Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2022 Demonic Dragon One

"What kind of magic did you cast on the three major sects? Why did they all act like they were possessed by demons after they left?" Ning Wanxuan asked.

At this time, two days have passed since the previous visit.

Representatives of the three major sects stayed in the Ark on the other side for a whole day and night, and finally left reluctantly because they had to accept Fu Jing's summons.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, had already returned to his busy work.

Hearing Ning Wanxuan at this time, Lu Yu looked up from the pile of parts and said with a confused expression: "Magic? What magic? Ah! By the way, the three major sects... where are their people?"

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but raise her forehead. How dare this guy not figure out the situation yet? He didn't even know when the people from the three major sects left?

"Didn't you take them on a tour before? You don't even know where they went?"

Lu Yu suddenly raised his head: "I remembered... I was indeed leading them on a tour before. After arriving here, I wanted to show them how to use these parts, but I didn't expect that I forgot when I got busy... Now it's When did they go?"

"It's been two days, Guo Kun has already led them out." Ning Wanxuan said with a speechless expression.

"That's good..." Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed softly: "It's a pity. Originally, I wanted to show the brand new large alchemy furnace in front of them to further increase their confidence, but I didn't expect that it took so long. Long……"

The corner of Ning Wanxuan's mouth twitched: "I don't think this is necessary. Even without this demonstration, they already have full confidence in you."

"Really...what did you say happened to them just now?"

"It's nothing, but after they left here, they all seemed to be in a state of panic. They kept talking about 'how is our Renaissance Alliance doing?', as if they were old members of the Renaissance Alliance... Frankly speaking "If they do this, even I will feel in danger, let alone King Ye and the others," Ning Wanxuan complained.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little stunned. If the Ark on the Other Side wants to exert its combat power, it does need more manpower, but he forgets these things as soon as he gets busy... If this is the case, it can be regarded as a mistake.

"Honestly, did you really not use special means against them? Just like you did against Xu Zhiyang..." Ning Wanxuan lowered her voice and asked.

Lu Yu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you thinking? Do you think it is very easy to transform Xu Zhiyang? I am so busy now that I don't even have time to urinate. Do you think it is possible for me to exert mind control on so many people at the same time?"

Ning Wanxuan said in a low voice: "I didn't say these words, they were said by Guo Kun himself. These are all because of your magic, Your Highness the Regent..."

Lu Yu shook his head, and then his eyes lit up: "You suddenly mentioned Xu Zhiyang. Is he already back?"

Ning Wanxuan smiled and said: "I really can't hide anything from you... Xu Zhiyang and the five ancestors have just returned from the Far East, and they have brought back the first batch of supplies from the Hades Temple. I have just finished counting these supplies. Take a look."

With that said, she handed a list to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu glanced over them in a hurry, and his face gradually turned into a smile.

"It seems that they are very reliable in their work. Everything I told them was fulfilled!" Lu Yu praised.

"Of course, who dares to discount the order given by your regent?" Ning Wanxuan joked, "However, Zhengyang Patriarch and the others have said that the key to the success of this matter is Xu Zhiyang's performance. If it weren’t for his presence, even if the Temple of Hades had fallen to pieces, it would not have been easy to transport these things out of the Far East.”

Lu Yu nodded slightly.

He knew the situation in the Far East. The environment there was already harsh. In addition, the Temple of Hades just lost its high-level leadership. Not all people were dead. Without Xu Zhiyang, the former high priest, he wanted to control the place. Transferring supplies from the Far East is not an easy task.

This is why he took a special period of time to "transform" Xu Zhiyang after returning from Junshui City.

In fact, it is not so much "transforming" him as "repairing" him. Long before Huo Siyu arrived, Lu Yu had completely broken through his sea of ​​consciousness. If the original trend continued, Xu Zhiyang should have been able to He died of insanity, but considering that he still had certain use value, Lu Yu restored his consciousness sea again.

But the repaired second-hand goods are definitely better than the original ones. Now Xu Zhiyang has not only lost most of his memory, but also his whole person is dumb and stupid. He only obeys Lu Yu's orders, like a walking zombie.

But this was enough. At least with the help of the fifth ancestor of the Ning clan, he could successfully transport the supplies back. Otherwise, Lu Yu would have had to make the trip himself. He was really lacking in resources now.

"Xu there anything wrong?" Lu Yu asked.

"No, he just doesn't have a bright mind, but his strength is still there. As long as he stands in front of others, the remnants of the Hades Temple will automatically surrender." Ning Wanxuan replied.

After a pause, he couldn't help but ask: "What exactly did you do to him? Now everyone is curious, how did the majestic Tianhuang Realm strongman and the high priest who controls divine power become like this?"

Lu Yu said: "This is very complicated to say, and it can't be explained clearly in a few words... You just need to know that this is what happens if you go against me!"

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but shudder, and her voice became coquettish: "My Lord Regent, could you please stop saying such terrible things... I have never thought of going against you. The slave family has always been obedient to you. , He obeys his advice!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "I'm not talking about you, but if someone asks you about it, you can reply to them like this."

Ning Wanxuan rolled her eyes at him: "How can anyone dare to come and inquire with me face to face? Who doesn't know that I am your regent? At most, they can only discuss it secretly... What should I do with those materials? How big are they? It's so big that it can't even fit in my mansion..."

Lu Yu looked at the list again. He was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and circled the list.

"Are these circled parts shipped in first?" Ning Wanxuan asked.

"No, they can be shipped in as soon as possible. I have to do another thing first." Lu Yu said.

Ning Wanxuan was startled: "What's the matter?"

Lu Yu raised his head, looked at the huge pill furnace in front of him, and smiled happily: "Of course we are preparing to refine the materials for the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill. Didn't we already agree on it before?"

Ning Wanxuan was surprised: "Has the transformation of this alchemy furnace been completed?"


Lu Yu said as he arranged and combined the surrounding parts and spliced ​​them together, turning it into a larger part.

Then, Lu Yu held up this huge "part" that was more than ten feet high with both hands, flew up, and placed it on top of an even larger "skyscraper."

With a clear "click" sound, the huge "parts" were perfectly embedded into the "skyscraper". Suddenly, the "skyscraper" seemed to come alive, and the internal block structure began to rotate rapidly, constantly paving outwards. It extended and eventually turned into an extremely huge cauldron.

Looking at this scene, Ning Wanxuan was so surprised that she was speechless.

Lu Yu slowly fell back to where he was, exhaled a long breath, and said, "I plan to give it a brand new name, just 'Magic Dragon No. 1'. What do you think?"

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