Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2019 Great Achievements

Representatives of the three major sects came as promised.

Shenyu Palace, Yunyan Pavilion, and Wanqiu Sect were once all powerful sects that stood on top of the world. Unexpectedly, they are now willing to put down their status and surrender to the Fuxing Alliance. This can’t help but make many people They were all so surprised that their eyes almost dropped.

You know, although the Renaissance Alliance is in the name of reviving the Guanlan Empire, many people think that the members of the Renaissance Alliance are just a bunch of mud-legged people... If they bow to the Temple of Hades, it is nothing, but if they are like If such a group of mud-legged people bow their heads, not only outsiders will not be able to understand this, but even many people in the three major sects themselves will not be able to understand this.

This is also the reason why the three major sects have not surrendered after so long, because they can't let go of this face.

However, the situation is ultimately stronger than the people.

While Emperor Siyu was busy reincarnating in Junshui City, the Hades Temple, which had become a mess, had completely lost contact. Their plan to rely on the Hades Temple to fight against Lu Yu had been completely ruined. On Lu Yu's side, the Renaissance Alliance was booming. The development of miraculous treasures is in full swing... Even the die-hards in the three major sects have to recognize the facts before them and honestly lower their stature.

Among the three major sects, Shenyu Palace is already in a semi-disabled state. Fang Jianwen, Dai Lifan, and Gao Zunyu died in Lu Yu's hands one after another. Guo Kun has also abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side. Only the last master of Nanshan, He Xitang, is left to suffer. To support the situation... Lu Yu did not hesitate too much about this, and directly asked Guo Kun to take charge of receiving these surrendered people. Anyway, they were already old acquaintances, so that they could get these people on the right track with the greatest efficiency.

Why did Lu Yu accept the affiliation of the three major sects? In addition to the harvest of resources, the most important thing is the supplement of manpower. The three major sects have profound foundations and are full of talents. Their affiliation is equivalent to doubling the strength of the Renaissance Alliance, which also means that more talents will be called into the Ark on the Other Side.

Guo Kun was not very happy at first, because his interest in dragon mimicry was far greater than his pursuit of power. Later, Lu Yu came forward and told him that he would be entrusted with an important task, but this important task did not He couldn't accomplish it alone. He needed to lead a strong team who were equally skilled in controlling the dragon's mimicry. Only then did he finally agree.

As for Yunyan Pavilion and Wanqiu Sect, these two sects still have relatively complete establishments. All key members, including the heads of the two sects, attended the surrender ceremony, which represented their complete surrender to the Fuxing Alliance. .

What is particularly worth mentioning is the head of Yunyan Pavilion. The current head Yu Shaoqing has actually just taken over the position of head. Everyone knows that the real Dinghai Shenzhen in Yunyan Pavilion is his father Yu Mincong. However, this time even his father Yu Mincong also came to Fenghe Prefecture, and he personally handed Yunyan Pavilion's offer of surrender, which also showed Yunyan Pavilion's attitude from the side.

Lu Yu took the three surrender forms in his hand and read them carefully. In addition to the gorgeous rhetoric, the surrender forms also listed in detail the personnel and materials of each sect. These things will be dealt with by the Fuxing Alliance. .

Everyone stood in front of him, too nervous to even take a breath.

Although Lu Yu is only the regent in name, and the real master of the Renaissance Alliance is Queen Crystal, everyone is very aware of his energy. Not to mention Fang Jianwen, who has no bones left, even the current Hades Temple is under his control. A big mistake was made on his hands, which led to the current disintegration situation...With these lessons learned from the past, everyone felt unprecedented pressure.

After a while, Lu Yu put down his watch, looked at the representatives from the three parties in front of him, and asked, "Where are the things I want?"

Representatives from the three parties said quickly: "Everything is ready... It's just that we made these things exactly according to your requirements. We don't know the specific names and uses, so we didn't write them on the drop list."

"Bring it over and show it to me!" Lu Yu said.

So the representatives of the three parties each ordered their subordinates to immediately move over a batch of "materials" processed according to Lu Yu's requirements.

Soon, objects of different shapes were moved onto the field, looking like lumps of iron.

In fact, they are indeed alloys melted from various weapons.

The three major sects have stood proudly at the top of the world for hundreds of years. The number of magical weapons they have collected is extremely large. However, on the eve of their surrender, Lu Yu issued an order asking them to smelt all the magical weapons. Thousands of magical weapons were dissolved into iron lumps in front of me...

In the eyes of the representatives of the three parties, this was a complete waste of natural resources, but these were the "special conditions" proposed to them by Lu Yu, but they did not dare not comply with them.

"Your Highness the Regent, in accordance with your request, we have smelted all the weapons in our inventory, including the equipment provided to us by the Temple of Hades, and recast them into the style you requested. It's just that our casting technology is very limited, and the drawings you provided are very high-end, and I don't know if the results will satisfy you..." Yu Mincong said to Lu Yu cautiously.

In his opinion, the reason why Lu Yu made such a request was mainly to show off his great achievements and smelt all the magic weapons of the three major sects into large special ornaments to be placed in the future Guanlan Imperial City or the border. The fortress will undoubtedly have a great deterrent effect...

However, the drawings provided by Lu Yu were too detailed and complicated. The casting technology of the three major sects could not achieve perfection at all, so it was not known whether such results would satisfy Lu Yu.

"It's really rough..."

Lu Yu looked at it and said, "But with your level, it's already pretty good to be able to do this. As long as you polish it a little, it's not unusable... Okay, that's it!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu waved to the side. Guo Kun immediately understood, stepped forward, used his divine power, and put away all these "iron lumps" in one go.

Seeing that these things could satisfy Lu Yu, Yu Mincong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon he became confused again, because he discovered that Guo Kun turned into a giant dragon and brought all these things to the sky, as if to send them to the miraculous treasure suspended in mid-air.

Are these things not just decorations to show off your achievements?

Yu Mincong was greatly confused.

Lu Yu didn't explain much about this. He handed the three reduced orders to Ning Wanxuan on the other side, and then said: "Queen Jing will personally give instructions on your next arrangements, which will take some time... …Before that, I would like to ask you to come with me to visit the miraculous treasures. What do you think?”

Including Yu Mincong, all the representatives could not help but be stunned at the same time.

They have long been full of curiosity about the miraculous treasure suspended in mid-air, but they also know that even in the entire Renaissance Alliance, only the first batch of a hundred or so people selected can enter the miraculous treasure.

Unexpectedly, they had just returned, and Lu Yu directly invited them to visit the Miracle Treasure. This was really beyond their expectations.

"Is this...really okay?" Han Jinyang, the head of Wanqiu Sect, said worriedly.

Although he tried his best to restrain himself, the gleaming expression in his eyes still betrayed his true inner thoughts.

Lu Yu smiled: "What's wrong with this? Now that you have joined the Renaissance Alliance, from now on everyone is our own. All members of the Renaissance Alliance will have the opportunity to enter the Miracle Treasure sooner or later!"

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