Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2009 Essence and Blood Nirvana

"Your mausoleum?"

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, and then slowly said: "I remember Yunru once said that when you failed to awaken in the end, the final result was that your body was gone. Although the funeral was held according to the highest standards of etiquette, the mausoleum was just a cenotaph. There seemed to be nothing in it... Oh, right, the Five-Supreme Stone!"

The Five-Supreme Stone was mentioned by Mrs. Ru in the past. It was used as a material for the final awakening of the Guanlan clan's bloodline power. But in Xu Zhiyang's memory, this substance was clearly called "ether".

At this point, Lu Yu couldn't figure out whether Mrs. Ru didn't tell the truth before, or whether these were actually two different names for the same substance. "Five-Supreme Stone" and "Ether" are actually the same thing.

But when she mentioned "Five-Supreme Stone" at the beginning, Mrs. Ru did say that there was a Five-Supreme Stone in the mausoleum of the Supreme Power.

Huo Siyu seemed to see through Lu Yu's thoughts at a glance, and smiled and said: "Are you confused now? I don't know whether to believe Xu Zhiyang's memory, or believe what Yunru once said to you, or simply agree with them at the same time and regard the Five-Supreme Stone and Ether as the same thing?"

Lu Yu's heart sank, and he said calmly: "I think I will definitely get the most accurate answer from you."

"Of course I won't keep you in suspense about these things..." Huo Siyu threw him a coquettish look, "In fact, the Five-Supreme Stone and Ether are not the same thing. Although they have the same source, after a series of complex processing, they have become two items with completely different properties, just like graphite and diamond in nature... The Hades Temple converted the source material into Ether in the alchemy field out of its own needs, and we also converted it into something more suitable for us out of our own needs. The 'Five Ultimate Stones' they used..."

"Alchemy Field?" Lu Yu frowned slightly, "Does it mean the 'ether field' in Xu Zhiyang's memory?"

"Yes!" Huo Siyu smiled and said, "This is another difference in the name. The Five Ultimate Stones came from the Alchemy Field. We in Guanlan Empire call it the Alchemy Field, but the Underworld Temple calls it the 'ether field'. In fact, they all refer to the same place. "

"The situation was special back then. I couldn't reveal the fact that I had actually occupied Wu Qibin in front of the people in the Underworld Temple. Therefore, I could only communicate with Yunru and others from the perspective of the Underworld Temple. So I only told Yunru the part about the Five Ultimate Stones, because from the perspective of the Underworld Temple, only the Five Ultimate Stones can attract the descendants of Guanlan to take the bait. If I directly told them the secret of ether, it might arouse the suspicion of the people in the Underworld Temple. "

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. This time he finally solved the case. The truth turned out to be like this.

Huo Siyu continued, "It should be pointed out that there are two irreversible states between the Five Ultimate Stones and the Ether. After the Hades Temple uses its own power to transform the source material into the Ether, it can no longer be transformed into the Five Ultimate Stones; and after we use our own power to transform the source material into the Five Ultimate Stones, we can no longer transform it into the Ether. The reason why our Guanlan Empire was able to coexist peacefully with the Hades Temple in the past was because we jointly developed the source material, but when this development reached a certain level, the output of the source material reached the upper limit... There is only so much output in total. If they have more, then we have less, and if we have more, then they have less, so this has laid the seeds of conflict between us." Lu Yu nodded in realization. In fact, this coincides with his long-standing guess. The separation between the two parties was indeed due to the uneven distribution of spoils, but the complexity of the details involved was far beyond his imagination...

About the alchemy field, about the source material, about their joint mining... There must be more and more complicated secrets involved. Lu Yu originally wanted to continue digging deeper, but at this time Huo Siyu changed his tone and said, "The topic has gone too far, let's get back to the present..."

"In my mausoleum, there is indeed a piece of Wuzhi stone, but it is not just this piece of Wuzhi stone... You know, this mausoleum was not started after my death. In fact, it was started when I just started to ascend the throne. During the hundreds of years when I was in power, its construction progress has always been under my control. "Today, when I was preparing for the final stage of blood awakening, I knew the danger better than anyone else. This danger not only comes from the awakening itself, but also from external interference. In this case, how could I not prepare in advance? So in this mausoleum, I have already prepared a back-up plan to face the situation of awakening failure." Lu Yu was surprised and asked, "What kind of back-up plan?" "A drop of blood essence." Huo Siyu replied, "A drop of pure blood essence condensed by my life's work, it was preserved in this mausoleum, and the five-point stone was used to preserve its activity... Others may find it difficult to understand the meaning of this, but I think you can definitely understand it." Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned again. He really could understand the meaning of this...

When he first awakened the Lotus Seed and came into contact with the "Nine-turn Nirvana Technique" for the first time, he remembered that the Nine-Turn Nirvana Technique once described the highest state of practicing this technique, which can achieve "a drop of blood transforming into a lotus. "Eternal life"... With just a drop of essence and blood, you can achieve Nirvana and rebirth!

Obviously, Huo Siyu's intention of retaining this drop of pure blood essence is similar to the highest state of "Nine Revolutions of Nirvana". Even if it is not good, it is a similar method... Lu Yu did not expect that he has practiced "Nine Revolutions of Nirvana" for so long. Jue", I haven't touched the threshold of Nirvana yet, but I didn't expect that I would see Huo Siyu's Nirvana first.

"So, do you want to use this drop of blood to reshape your body?" Lu Yu was very curious. He also wanted to know how other people would perform similar operations outside the scope of "Nine Turns of Nirvana" ?

Huo Siyu smiled sweetly at Lu Yu and said, "I have such a plan...but to be honest, if I complete it alone, it will indeed be a very difficult task, and I don't dare to pack it up regardless of the final result. ticket……"

"But it's different now. With your help, I think this matter will be completed smoothly!"

" do you want me to help?" Lu Yu asked doubtfully.

Huo Siyu lowered her head, a blush appearing on her face, which made her even more charming. She chuckled and said, "Don't worry, this matter won't be too difficult for you... maybe it will be a quite pleasant process!"

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