Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2023 Horrifying moment

News of the completion of Magic Dragon One spread like wildfire.

It wasn't that Ning Wanxuan was lax and the news leaked out casually, but that Lu Yu himself wrote the words "Demon Dragon No. 1" on the tripod of the alchemy furnace.

And during the debugging process, as the formation was driven, the huge tripod broke through the interior of the other side's ark like bamboo shoots and was exposed to the surface of the ship. In this way, everyone knew about the magic dragon. The existence of No. 1, and learned the name "Magic Dragon No. 1".

However, people did not know the specific purpose of "Magic Dragon No. 1". They just saw a huge thing standing on the upside-down mountain range from a long distance. Everyone knew that this thing must be extraordinary.

So all kinds of speculations came into being... Some said it was an altar to communicate with the gods, similar to the monument in the Temple of Hades; some said it was a palace, symbolizing the highest authority of the Guanlan Empire in the future. ; Others say that this is a super large artifact, built under the personal supervision of His Highness the Regent, which can crush a powerful person in the Tianhuang Realm with one blow.

In the end, the last theory gradually gained the upper hand, because the name "Demon Dragon No. 1" did not match the previous two theories, and there was also a rumor as evidence... It was said that not long ago, it was located within the original Great Evil Empire. The Jade Cloud Pond suddenly disappeared. The reason was that His Highness the Regent moved the whole piece into the Miracle Treasure and created this artifact.

This news sounds very exaggerated, but compared to the fact that His Highness the Regent can create a giant dragon out of thin air and control it, it is nothing.

"Sacred weapon?" Inside the Ark, Lu Yu couldn't help laughing as he listened to Fu Jing's narration of the public opinion from the outside world: "These people still underestimate our Magic Dragon One. Let's not talk about other things for the time being. Just focus on its use. In terms of materials, how can it be compared to a divine weapon?"

Fu Jing narrowed his eyes slightly and carefully examined the huge alchemy furnace in front of him: "Since you call it 'Demon Dragon No. 1', it must be because it is a combination of the Dragon Clan inheritance and the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube, but now it is only It can be seen that its main part is transformed from the internal buildings of the Ark, and the parts are provided by the smelting weapons of the three major sects. As for the core part, it should be the Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube, but I can't see its shadow... "

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Of course you can't tell, because it hasn't been officially driven yet, how could you possibly tell?"

"It hasn't been officially driven yet?" Fu Jing said in astonishment: "Hasn't the six-peptide Rubik's Cube at its inner core actually been unfolded?"

"If it really unfolds, it won't just be this scene..." Lu Yu said, "But you can see it soon!"

As he spoke, he turned to look at Cui Zhenzhen aside and asked, "How are you doing? Are you ready?"

Cui Zhenzhen quickly replied: "All the materials have been loaded into the queue, and I have checked them. There are no problems..."

"Then let's get started!"

"Ah? Do I also want to participate in the refining?"

"Of course, this Demon Dragon No. 1 will be handed over to you in the future. What if you don't participate together?" Lu Yu said matter-of-factly.

"But..." Cui Zhenzhen was uneasy, "I haven't even entered the realm of the Grand Duke yet. I'm afraid I can't control this alchemy furnace with my strength, right?"

Lu Yu said: "You are wrong about this. This Demonic Dragon No. 1 is transformed from the large array inside the Ark of the Other Side. It uses many magic arrays for control. Its degree of automation is much higher than the previous natural pill furnace." It needs to be higher. Although it is true that the higher the strength, the easier it is to control, but at your level, if you are already familiar with the refining process, it is enough to control it... What's more, it's not because I'm here "?"

Cui Zhenzhen was stunned: "Can it still be like this?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said: "Otherwise, why do you think I spent so many days studying it? I just need to unfold it directly like in Suyu Yunchi, so why bother with so much trouble? That's it. In order to sharpen the knife, you must not waste time chopping wood!”

"I see...I understand."

As a result, the two entered the control center of "Magic Dragon One".

It was like a hanging ladder here. As the two people stepped in, the hanging ladder began to automatically climb upwards, getting higher and higher until it broke through the internal space of the other side of the ark and reached the top of the Magic Dragon One.

