Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2017 Tiger Poison Food Seeds

Just like when he brought back the No. 1 Six-Peptide Rubik's Cube from Suyu Yunchi, Lu Yu, who was now holding the No. 2 Six-Peptide Rubik's Cube, could not use any means of escape, so he could only walk back to Fenghe State honestly.

But now, he no longer has to rush against the clock. Since Emperor Siyu will be reincarnated as an embryo in the next three months, the biggest threat at the moment will be gone for the time being, and he can live a peaceful and stable period.

Walking slowly alone at this time actually helped him think about how to use the No. 2 Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube next.

Wanting to achieve interstellar communication is not an easy task even for a strong person like Qian Yanyanjun. There are extremely strict conditions. All of this is naturally even more difficult for Lu Yu. Even with six With Peptide Cube No. 2 in hand, it will take a lot of effort to achieve this.

Fortunately, Lu Yu had accumulated some experience in interstellar communication when he secretly communicated with the Peacock Pluto in the Temple of Hades. The Temple of Hades has become a piece of scattered sand, and various rare resources located in the far east are available to him. If you can seize it, if you cooperate with the sacred monument materials and technical foundation of the Hades Temple, Lu Yu feels that he is still quite confident that he can achieve it.

However, this plan cannot be achieved overnight and needs to be realized step by step.

Fortunately, there will be at least three months of calm time for him to gradually develop his ambitions.

Three days later, Lu Yu finally arrived in Fenghe State. During this period, he had been immersed in his own world and did not contact anyone.

As soon as he entered the stronghold, the news spread immediately, and soon Fu Jing hurried over. When he saw Lu Yu for the first time, his whole heart suddenly shrank: "You...why are you like this?" weak?"

At this time, Lu Yu looked very haggard. Although the process of taking back the Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube No. 2 seemed easy and freehand, it was actually very draining on his mental energy. In addition, he had been in trouble all the way back. I worked so hard that I didn’t have any rest time...

However, these are not actually the important points. The main reason that really made him look like this is because he was forcibly drained of the essence of life in the tomb... You know, it was not just casual sex. It's just hair, representing the innate essence of his most original strength. It takes a period of weakness to recover.

Lu Yu did not answer her question directly, but said to her: "Come on, let's talk in the car!"

As early as when he first entered the stronghold, he asked his subordinates to prepare the carriage. Fu Jing arrived at the right time, and the carriage was just about to leave the stronghold.

Fu Jing's heart tightened, and she got into the carriage with a panic-stricken expression. Tears seemed to be on the verge of falling.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and said with a slight smile: "Don't be nervous, I am a little weak now, but it is not to the point where I can't walk. The reason why I chose to go back by carriage is because of this thing …”

While talking, Lu Yu wrapped himself in his robe

Fu Jing was immediately startled: "Six-peptide Rubik's Cube? Hasn't it always been on the other side of the ark? Could it be that... the last time Emperor Siyu came, he secretly replaced it?"

Lu Yu smiled and shook his head: "No, this is another six-peptide Rubik's Cube... This time I went to Junshui City and entered the depths of the tomb of Emperor Siyu. Who would have thought that her tomb was actually built on an ancient anchor? At the top, she pressed the six-peptide Rubik's Cube with her own coffin."

Fu Jing was stunned and speechless. He took the brand new six-peptide Rubik's Cube from Lu Yu and stared at it for a long time before coming back to his senses. He took a deep breath and asked Said: "What on earth is going on?"

Lu Yu sighed softly: "It's a long story, let's talk slowly as we walk..."

Next, Lu Yu told all the details of his trip to Junshui City.

Naturally, he did not need to have any reservations about Fu Jing. He told her the details of his exchange with Huo Siyu's spiritual entity, as well as the fact that he had absorbed the essence of life under the other party's temptation, without any concealment.

When everything was explained clearly, the carriage successfully arrived at a login entrance of the Ark. The two of them had already entered the interior of the Ark with the Six Peptide Cube No. 2.

As the two figures settled down, the ancient and vicissitudes of the magnificent city reappeared in front of them. Lu Yu turned around to face Fu Jing, and continued: "I don't want to lie to you. This time, in the main room, When I was in the tomb, I completely lost my mind under the suppression of Emperor Siyu's spiritual thoughts, and I acted very bestially at that time... Not only did I have a relationship with the woman occupied by Emperor Siyu, I also had a relationship with your mother. We also had a relationship...she is the real deal, not a walking corpse controlled by Emperor Siyu..."

"Stop talking..." Fu Jing reached out and pressed Lu Yu's lips to stop him from continuing.

Her body trembled slightly, her gestures changed again, and she gently touched Lu Yu's cheek, her eyes filled with tears: "I don't blame you... I am very satisfied that you can come back safe and sound this time." , nothing else matters anymore!”

"Jing'er!" Lu Yu called affectionately.

The two hugged each other tightly.

After a moment of tenderness, Fu Jing looked up from Lu Yu's arms with some embarrassment and said, "Then... what should we do with the child in Emperor Siyu's belly?"

Lu Yu thought silently for a moment, and said with a deep look: "Unless we have the mentality of fighting to the death, and really smash the Six-Peptide Rubik's Cube into her face...otherwise there is nothing we can do about it, but I think things should be okay. It won’t reach this point…”

"Of course this is not possible!" Fu Jing said quickly, "But if Emperor Siyu really cultivates that child into an adult and reincarnates it in three months, how will you deal with it then? After all, then But your child..."

"My child?" Lu Yu shook his head, "I don't think so... maybe it is indeed the crystallization of my life essence, but the grace of nurturing is far greater than the grace of giving birth. I didn't raise it with my own hands. I don’t consider myself her father..."

"Besides, from the beginning of its birth, Huo Siyu's spiritual thoughts have been guiding everything about it. It has never developed any sense of autonomy. To me, it is still a stillborn baby from the beginning. What’s the difference?”

"So, no matter what form it appears in front of me three months later, I will not regard it as my child... In my eyes, it has only one identity - that of Huo Siyu !”

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned, and said thoughtfully: "Your idea is indeed very reasonable... You just gave it life in form, and all this was not your original intention."

"Of course it makes sense!" Lu Yu said, "I don't think Huo Siyu would be so naive. She really thought that she would have a special bond with me from now on. More often than not, she just saw this as a way to coerce me... …”

As he spoke, Lu Yu's eyes gradually became gloomy:

"After three months, as long as she doesn't play any tricks, it doesn't matter, just give this part of the life essence to her! If she continues to think about going against us and plotting evil in secret, then I will let her Experience for yourself what it means to poison tigers and eat seeds, and to kill relatives in a just and righteous way!”

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