Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2018 Debauchery

A month and a half has passed in the blink of an eye.

This period of time is indeed a rare moment of peace.

Of course, "calm" was only compared to Lu Yu's previous days. Within the scope of the entire Guantian World, it was a turbulent and heated scene.

Although the Guanlan Empire has not yet been officially restored, the merger and integration of various forces has been carried out in advance, like a torrent sweeping through every inch of the continent.

There are many ordinary people who have never heard the name "Guanlan Empire" for the first time until now. They are not familiar with the history of thousands of years ago, but this does not affect their shock at this matter.

As if overnight, almost all forces, large and small, announced that they would join the Guanlan Empire and accept the leadership of Queen Jing from now on. Such a huge momentum was something they would never have dared to think about before. , so this also caused a very heated discussion.

"Have you heard? Emperor Qing'en of the Darui Empire has issued another edict!"

"Da Rui Empire? Didn't they already take an oath? Why are they issuing an edict again this time?"

"Because this time is different..."

"What's different?"

"Because this time Emperor Qing'en issued an edict to blame himself, saying that he was not worthy of the empress Ning. He was willing to make peace with Ning and presented it to the regent Lu Afeng. He wished them happiness and happiness. He is willing to surrender forever. The leadership of the Crystal Queen and the Regent.”

"What? He dedicated his queen to the regent and issued an edict to tell the world... This Emperor Qing'en has gone too far too far? Can he still operate like this? Don't he even want to lose face?"

"Hmph! How much is face worth? The political situation in the Da Rui Empire has always been unstable. The imperial party Jin family and the rear party Ning family are fighting fiercely. Although Emperor Qing'en and Queen Xuan are officially married, they have long been inseparable. , there are also rumors that Xuanhou and the regent have actually been together for a long time, and Emperor Qing'en has already worn the hat tightly... Under such circumstances, he now tells the world about this, but instead It’s a clever move to make progress by retreating. At least after exposing this matter, he no longer has to worry about being beaten for it in the future!”

"This, this, this is too ridiculous! I remember that the Prince Regent and Empress Xuan's sister are already engaged, right?"

"So what if there is an engagement? It is not uncommon for two sisters to share the same husband. If they are the regents, not only will it not be a problem, but it will be a romantic affair. It may become a good story..."

"Isn't this impossible? Such an immoral thing will become a good story!"

"Haha! Nothing is impossible. Don't even look at who the regent is! Queen Jing was originally just a commoner of Xihai City, so she could only be ranked last in the line of succession. She was almost not even qualified to inherit Xihai City. She was the regent. He single-handedly helped her reach such a position... In addition, there are rumors that the miraculous treasure currently suspended in the sky over Fenghe Province was only possible because of the regent. With his great achievements, who would dare to challenge her? Is he disrespectful at all?"

"Huh? Real or fake?"

"Haha, just wait and see! Now that Emperor Qing'en has taken the lead, maybe this matter will become a trend, and other forces will also be tempted to offer their wives and daughters to the regent! "

Ning Wanxuan turned off a light screen with her backhand, and the two people who had been chatting on the screen disappeared.

This place is located on the other side of the Ark, and the status of Fenghe State has also increased. It has been gradually transformed into the style of an imperial palace. If Fu Jing officially ascends the throne in the future, it will be further transformed into an imperial city.

Because of this, the protection level here has become particularly important. Therefore, the Renaissance Alliance spent a lot of money to build a formation system in the surrounding area that can monitor the nearby situation. It took more than a month. Now is the time for acceptance. Lu Yu Ning Wanxuan and I both came to the scene, but we didn't expect to hear such a discussion during the acceptance process.

"These people really love to talk nonsense! And the one named Jin is not even a good person. He is clearly putting me on the fire to roast me!" Ning Wanxuan said through gritted teeth.

Fortunately, there were no outsiders around at this time, so she didn't need to have too many scruples and started complaining directly in front of Lu Yu.

Lu Yu touched his nose and said, "At least what this person said just now does make some sense. It seems that no one dares to accuse us face to face."

