Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2020 Dragon City (Part 1)

Lu Yu opened the transmission channel and introduced all the representatives of the three major sects into the other side of the ark.

Just like the previous members of the Renaissance Alliance, these people were also dumbfounded. They stood in front of the ancient and magnificent city and could not utter a complete sentence for a long time.

Although they had many ideas about the interior of the Miracle Treasure, they never expected that the structure inside would be so magnificent.


Suddenly, a high-pitched roar sounded, and a huge dragon figure surged up in the middle of the city. This sudden scene once again shocked everyone, making everyone scream in surprise.

"Ah! There's a dragon!"

"This is the legendary real dragon!"

"I didn't expect that there are real dragons here! No wonder it is a place of miracles!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and explained: "Don't be nervous, everyone. This is indeed a giant dragon ruins, but the dragon has disappeared long ago. What you just saw was just our members of the Renaissance Alliance practicing manipulating the dragon mimicry."


Everyone was surprised again.

"Is it actually fake?"

"Not a real dragon?"

"How is this possible? The feeling it gave people just now is obviously real... even my hair stood on end!"

Han Jinyang, the head of the Wanqiu Sect, also frowned slightly and said: "Your Highness the Regent, we all know that you have a magical elixir that can activate the power of a giant dragon in people after taking it. However, the dragon stimulated in this way does not seem to be Looks like this..."

Lu Yu glanced at him and said with a smile: "It seems that Head Han has done special research on this?"

Han Jinyang smiled awkwardly: "At the beginning, Han was really ignorant..."

However, Lu Yu praised: "Headmaster Han's eyesight is indeed very good. The dragon mimicry inspired by taking the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill is often only a dragon mimicry with flame attributes, which is completely different from the dragon he saw just now... …But as I said just now, this is just practice by members of our Renaissance Alliance. They practice exercises like this here every day. It is normal for their level to improve. What you just saw is made of flames. Dragon mimicry after attribute advancement.”

As he spoke, Lu Yu gestured to Guo Kun beside him: "Who was practicing over there just now? Let him come here."

Guo Kun replied: "It's probably that boy from the Gong family. In these days, he is the only one who has performed best in the hall of heroes' fantasy... I will call him over right now!"

After hearing what he said, Lu Yu couldn't help but become curious.

He has never heard of the boys from the Gong family at all. He has been busy studying transformation these days and does not know the situation of these rising stars on the other side of the Ark.

Soon, Guo Kun called the "person" over.

A dark green dragon appeared in front of everyone. The dynamic details of its body were lifelike. Its dark green scales reflected a strange glimmer of light. The terrifying pressure made everyone present dare not take a breath.

The giant black dragon stopped in front of Lu Yu, curled up its huge body, and nodded slightly towards him, as if saluting him.

Seeing this scene, everyone was even more shocked. Regardless of whether this was a dragon mimic controlled by members of the Renaissance Alliance, it at least proved Lu Yu's respected status in their minds.

Immediately afterwards, the dark green dragon quickly began to shrink rapidly, and the lifelike dynamic details on its body began to show "flaws". The light and shadow gradually faded, and finally a man's figure was revealed at its tail.

It turned out that it was indeed just a mimicry, but because the details were too realistic, the body of the caster was covered up. Everyone was only attracted by the huge body of the ink-colored dragon, but did not notice that it actually used its tail to secretly Hidden a person.

This time it was completely confirmed, and everything was confirmed beyond a doubt. It turned out that this was really a dragon mimicry controlled by members of the Renaissance Alliance!

The man stepped forward, feeling quite uneasy. He didn't know why Lu Yu suddenly called him over. Just when he was about to salute Lu Yu again, someone among the representatives from the three parties suddenly screamed: "Ah! I recognize it." You, you are Gong Haigang of the Gong family in Yan Lincheng!"

"Yan Lincheng? Gong family? Where is that?"

"Yan Lincheng is a small town under the jurisdiction of Beihai County. The Gong family is a big local family, but its influence is limited to the local area. Outside of Beihai County, almost no one knows..."

“I never expected that such an outstanding person would come out of such a small place!”

"In fact, I have heard of the name Gong Haigang. It is said that he is a very talented junior. When he just broke through to the Earthly Ming Realm three years ago, I personally visited Yan Lincheng and wanted to recruit him. A member of the sect, unfortunately, he had already gone to sea for training... I didn’t expect that when we meet again, he will be different now!”

"The Diming Realm that he broke through three years ago? Elder Li, are you mistaken? This person is clearly a strong person in the Tianhuang Realm now!"

"In just three years, he has broken through from the Diming Realm to the Tianhuang Realm? How is this possible!"

"This man is an unparalleled talent!"

"Elder Li, you suffered a huge loss by not recruiting him into your ranks at the beginning!"

"Well, is there a possibility that he broke through to the Tianhuang realm after joining the Renaissance Alliance?"

Everyone was talking, but Gong Haigang turned a deaf ear.

He was actually quite uneasy inside. He didn't know why he was suddenly called over by Lu Yu when he was practicing well. Could it be because he accidentally made some mistake?

During this period of time, he has indeed made great progress, and has even stepped into the Tianhuang Realm in one fell swoop. However, the more he does this, the more he feels his own insignificance, especially after seeing the full picture of the Hall of Valor's Fantasy Realm. For those legendary ancient dragons, his power is not worth mentioning at all, but the Hall of Heroes was transformed by Lu Yu's power. This shows how powerful his power must be. !

"Gong Hai just met the regent!"

Gong Haigang saluted Lu Yu again, acting cautiously.

Lu Yu carefully examined the man in front of him. Although Guo Kun called him "the boy from the Gong family", that was only relative to Guo Kun's own qualifications. In fact, this "boy from the Gong family" was no longer young. , already looks like a middle-aged man. Considering that practitioners tend to age slowly, he should be at least sixty years old.

But even so, he still behaved like a young apprentice in front of Lu Yu.

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