Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2015 Conditional Exchange

The girl only thought that Lu Yu was worried about the agreements that the two parties had negotiated before.

Lu Yu didn't explain much about this.

After a while, he finally regained his composure, changed the topic and said: "Since this decision was made in such a short period of time, it means that it is indeed a temporary decision. If I hadn't appeared, What was your original plan?"

"The original plan..."

The girl took a deep look at Lu Yu and said, "Of course I will continue to iterate the bloodline. Even if you don't show up, I will still be pregnant with the child, but then it won't be your seed..."

"So you don't need to feel guilty about this. The fate of this body has already been determined. Even without you, she will be eliminated sooner or later because she has not yet met the requirements I expected!"

Lu Yu was shocked by the other party's cold-bloodedness.

But thinking about it carefully, he could understand the other party's thinking... He lost his original body and was sealed in the dark underground for a thousand years. Under such circumstances, the Siyu Emperor had already lost his sense of warmth and warmth in human relationships. Perception, in her eyes, all living creatures are just tools for use, so it is not surprising that she would make such a decision.

But understanding is understanding, Lu Yu cannot accept such an approach no matter what. It's not that he is so moral or compassionate, but that his Taoist heart is like this.

Human nature should be the most basic component of Taoist heart. Otherwise, if human nature is eliminated, what will happen even if we pursue powerful power? Such power will eventually make people completely lose themselves.

"Then if it weren't for me, who would you have originally planned to complete...this part of my work?" Lu Yu asked again.

The girl smiled softly: "What? Are you jealous?"

Lu Yu didn't answer, just looked at the other person quietly. Of course, he would not be so superficial and jealous over such things. The intention behind this question was to further understand the truth.

However, even though he had fully estimated this, the girl's answer still surprised him again.

"You don't think I can only possess the women among Guanlan's descendants, right? Even men, I can also possess, high-quality men with the same origin as this body. In fact, I have prepared many, but None of them are as good as you!"

When Lu Yu heard this, he was immediately stunned.

In other words, the other party's original plan was to use the clone of his mind to control the male descendant of Guanlan, and then have intercourse with the female body occupied by the main body of his mind... What kind of scene would that be?

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel confused.

He couldn't help but think of the process of Fu Jing's conception, and was horrified, asking: "So, the process of getting Yunru pregnant with Jing'er was actually directly controlled by you?"

The girl showed a look of surprise: "So this is what you really want to ask...Yes, it is true! So don't mind Yunru so much, okay? In fact, not many men had defiled her body back then. If you don't see Externally, it’s just me from beginning to end!”

Lu Yu felt so confused that he didn't know what to say.

Biologically speaking, Fu Jing's father is the "tool" carefully selected by Emperor Siyu. Spiritually, her father is exactly the same person as Emperor Siyu... If she talks about this topic with Fu Jing next time , he didn’t even know how to tell her all this.

"Okay, do you have any other questions? If not, then it's my turn to ask?" the girl said.

"What's your problem?" Lu Yu said solemnly.

The girl smiled and said: "It's not that I have any problems, I just have something to tell you... The next three months will be my weakest period. During this period, can you guarantee my safety? After all, I am our common child, my biological father!"

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth couldn't help but twitch again.

If you don't know the cause and effect of her words, just hearing the literal meaning will definitely make people fall into confusion, and once you know the cause and effect, it will only make people more confused...

"You don't seem to need any special protection here, right?" Lu Yu said, "Do you think there will be people from outside the world coming to cause trouble?"

The girl nodded and said: "Although Qianyan has fallen into a deep sleep, it is unlikely that he will personally go out within these three months, but it is still very possible to send his subordinates to inquire about the situation. Maybe he will If there is a certain amount of trouble, I will only be able to rely on you..."

"Of course, this is just one aspect. I think there is another aspect that poses a threat to me, which may be even greater than the visitors from outer space!"

"What is it?" Lu Yu asked.

The girl looked at him quietly and said in a deep voice: "Of course it's you!"

"Me?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

The girl said calmly: "Ask yourself, since you learned that I forcibly extracted your life essence and made me pregnant, have you ever thought of stopping this?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

The answer is self-evident.

"I advise you to give up such thoughts!" The girl's voice turned cold. This was the first time she had used such a tone since Lu Yu entered the main tomb chamber.

"Perhaps I did take advantage of you in this matter, but this is the only way for me to return to the top. There is no room for negotiation on this matter... If you really dare to sabotage this matter, then you and I will The gap between them will be greater than Thousand Eyes. I won’t say anything to make you jealous...but I hope you can seriously consider it. If there is more than Thousand Eyes Lord, Is an enemy like me worth it? "

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

I didn't expect that the other party would view me this way.

But I have to say that the other party did see it very accurately. He was indeed angry about this matter, and he did think about overturning the table and letting everyone break up... Now the other party's words were like a wake-up call. He calmed down again and looked at the problem from a rational perspective.

Compared to the ambitious goals, personal temporary likes and dislikes are not important at all. He really doesn't like the way the other party behaves, and he is even more angry that he fell into a trap and was severely manipulated by the other party.

But so what?

The two sides have different positions, so I shouldn't have had high expectations for her...

For falling into a trap this time, I can only blame myself for not being careful enough. The trap can be found later. It would indeed be unwise to make new powerful enemies because of this.

Not to mention that he is not sure that he can prevent the other party from reincarnating now, even if he is really sure that he can completely kill him with one sword, after such a sword blow, he will be left alone to face the situation of Bixiao Palace. No matter how you think about it, it will be a loss.

Lu Yu looked up at the starry sky above the dome, thought silently for a moment, and finally said: "I can agree to your request, but I also have a condition!"

"What conditions?" The girl's eyes lit up.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and pointed upward: "I want to take away this starry sky."

The girl couldn't help but be stunned: "How are you going to take this away?"

Lu Yu said: "I will figure this out myself... just tell me whether you agree or not?"

The girl's eyes narrowed slightly: "The reason why I chose to build the mausoleum here was actually to preserve that drop of pure blood essence. Now there is no such need. If you can really build the tomb here, If everything is taken away, then of course I have no objection.”

Lu Yu laughed: "This is what I've been waiting for!"

After saying that, he pushed it out with one palm, overturning the huge coffin next to it.

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