, this was really incredible.

Maybe this is just a trivial thing, but if he can't figure out the reason, it will make Lu Yu feel very insecure.

After thinking silently for a moment, the only explanation he could think of was that the "Huo Siyu" beside him was just a clone of Siyu's residual thoughts. When they entered the city, the main body of Siyu's thoughts disappeared. Sensing the arrival of the "clone", he immediately issued an order for someone to come over and greet him...

Only in this way can everything be reasonably explained, and why they are taking a carriage now... Otherwise, no matter where the final destination is, they can reach it more quickly at their speed, so why do they have to take such a slow carriage? carriage?

Precisely because all of this was arranged by the main body of Emperor Zisiyu's spiritual thoughts, they had to do this. Even "Huo Siyu" beside them had to obey the arrangements honestly.

Lu Yu couldn't help but turn his head and look outside the car window. At this time, the scenery in the north was cloudless and the breeze was gentle, but he inexplicably felt that there was a haze hanging over his head, which could not be eliminated no matter what.

Gradually, the carriage drove out of the bustling neighborhood, and the surrounding scenery became more and more desolate and dilapidated.

"Where are we going?" Lu Yu finally couldn't help but ask, "I thought we were going to the palace of Shu'er country?"

"What are you going to do in Shu'er Palace? It's just a pretense. In fact, there's nothing there..." Huo Siyu said with a smile.

"The place we really want to go to is actually the past imperial mausoleum of the Guanlan Empire, that is, my mausoleum."

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