The Ark of the Other Shore was already suspended in mid-air, and the Magic Dragon No. 1 was growing on the Ark of the Other Shore. Therefore, after they reached the top, they felt as if they were on top of the world, surrounded by strong winds and a sea of ​​white clouds beneath their feet. .

This was the first time Cui Zhenzhen saw such a scene. She felt panicked for no reason and asked, "What should we do next?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't be nervous. In fact, everything here is no different from Suyu Yunchi. You can regard this as the console of Suyu Yunchi, but the external appearance is slightly different... You Watch what I do.”

As he spoke, Lu Yu sent out a burst of energy and activated a magic circle in front of him.

As the magic circle was activated, the "Devil Dragon No. 1" under his feet trembled violently. The next moment, the roar was deafening, but countless thunder and lightning appeared in the sky above his head.

It seemed that in an instant, the entire world seemed to have been turned off, leaving only a huge whirlpool appearing in the sky above Fenghe State. There were lightning and thunder everywhere, leaving only the other side of the ark. A huge swirling void.

This is a huge empty nest made of thunder, a magical sight that has never appeared in this world.

Countless people screamed in alarm, and many strong men fled in various directions on the escaping light.

Even if you are at the top of the extreme realm, you can feel the chaos of the ground world below.

"Is this what you said is no different?" Cui Zhenzhen said with a horrified expression.

Lu Yu spread his hands: "It's really no different. It's just that the Suyu Cloud Pool has existed for tens of millions of years, so people are accustomed to it, but this 'Devil Dragon No. 1' has just been started now, and the internal core is completely intact." expand, so the scene is a bit scary...and you will soon find that they are not much different!"

Sure enough, as time passed, the thunder in the sky gradually subsided, and the earth returned to calm.

But the vision in the sky did not stop. The reason why the Suyu Cloud Pool was formed in the Necromantic Mountains was mainly because the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube forcibly absorbed the spiritual energy of the surrounding world. At this time, the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube was re-opened, and the same It has a similar effect, except that the object it absorbs is not the surrounding area, but the wider and deeper sky.

Gradually, the Thunder Empty Nest gradually turned into a liquid state, as if there was a huge glass bowl in the air. This bowl had no bottom. The liquid essence flowed down the wall of the bowl, pouring to the other side like a waterfall. The Ark's hull finally enveloped the entire Ark on the other side, as if the entire hull was coated with a protective film.

Then the thick fog began to fill the air, and the entire Ark on the other side was completely shrouded in thick fog, just like the Suyu Cloud Pool at that time.

Seeing this scene, Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help being surprised and speechless.

Just as Lu Yu said, she finally found a familiar feeling at this moment... But what surprised her even more was Lu Yu's design of all this. She said thoughtfully: "Are you planning to use these liquid real objects?" Yuan Lai serves as the shell protection of the Ark on the Other Side? This way you don’t have to worry about safety when refining alchemy..."

Lu Yu said calmly: "There is indeed such a plan, but this requires the cooperation of more internal arrays. It cannot be realized yet. We can only wait for the next stage!"

Cui Zhenzhen nodded suddenly: "So that's it, now I understand!"

"Understand what?"

"I understand what you said about 'sharpening the sword before chopping wood'. No wonder you moved the Jade Cloud Pond here with great fanfare... It turns out that it is not only to facilitate the alchemy, but also to further consolidate the defense here!" Cui Zhenzhen sincerely praised road.

Lu Yu said with a helpless smile: "Don't think so highly of me, okay? I didn't think that much before I decided to move Suyu Yunchi here. Now that we have such an effect, it can be regarded as the result of being flexible and flexible according to local conditions... Okay, now it’s time for you to get familiar with it, right? Let’s get down to business!”

With that said, Lu Yu activated another magic circle, and suddenly the entire Magic Dragon One began to rumble again.

At this moment, for Cui Zhenzhen, her most terrifying moment has passed.

However, for many people who have never seen the refining process of Red Flame Dragon Control Pill, the terrifying moment has just begun.

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