Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2026 Strategy No. 2

After the news that the Miracle Treasure was about to open the second batch of shortlists, it immediately caused a greater sensation within Fenghe Prefecture.

Everyone knew that being selected to enter the Miracle Treasure meant that they would gain powerful power. Especially after learning that the scene created by Demon Dragon No. 1 was to provide elixirs to the selected members, people became even more excited. enthusiasm.

Under such circumstances, the clamor for increasing the number of places in the second batch is getting louder and louder. At least it cannot be like the first batch, which only opened a hundred or so places. Considering the size of the Renaissance Alliance, this number of places is simply not enough. Not to mention that people from three major sects have recently joined in, which will undoubtedly make the competition more intense.

Lu Yu did not disappoint everyone. With a wave of his hand, he increased the number of people to 300. The number of people was tripled at once, and the entire Fenghe Prefecture was filled with joy.

Although it is still not easy to become one of the three hundred, at least the chance is much greater than before. Moreover, this is only the second batch, and there will be a third, fourth, and third batch in the future. The fifth batch... If this momentum continues, won't everyone eventually have a chance?

"Three hundred? Isn't that too much?"

Inside the Ark, at the high-level meeting of the Renaissance Alliance, Ning Wanxuan said with a headache.

There were not many people attending this meeting, and they were all the core members of the Renaissance Alliance. People such as Guo Kun, Ye Wang, Zhengyang Patriarch, etc. were not only loyal to the Renaissance Alliance, but also wanted to take various actions in the future. play a key role in.

"Is it much?" Lu Yu shook his head and said, "If we really want this Ark to perform as it should, this is not much at all, and I think this is far from enough!"

Opening up 300 places to learn the manipulation of dragon mimicry does not mean that all 300 people can successfully graduate. So far, there are only a few acquaintances who have successfully passed the Hall of Valor Hall of Dreams test. Even Gong Haigang, although he During the training process, he understood the true meaning of strength and successfully promoted to the Tianhuang Realm, but in fact, he could not be considered a true "graduate" yet.

If you want more people to become qualified "crew members", it will take more time and patience, as well as greater energy and investment.

"But in this way, the consumption of elixirs will be several times that of before. Even with the large-scale production of Demon Dragon No. 1, I am afraid it will be unsustainable... In addition, with so many people pouring in at once, it will be difficult for management. It's also a huge test," Ning Wanxuan said again.

During this period of time, she has been Lu Yu's chief housekeeper. Although the first furnace of the magic dragon No. 1 elixir has been completed and the results are very gratifying, as the chief housekeeper, she clearly knows the materials that have been produced during this period. The consumption is so huge.

In recent times, the Renaissance Alliance has received a large amount of donations, otherwise it would be impossible for any force to be able to afford such a huge consumption.

Even the Temple of Hades would probably have to fight in a cold war if it encountered such a situation.

"The potential of the Demon Dragon One has not been fully explored. Don't worry about this. I am solely responsible for the supply of elixirs." Lu Yu said, "As for the management of chaos, it is not a big problem. We don't have a hundred people now." Are there ready-made old members? With these 100 old members as the core, let them play a leading role, and each brings two or three new members. Even if something goes wrong, it won’t be a big deal..."

"Of course, I'm just responsible for coming up with ideas. It's up to you to figure out how to implement them!"

Finally, Lu Yu said irresponsibly.

After saying this, he slapped his butt and left, leaving everyone staring at him.

It's not that he doesn't want to worry, but there are too many things that he needs to worry about. With the current development scale of the Renaissance Alliance, if he asks all the details, he will be too busy even if he is exhausted to death.

Therefore, when it is time to delegate power, delegate power. Anyway, no one who can reach this position will be stupid. They are already successful and powerful people. Lu Yu believes that even without him, they can handle these things well.

After leaving the high-level meeting, Lu Yu immediately came to a new area and reinvested in the development of the No. 2 Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube.

The No. 2 Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube has the characteristic of connecting to the stars in the universe. Lu Yu plans to use this characteristic to accurately locate the original Huangtian world, so as to get in touch with relatives and friends in the original world.

In fact, this was what he had been thinking about all along, but the situation forced him to deal with other matters first before he could make such an attempt.

Of course, although the development of the No. 2 Six-State Rubik's Cube may achieve the effect of interstellar communication, the function of interstellar communication is not his only purpose. Lu Yu wants to achieve the most basic function through the No. 2 Six-State Rubik's Cube. , or the positioning of the course in the universe and stars.

Just like sailing in the sea requires a compass, sailing in the starry sky is even more so. If you cannot identify the accurate direction and lose your way, you may even run into the realm of death... Although the starry sky in the universe Beautiful, but far from as gentle and silent as it appears on the surface.

On this basis, a series of auxiliary functions can also be developed, such as early warning of enemy situations, long-distance observation, and the cross-star field communication that he most desperately wants... If these functions can be realized, there will be no doubt about their strength. A great addition.

Putting aside everything else, the first ability alone allows him to see clearly what is going on around him, identify potential enemies, and even directly find out the whereabouts of Qianye Shenjun.

"His Royal Highness the Regent, you are here!" A figure took the initiative to greet Lu Yu from this new area and bowed to Lu Yu.

This person is none other than Gong Haigang. The reason why he appears here is naturally due to Lu Yu's arrangement.

The development of Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube No. 2 is different from that of Magic Dragon No. 1. It will be a more complex and larger project than Magic Dragon No. 1, so he needs the help of helpers.

Of course, from a strength perspective, Guo Kun and Fu Jing are obviously more suitable for this job. Unfortunately, both of them are currently too busy, so this newly emerged rising star is a better choice. Although he has not officially graduated yet, at least with the blessing of the elixir, he can be as powerful as half a dragon.

Lu Yu nodded and said, "Have you read the information I gave you earlier in the past few days?"

Gong Haigang's face was full of anxiety: "I have seen it, but I am not very qualified and there are still many things I don't understand..."

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter. If you don't understand, you can slowly explore it in practice... Let's officially start now!"

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