Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2025 Can’t Stop

The scene of thousands of giant dragons dancing wildly in the sky lasted for three days and three nights.

After the initial panic, people gradually calmed down. Later, after repeated explanations from the senior officials of the Renaissance Alliance, after learning that this was actually the truth about His Highness the Regent refining elixirs, they suddenly couldn't help but get excited, and some even knelt down directly. On the ground, he bowed down to the high and mighty Demon Dragon No.1.

"God is alive!"

"I'm afraid you don't know that His Royal Highness the Regent already had the title of 'Alchemy God in the World' when he was in Xihai City!"

"It turns out that His Royal Highness the Regent is a real god. No wonder he can do so many incredible things!"

"It's ridiculous that Hades Temple still prays to some extraterrestrial god, but they don't know that the real god is already close at hand... It's no wonder that they were completely defeated and collapsed in front of His Highness the Regent!"

There were heated discussions among the people, but Lu Yu turned a deaf ear.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly to controlling the Demon Dragon No. 1. Although the degree of automation of this brand-new alchemy furnace was far higher than before, this was the first time it was put into use after all. There were many places where he was still trying to figure things out. Cross the river.

And in order for Cui Zhenzhen beside him to take over better in the future, he also needs to clearly display the entire process, so he has no time to care about things other than Magic Dragon One.

Suddenly, a magic circle on the main console lit up.

This is the control formation of the elevator, which means someone is starting the elevator to approach the main console.

Cui Zhenzhen on the side quickly checked and then reported: "It's Sister Xuan who's coming up."

Lu Yu nodded and said nothing.

Within the entire Fuxing Alliance, Ning Wanxuan is one of the few people who can activate the elevator.

This is mainly due to the need to prepare materials. Although the entire Magic Dragon No. 1 is operating as usual and everything is going on in full swing, in fact, in this process, new materials still need to be input from time to time in order to make adjustments to the overall condition of the alchemy furnace. Before adjustments are made, as for the specific types of materials needed, these need to be communicated in advance, and Ning Wanxuan's role lies here.

In the past two days, she had been preparing to report every day and asked what kind of materials needed to be prepared in advance.

Lu Yu thought she had the same purpose this time, but he didn't expect her to say directly as soon as she came up: "Sister Huo is back!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled and asked: "Where?"

"Right here." Ning Wanxuan said.

Lu Yu noticed that she specially emphasized the word "accompany". It was obvious that the atmosphere between mother and daughter was quite tense. He didn't say anything and said calmly: "Let her have sex!"


Ning Wanxuan negotiated with Cui Zhenzhen again about the materials that needed to be prepared, and left quickly. After a while, the hanging ladder started again, and this time it was Fu Jing and Huo Yunru who got on it together.

Obviously, Fu Jing is not worried about her mother. After all, she has learned from past mistakes before, and Fu Jing does not have Lu Yu's piercing eyes, which can see through the true and false nature of the other party at once.

"Okay, now let's ask Afeng! Am I true or false?" Huo Yunru said loudly.

Fu Jing kept a tight face and said nothing.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and instantly understood the situation between the two. It was obvious that Huo Yunru had tried her best to reveal her identity before this, but Fu Jing did not believe it.

"Madam, why are you here...she is indeed the madam."

Huo Yunru couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart when she heard Lu Yu called her, but at this time she couldn't care less and immediately turned to Fu Jing, her voice still crying: "Did you hear what A Feng said? ? I am indeed your mother!"

However, Fu Jing still had a cold face: "So what? Even if you are really Huo Yunru, you are first of all a loyal servant of Emperor Siyu, and then my mother!"

Huo Yunru was startled and didn't know what to say.

Although she feels aggrieved, to a certain extent this is indeed true... She loves her daughter very much, and she also cares about the Guanlan ethnic group. At one time, she thought that there was no conflict between the two, but only now did she realize that , after all, the future of the Guanlan ethnic group holds more weight in her heart.

She didn't know how things had developed to this point...

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Lu Yu changed the subject and said, "Huo Siyu asked you to come here? What happened?"

When he was in the main tomb, Huo Siyu once said that Lu Yu would guarantee her safety for three months. During this period, there might be an envoy from Lord Thousand Eyes visiting... Now that Huo Yunru suddenly came over, the first thing he thought of was this thing.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yunru said: "The emperor hopes that you can stop this scene, otherwise it will cause trouble!"

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Is she okay now? At what stage is the transformation plan?"

Huo Yunru was stunned for a moment and replied: "The emperor is still deep in the mausoleum. She has been completely embryonic, and everything is going smoothly so far."

Lu Yu chuckled and said, "She has turned into a placenta and is buried deep underground. How can she still care about my situation?"

Huo Yunru said: "The emperor's power is far beyond our imagination, and her methods are naturally beyond our imagination."

Lu Yu said: "No matter how powerful she is, she can't meddle in my domain at will. Are you kidding me? Do you think she can stop just by saying stop? I asked her to stop her placenta plan immediately. Can she do it? ?”

Huo Yunru was stunned: "Then what do you mean..."

Lu Yu said: "You go back and tell her that this is not within the scope of our agreement. It is not her turn to dictate how I act! I know she is worried about enemies outside the world, but I am free to exercise discretion and let her stop doing this." Take it easy!”

Huo Yunru couldn't help but widen her eyes and was stunned for a while. She had thought that Lu Yu might not listen to Emperor Siyu's advice, but she didn't expect that he would be so rude.

"Okay, I understand, I will tell the emperor truthfully." Huo Yunru lowered her head and said.

At this moment, she knew that she had completely lost her influence on the man in front of her.

"Miss Zhenzhen, could you please send Mrs. Huo off for me?" Fu Jing said.

Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help but be stunned. She never expected that Fu Jing would suddenly make such a request. It was obvious that this person was her own mother.

"Okay,'am, please come this way!"

After all, the other party is a queen and the nominal supreme leader of the Renaissance Alliance. Moreover, Lu Yu did not raise any objections to this, so Cui Zhenzhen complied.

Huo Yunru's eyes were full of pain, but she still had to follow Cui Zhenzhen onto the escalator.

Lu Yu and Fu Jing were left on the main console.

Lu Yu sighed softly: "Is this necessary?"

Fu Jing whispered: "She gave up on me first..."

Lu Yu thought for a moment and said, "Maybe in her opinion, she doesn't think she has given up on you, but she just has an inherent concept that that choice is better for you..."

Fu Jing shook her head: "In any case, her attitude has been proven by the fact that she completely gave up resistance and fully embraced the possession of Emperor Siyu."

Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh again.

Fu Jing raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "Not to mention her... Emperor Siyu cannot possibly ask her to send such a reminder for no reason. What kind of trouble will we encounter next?"

"I don't know either." Lu Yu shrugged, "I only know that we can't stop now. Not only can't we stop, but we must further speed up... Next, prepare to open the second batch of candidates to enter the Ark. List it!”

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