Ning Wanxuan rolled her eyes at him: "It's not just this part that makes sense. This person is indeed quite insightful. He also foresaw the follow-up development of the situation... Just yesterday, three parties came to the table in a row, wanting to What do you think about the fact that your wife and daughter are dedicated to the regent?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned: "Real or false?"

Ning Wanxuan said: "Of course it is true, but Queen Jing felt that the impact of this matter was not good, so she secretly called back the memorial and sent someone to scold them, so this matter did not spread. ”

Lu Yu was stunned for a while, and finally sighed helplessly: "It seems that my reputation for being extravagant will never go away!"

"Why are you so aggrieved?" Ning Wanxuan said dissatisfied: "Since you became successful, whether in Hengyue or Ruijing, you have bullied men and dominated women. All of this is the result of your own fault... On the contrary, I, since you came back from Junshui City last time, I haven’t even seen you in person for more than a month, but I still have to bear such a reputation... Should I be more wronged than you? "

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked like she was about to cry.

There is certainly an element of acting in it, but there is also a hint of true feelings.

Since he came back last time, he has closed himself off alone. During this period, only Fu Jing could meet him. Even his precious apprentice Cui Zhenzhen who wanted to ask him for advice had to communicate through letters. If it weren't for the fact that the city inside the Ark on the Other Side wasn't undergoing new changes every day, which was obviously a sign that Lu Yu was making drastic changes, Ning Wanxuan would have couldn't help but wonder if something unexpected had happened to him...

In fact, it is nothing to not see each other for more than a month. Considering the long lifespan of cultivators like them, a month is just a blink of an eye. Ning Wanxuan was mainly angry with him for his favoritism. If it weren't for what happened now One important thing is that she hasn't even heard from Lu Yu for more than a month.

Lu Yu naturally had his own reasons for this.

For more than a month, he has been focusing on how to use the two Hexapeptide Rubik's Cubes. The transformation of the No. 1 Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube is currently progressing very smoothly, with only a few key components missing, a brand new large alchemy furnace. It's done... But the transformation of the No. 2 Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube is not very smooth. This is related to whether he can get in touch with relatives and friends in his hometown. How could he be distracted at this time?

Putting aside business matters, even without the fetters of these things, Lu Yu is unlikely to meet Ning Wanxuan's expectation of "spreading rain and dew", because the loss of life essence last time did have a serious impact on him. The weak state lasted for a whole month, and he only recovered in the past few days.

At this time, facing Ning Wanxuan's grievances and complaints, Lu Yu knew that explanations were useless. Only by making practical changes could her dissatisfaction be alleviated... So, he smiled slightly and said, "I am indeed too busy during this period. , but the situation will change next... In the next period of time, you will probably have to deal with me every day, so don't be too annoyed by it? "

Ning Wanxuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and she put away her tears instantly: "Really?" Then she felt a little embarrassed herself, and whispered: "Actually, I was just complaining... If you weren't busy with things If it’s over, there’s no need to deliberately accommodate me…”

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "I'm not accommodating you... I'm busy with things, but I will change my busy direction next time. The previous batch of Red Flame Dragon Taming Pills should have been used up long ago, right? It's time to start again It’s time to start making alchemy! So, I need you to check out the materials and deliver them to me every day.”

Ning Wanxuan was stunned: "The new alchemy furnace has been built? Did you really move the Suyu Cloud Pool into the Ark on the other side?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Not yet, but it's coming soon... Whether the alchemy furnace can be built and put into use depends on the people we will meet later!"

Ning Wanxuan said in astonishment: "You mean...the three major sects?"

His experiment with the surveillance formation was just a sideshow. The real important thing today was to meet with representatives of the three major sects and prepare to formally accept their surrender.

Ning Wanxuan originally thought that Lu Yu ran out of the Ark because he valued the three major sects, but she did not expect that he actually had another purpose.

Lu Yu nodded and expressed his true intention: "Actually, the main body of the alchemy furnace has been completed, but to make it truly operate, there are still a few key parts missing..."

"The three major sects happen to have a batch of materials that can be used to process these parts, and this batch of materials happens to be one of the conditions for us to accept their surrender!"

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