Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2013 Pregnant with Liujia

When he woke up again, Lu Yu was already in a strange room.

He felt an indescribable fatigue.

Although he had been exhausted after a battle before, and didn't even want to move a finger, the situation at this time was different from the past. This was a feeling that was difficult to describe in words.

In the past, no matter how sleepy or tired he was, he knew how to recover. Even if he used the least efficient way of meditation and breathing, he would be able to recover sooner or later.

But at this moment, he had a deep sense of powerlessness, as if he was lost in his heart.

"Afeng, you're awake..." A gentle female voice sounded beside him.

Lu Yu turned his head and found that it was the graceful Madam Ru standing by the bed, looking at him with concern... Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and confirmed again that it was indeed Madam Ru herself, not "Huo Siyu" who was occupied by the divine mind clone.

In an instant, countless pictures flooded into his mind, and Lu Yu remembered the scenes of the three people turning rain and clouds, and making love. He just lost his rationality at that time, not completely lost his memory. Many details of the absurd things that happened before were still fresh in his memory.

Mrs. Ru noticed the change in Lu Yu's eyes, her face turned red, and she said incoherently: "Afeng, I... that, I..."

She didn't know how to explain... Before in the main tomb, Emperor Siyu once changed into Fu Jing's appearance and played a role-playing game with her, where the mother and daughter pleased Lu Yu together... Whenever she thought of this, Mrs. Ru couldn't help feeling ashamed and angry.

"Where is Huo Siyu?" Lu Yu chose to skip the embarrassing part and asked directly.

Madam Ru was stunned for a moment before she reacted and replied, "Emperor... She has returned to her main body. Now there is no Emperor in my body."

"Return?" Lu Yu frowned and said to himself, "Why would she return for no reason? Unless..." Halfway through, he suddenly thought of a possibility and his eyes became sharp in an instant: "Where is she now? Take me to see her immediately!"

"Uh... now?"

"Yes! Right now!" Lu Yu said unceremoniously, "Whether it is the clone or the main body, I want to see her immediately... Don't force me to get angry!"

Madam Ru was stunned. It was the first time she saw Lu Yu talking to her in such an impolite tone. She felt a little wronged and a little panicked in her heart, but she knew that if Lu Yu really got angry, it would definitely be a disaster here.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally nodded: "Okay, come with me..."

After that, she carefully led Lu Yu to the outside.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown again, and said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you dawdling? Can't you walk faster?"

Madam Ru was so aggrieved that she was about to cry: "I, I didn't mean it... You were too much before, I, I can't walk fast..."

Lu Yu didn't say anything else.

However, he really couldn't stand the other party's movement of taking one step and moving three times, so he simply carried her horizontally: "How to walk, just tell me!"

Although he was also very tired, this feeling of fatigue was more of a feeling. The strength of the body was still intact, and it was no problem to carry a hundred pounds.

It seemed that Madam Ru's situation was even worse than his. She just exclaimed, but she didn't have much strength to resist. In the end, she could only let Lu Yu hold her in his arms.

After walking out of the room, Lu Yu realized that they were still in the tomb of Emperor Siyu.

The two passed through the winding passage, and under the guidance of Madam Ru, they opened a secret door and came to the spiral staircase inside the tomb.

Lu Yu then realized that there were many secret doors on both sides of the spiral staircase, and behind each secret door, there was an underground floor. The room they were in just now was in one of the underground floors. The complexity of the overall structure of this mausoleum was far beyond his imagination.

However, what surprised Lu Yu even more were the descendants of Guanlan guarding on both sides of the spiral staircase.

When he first entered here, Lu Yu saw many powerful descendants of Guanlan standing on both sides of the stairs. Now the number of these descendants has become more. Every few steps, he will encounter a pair of Guanlan descendants standing guard, and the number is at least several times more than before.

These people were full of piety, praying silently, and turned a blind eye to Lu Yu holding Madam Ru passing by, as if they were performing some kind of mysterious religious ceremony.

"What are they doing?" Lu Yu couldn't help asking.

"They are mourning for the dead." Madam Ru replied in a low voice, "At the same time, they are also praying for the newborn... Emperor, she will soon usher in a brand new life!" Lu Yu's heart sank when he heard this. Madam Ru's answer made him feel even more panicked. He didn't bother to ask in detail, and hurriedly quickened his pace and ran towards the main tomb at the bottom. Instead of wasting time getting unclear answers from Madam Ru, it is better to go directly to the main tomb to see what is going on. Anyway, as long as he sees the main body of Emperor Siyu's mind again, everything should be clear. The journey was very smooth, and Lu Yu successfully reached the bottom of the spiral staircase. He didn't say anything nonsense and directly pushed open the door of the main tomb.

The same circular tomb...

The same spherical dome...

The same huge coffin...

The only difference was that the beautiful girl who was originally lying in the coffin was no longer in the coffin, but now stood beside the coffin, facing away from Lu Yu.

"You came?"

The girl turned around and her tone was very natural, as if everything had been expected by her.

However, the moment she turned around, Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

The face of the girl I saw had become bloated, completely different from the pure appearance before. What was even more incredible was that her abdomen had bulged high, and she looked obviously pregnant.

Lu Yu didn't know how long he had been asleep in the room above, but he thought it shouldn't be too long, otherwise Huo Yunru wouldn't still have difficulty moving... In such a short period of time, it would be impossible for her to become pregnant in any case. Such a heavy pregnancy!

Lu Yu only felt that his brain was a little insufficient.

Everything in front of us obviously cannot be calculated according to common sense.

"What are you doing standing there? Come in quickly!" the girl said with a smile.

Only then did Lu Yu put down Mrs. Ru in his arms and strode into the main tomb chamber. Mrs. Ru was also very measured. She did not enter with Lu Yu, but quietly retreated and closed the door.

The space here is still the same as before.

With each step forward, the dome above your head changes.

It's okay when you don't look above your head. The environment inside the main tomb chamber is normal. But if you pay attention to the changes above your head, you will be surprised to find that the space on the dome is advancing layer by layer, becoming extremely deep and vast, and seems to have no end. .

When Lu Yu walked up to the girl again, the boundary of the dome above had disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by the bright stars all over the sky.

"What do you think of Yunru?"

The girl smiled and said: "I promised before that I would give her to you. This condition is still valid... However, if you want to play role-playing with us, it will probably take a while..."

Lu Yu ignored the topic, just stared at the girl's bulging belly, and asked in a deep voice: "What on earth is going on?"

The girl also lowered her head, stretched out her hand to caress her belly, and her eyes became kind: "You should know this very well... It is thanks to your essence that this body is pregnant. To a certain extent, , this can be regarded as our common child.”

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth twitched, then he raised his head and looked directly into the other person's eyes: "What exactly do you want to do? Is this what you said... a more powerful body?"

The girl still lowered her head and said lightly: "I'm about to die."

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