Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2021 Dragon City (Part 2)

Lu Yu looked at Gong Haigang, who had a reserved look on his face, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Have you entered the Tianhuang Realm?"

"Yes...thanks to Senior Guo Kun's guidance and the opportunity given to me by His Highness the Regent!" Gong Haigang replied.

Lu Yu said: "The opportunities are the same for you, the first batch of qualified members. You can stand out from so many people and be the first to break through to the Tianhuang realm, and you are also good at controlling and using dragon mimicry." Your own unique insights are the result of your own efforts... You have done a great job. I hope you will continue to work hard and maintain this momentum. I can assure you that you will have brighter prospects in the future! "

"Yes! Gong must remember the regent's teachings!"

"Okay, I have nothing to do here. You can continue to practice!" Lu Yu waved his hand and said.

Gong Haigang was full of doubts, but he didn't expect that Lu Yu called him over and just praised him. He couldn't help but cast a questioning look at Guo Kun on the side. When he saw Guo Kun also waving his hand at him, he was finally convinced. There was nothing else to do, so I secretly rejoiced and bowed down to leave.

"Wait a moment."

However, just as he was about to turn around, Lu Yu suddenly stopped him.

Gong Haigang's heart suddenly picked up again.

Lu Yu frowned and thought for a moment, and then said: "By the way, when you control this dark green dragon mimic, you can slightly improve the movement of Qi in Jiao Chong point, for example like this..."

As he spoke, he reached out and drew a pattern in the void.

The pattern was only composed of a few simple lines. Everyone around them felt that it contained a profound meaning, but they could not see the specific mystery.

On the contrary, when Gong Hai in front of him saw this pattern, his body suddenly shook and he showed an expression of sudden realization.

"Thank you, Prince Regent, for your advice!" Gong Haigang bowed his head to the end again with a look of joy on his face.

Everyone around them couldn't help but be confused, but seeing Gong Haigang's expression, they naturally knew that the pattern Lu Yu drew casually must contain the Great Way of Truth, so they secretly remembered it in their hearts.

"Sure enough, he is a talent that can be made. It seems that you have indeed understood it!" Lu Yu said with a smile. He was also very happy to see that the other party had such a good understanding and understood his instructions in one go.

"Okay, it's really okay now. You can go back!"

"Yes! Gong takes his leave!"

After saying this, Gong Haigang didn't waste any more time. The dragon mimicry was once again inspired from his body, roaring and flying towards the depths of the magnificent city.

The ground trembled slightly, as if in response to his power. Although the same person was a dark green dragon, he exploded with even more amazing power.

The representatives of the three parties on the side all changed their expressions.

As the top backbones of the three major sects, they naturally have extraordinary strength and vision. Now they can clearly feel the increase in Gong Haigang's power. As soon as this column is removed, its power has risen to a whole new level. steps.

"There are indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world. I didn't expect that a small Yanlin city would hide such a talent!" Yu Mincong stroked the beard on his chin and said with emotion: "Of course, what is more exciting is the regent's treatment of him. Please tell me, if this person is a thousand-mile horse, then you, the regent, are worthy of being the best!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "How am I a bole? At best, I entered here earlier than all of you, so I have more experience... But when it comes to talents and horses, I think everyone present is more talented. You have more potential to become a Chollima than Gong Haigang!"

Hearing Xiange and knowing the elegant meaning, Lu Yu said everything to this extent, how could everyone still not understand his intention?

Han Jinyang immediately couldn't help but start gearing up and asked: "Your Highness the Regent, I wonder if we also have the opportunity to practice here like Haigang?"

"Practice?" Lu Yu chuckled and shook his head: "That's not all I expect from you!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned and looked at him in surprise.

Lu Yu raised his hand and pointed to the magnificent and huge ancient city ahead, and continued: "Do you know where this place was originally?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other for a while. They only know that this place is a miraculous treasure. It is indeed full of mysterious and vicissitudes of ancient atmosphere, but when it comes to the specific origin, they can't answer the slightest answer.

"I'd like to hear the details!" Yu Mincong bowed and said.

Lu Yu did not continue to talk about it, and said directly: "The real name here is the Ark of the Other Shore. It was originally owned by the giant dragon clan. The scene you see in front of you was originally a city of giant dragons. It has been a very long time. Historically, hundreds of millions of years ago, this city was not what we see before us. I think it should have been vibrant and radiant at that time, with various formations stacked on top of each other, and magical power that was endless and endless. They are all interconnected, and the light from any large array can light up a starry sky..."

"However, so far, we have only lit up one corner of this city..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu raised his hand and pointed in the direction where Gong Haigang was practicing manipulating the dragon's mimicry. That was the area he had circled. Compared to the size of the entire Ark on the Other Side, its scope was probably less than one percent. Not yet.

"I hope that with your help, more areas of this dragon city can be lit up, and one day it can even be completely lit up, so that its light can once again illuminate the starry sky and shine all over the heavens. The world... This is not only my wish, but also the long-term goal that the Renaissance Alliance will strive for in the future. Our goal is not to dominate this world, our goal is the more distant end of the starry sky. I wonder if you can help! Can I help you?"

Everyone could not help but be deeply shocked by the grand vision described by Lu Yu.

Not long ago, they were worried that the growth of the Renaissance Alliance would destroy their jobs, so they were always in panic. Who would have thought that the other party's goal was far more lofty than they imagined? Even heights they can't even reach!

Lu Yu's words were like opening a door to a new world in front of them, and it shocked them like never before.

I don't know who took the lead, but everyone knelt down in front of Lu Yu.

"We are willing to follow the Renaissance Alliance to the death! We are willing to die serving His Highness the Regent!"

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