Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2027 Take a look at hometown

Time passes day by day, and rapid changes are taking place in the Ark on the other side.

Three hundred brand-new selected personnel entered the Ark on the other side according to the plan.

Although their main activity venue is still the area originally designated by Lu Yu, as time goes by, more and more members can successfully pass the Hall of Valor Fantasy Assessment.

And these members who successfully pass the illusion assessment will be sent to other areas in the Ark. Therefore, in general, the areas inside the Ark on the other side are gradually being lit up. This dragon has been dark and silent for hundreds of millions of years. Cities are gradually waking up.

However, the biggest movement among all areas is the "Magic Dragon No. 2 Field" recently designated by Lu Yu. Obviously, Lu Yu will build the "Magic Dragon No. 2 Field" based on the No. 2 Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube in this area. ".

Although we haven't seen the prototype of Magic Dragon II yet, there are giant dragons tumbling and howling here every day. It is said that Gong Haigang is assisting Lu Yu in constructing a special formation that can only be moved by the power of the dragon... These are in full swing. The scene, coupled with the huge success of the previous "Magic Dragon No. 1", can't help but make people full of expectations for this "Magic Dragon No. 2 Field".


Accompanied by a violent roar, the dark green dragon wrapped around a huge stone pillar, coiled it hard, and drove the entire stone pillar to rotate continuously, just like twisting a screw, piercing the entire stone pillar deeply. Ground.

After a long time, a clear "click" sound came from the underground, which meant that the stone pillar had been completely placed and had accurately reached the predetermined depth.

"Your Highness the Regent, do you think this is okay?"

The body of the dark green dragon let go of the stone pillar and gradually became dim, finally revealing Gong Haigang's tired figure.

There are a total of twelve similar stone pillars. In the past half month, they have been making fine adjustments to these stone pillars every day. Even if they use the power of dragon mimicry, this is not an easy task.

"Whether it's possible or not, you have to try it before you know... I hope I can succeed in one fell swoop this time!" Lu Yu said with a sigh.

Although these difficulties have been anticipated for a long time, he does not want to continue to be stuck at this step without progress.

As he spoke, Lu Yu stepped into the middle of the twelve giant stone pillars, which was also the center of the entire "Magic Dragon Field No. 2".

Lu Yu uttered a dragon language in his mouth, and the twelve stone pillars suddenly burst into bright light at the same time. Under the intertwining of light and shadow, a huge spherical shadow appeared.

Gong Haigang has seen this scene countless times in the past few days, but every time he sees it, he still feels inexplicably palpitated.

According to Lu Yu, this number of spherical shadows is exactly the world they are in now, called the Great World of Viewing the Sky. This is where his inexplicable feeling of palpitations comes from.

However, the appearance of such a magical scene does not mean success. According to Lu Yu, the sphere must be calibrated so that it can be accurately projected at the center of the twelve stone pillars. The error range shall not exceed 10 trillion parts. The width of a hair, so as to avoid distortion...

Gong Haigang didn't know the specific meaning of these words, but in short, this was a difficult thing to achieve. In hundreds of previous attempts, they all ended in failure, and he didn't know whether they could succeed this time...

"How about it?"

Gong Haigang's voice trembled unconsciously, and he seemed to be even more nervous than Lu Yu.

"It seems... it was successful." Lu Yu tilted his head and looked around with an incredulous expression on his face. He confirmed it again and again, and finally his tone became affirmative: "It was indeed successful!"

"Great!" Gong Haigang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Repeating it hundreds of times is a kind of torture for Lu You, so why not also be a kind of torture for him?

Although there is still a long way to go before the final success of Magic Dragon II, there is no doubt that they have passed the most difficult step.

The purpose of this step is to completely fix the No. 2 Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube. Only with completely fixed points can we get an accurate starry sky projection, and everything else can be unfolded on this basis.

After all, they have achieved this step, and then they can make other more bold attempts.

At this moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but become excited, because it also meant that he had a basis for communicating with Huang Tian's world.

"Hai Gang, you go out first and protect me nearby... From now on, no one is allowed to go near the Demon Dragon Field No. 2!" Lu Yu suddenly said.

Gong Haigang couldn't help but be startled: "Uh... Your Highness the Regent, what are you going to do?"

Although he was just a helper and did not know the structural details of the Magic Dragon II, the general construction process was still clear, and his actions at this time were obviously not within the process steps.

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Although the correction is in place, the stability is still unknown, so I need further in-depth debugging... By the way, it also allows me to take a look at my original hometown!"

Gong Haigang couldn't help but be startled. This was the first time he saw Lu Yu's mood swings like this, but he quickly retreated.

"As you command!"

The circular floor under Lu Yu's feet began to rotate.

The scene in the field also changed. The phantom of the sphere that originally occupied almost the entire field quickly shrank, and was replaced by a cosmic starry sky. Countless stars appeared in the field of intertwined light and shadow, but despite these light and shadow stars No matter how it changes, the core position is always the sphere that represents the world of gazing at the sky, even though its size has been reduced to an unknown number of times.

Lu Yu had always been thinking about a fixed direction in his heart, and he kept exploring in that direction.

Finally, a familiar star field appeared in front of him...

There was a light blue sphere in the star field. It was so different that Lu Yu's heart could not help but tremble slightly when he saw it.

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