Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2014: Knowing the Small Things

Lu Yu was stunned and said, "What did you say?"

"Of course it's not my spiritual death, but my current body!" The girl continued to stroke her belly, "I believe you have also seen that the growth rate of this fetus is much faster than usual. This is because I transferred my vitality to it, so its growth rate is so fast. In the next few days, it will grow to the size of a normal full-term baby..."

"Of course, things will not end here. In fact, everything has just begun..."

The girl continued, "Even after full-term, I will not give birth to it, but will continue to transfer vitality to supply It has various powers, and eventually it will grow to adult size in the embryonic state. At that time, it will become the most powerful descendant of Guanlan in history. The whole process will last about three months..."

"Of course, I won't live to that time. In order to provide it with a suitable environment for growth, I will start to embryonate myself soon. When it is full-term, I will die completely, and this body will be transformed into a huge embryo, which is equivalent to using this body to provide it with endless nutrients. "

The girl described it lightly, but Lu Yu's scalp tingled when he heard it, and he felt incredible in his heart.

"So..." The girl raised her head and smiled back: "After we part today, we will not see each other again until three months later. By then... you will really become my biological father!"

Lu Yu felt his head buzzing and almost couldn't stand still.

"What's wrong? Don't you like this name?" The girl reached out and held him: "But when Jing'er called you like this before, weren't you very satisfied?"

Lu Yu shook his head and quickly shook off the girl's hand, signaling her not to get close to him... At this time, the girl in front of him only made him feel terrible.

The girl didn't care at all, smiled slightly, and continued: "Whether you like it or not, this matter has been unchangeable, and you will become my biological father."

Lu Yu felt that every word spoken from the other party made him feel deeply afraid. He calmed down, took a few deep breaths, and then said: "You still didn't say, why all this happened?"

"Isn't everything obvious?" The girl said: "Your life essence, combined with my blood power, can indeed create a more powerful life form. If I was just guessing about this before, then now it is certain, because it can absorb my power in the fetal state, which is sufficient proof."

The girl put her hand on Gao Long's belly, paused and continued: "If you want to ask for the specific reason, Then Jing'er's current achievement is the original intention of my coming up with this idea..."

"Jing'er's birth is indeed my most proud masterpiece in the past thousand years, but according to my original conception, she should not have grown to this extent - you may not know her potential, but I deeply understand this point, everything should not be like this..."

"And all this happened when she came into contact with you, so I can infer that there must be a certain characteristic in you that can further stimulate the power of Guanlan bloodline, so I went straight to the point and made this bold attempt... Now it seems that I did the right thing!"

Lu Yu was silent for a while, thinking for a moment, and then said: "So, this decision was born in the process of your mind clone coming to Fenghezhou to find me?"

"Yes." The girl replied.

"I am very curious, when the divine mind reaches your strength, what kind of relationship is there between the mind subject and the clone? Can your mind clone make decisions for you?" Lu Yu asked again.

The girl looked at Lu Yu in surprise: "Are you interested in this question? I thought you would continue to ask about the blood power of our Guanlan clan..."

Lu Yu said calmly: "Can you tell me?"

This question is actually very important to him. It is not only related to whether Huo Siyu's previous promises in the Ark of the Other Shore are valid, but more importantly, it can also allow him to further understand his mother's affairs...

According to the Chaos War God before he left the Huangtian World, his mother is actually just a divine mind clone of the Great Bi Xiao Saint, just like Huo Siyu who visited the Ark of the Other Shore before. The only difference is that the Great Bi Xiao Saint is known as "Infinite Divine Mind" and "Thousands of People and Thousands of Faces". I don't know how many times stronger her divine mind is than the Siyu Emperor in front of him.

Lu Yu hopes to see the big picture from the small details. Through the Siyu Emperor in front of him, he can also understand to a certain extent what kind of state the Great Bi Xiao Saint is in... Is there any possibility that the divine mind clone representing his mother will appear again?

The girl said, "If you think about it carefully, it's not surprising that you are interested in this question. With your level, sooner or later you will reach the state of being able to produce divine consciousness clones... In fact, all this is not as mysterious as you think. Whether it is the clone's 'I' or the main 'I', they are essentially me. There is no contradiction or conflict between them. The decisions and reactions they make during different events are all manifestations of my true intentions and will not be rejected by the main consciousness. Otherwise, they will no longer be accommodated in my main consciousness."

"To give you the simplest example, it's like eating. You eat pork today, beef tomorrow, and mutton the day after tomorrow. Although you don't know the taste of beef and mutton when you eat pork, no matter when and where you eat it, No matter what kind of meat you like, your preferences will not change... The existence of the spiritual clone only synchronizes your eating experience in the past three days to the same time... Do you understand what I am saying? "

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment.

He couldn't help but think of Meng Ting. In fact, the biggest contributor to his success in escaping from Huangtian World was Meng Ting. It was she who integrated the power of everyone to drive the Ark on the Other Side and successfully sent him away. Come out... If this is the relationship between the main body of spiritual thoughts and the clone, then who is Meng Ting? Is this also part of the will of the Great Bixiao Saint?

Not to mention the decisions that his mother made back then, are these actually manifestations of the will of the Great Bixiao Saint?

Lu Yu fell into confusion and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

Although the girl was a little confused about this, she couldn't imagine that what Lu Yu was thinking about at this time was already beyond the stars.

"Okay, whether you understand it or not... In short, the agreements I talked about with you in Fenghe State are my true intentions. No matter now or in the future, the agreement between us will always be effective. For this You don’t need to worry at all, okay?”

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