Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2028 There’s a big job

Huangtian big world...

Putting aside Lu Yu's personal emotional factors, this is indeed a very different world.

When he escaped from here, sitting on the other side of the ark and looking back, he couldn't even tell the true name of the starry sky in this world. He learned the name "Huang Tian" from the mouth of the Chaos God of War.

Compared with when he left, although his realm has not improved yet, his strength has been completely different. This time when he stared at this strange world again, he finally saw the word "Huang Tian". This is a strange symbol unique to the starry sky.

In addition, he also saw something more.

The Huangtian world does not just have the name "Huangtian". There are ten circles within it. Each of the ten circles is different. Each circle is a set of integrated laws of the world. Its strength It is comparable to the sky-viewing world he is currently in. The word "Yellow Sky" is only the starry sky symbol of the outermost circle. As for the other nine inner circles, it has not yet been revealed.

Lu Yu guessed that the other nine circles should correspond to the nine heavens inside Huangtian World... Perhaps it is for this reason that Huangtian World looks so different, so the Storm Clan Only then could the created heavenly forces take root in this idea, only then would the only son of the Great Ze Realm, King Ming, His Holiness, come here to take refuge, and the Bixiao Shrine would even choose this place as the basis for the development of star domain weapons.

On the surface, the laws of the entire world are still operating smoothly, and the ten circles are in an orderly manner, each in its proper place, blooming with unique beauty.

But Lu Yu knows that all this is just a superficial phenomenon. Since the purpose of Bixiao Palace transforming Huangtian World into a star field weapon is to deal with Shenhua Fairy Court, naturally no one will see any flaws in the appearance. , in fact, its interior has long been hollowed out by moths like rotten wood, and there is a possibility of complete collapse and overturning at any time.

As if gazing at a treasure, Lu Yu carefully observed and savored the great world of Huang Tian in front of him. This was not only for the sake of remembrance, but also to find the possibility of inserting his spiritual thoughts into it to reconnect with the whole world. .

He read it over and over again, and finally had to give up. With his current level, he couldn't find a suitable entry point at all. He even imitated the Temple of Hades, using the monuments to form an array, and then building a formation in the void. Stabilizing the transfer station is not possible either.

Because the distance between the two sides is too far, he simply cannot recreate the spiritual relay station on such a cosmic scale. Perhaps a more powerful existence can do this, but it is not expected that he can achieve it.

Are we about to give up like this?

Lu Yu was absolutely unwilling to accept such a result.

He has been wasting his efforts for so long, and his biggest wish is to return to his former hometown. If this cannot be realized for the time being, then the next best thing is to report safety to relatives and friends in his hometown. Now this opportunity is available How could he be willing to give up in front of him?

Finally, he set his sights on a flying land at the edge of Huang Tian's world.

That place was exactly where he had been - Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, and it was also another part of the Ark on the Other Side.

When the dragon clan came across the sea of ​​​​stars in the Ark of the Other Shore, in order to avoid the pursuit of the Shadow Clan, the then King of the Dragon Clan, Emperor Sainty, resolutely divided the Ark of the Other Shore into two parts. The core part carried many members of the dragon clan. Embedded in the edge of the big world, he himself controlled the part of the shell and crashed into the seventh level... It was through this way of the golden cicada's escape that the giant dragon clan in Huangtian's big world could be preserved to this day.

Now this piece of flying land cutting into the edge of the big world can come in handy. Since Lu Yu cannot build a spiritual transfer station on his own, it is undoubtedly an easier way to use this ready-made flying land to process it into a transfer station.

More importantly, this piece of flying heron is the core of the Ark on the other side, and his hand is now holding the outer shell of the Ark on the other side. There must be some magical connection between the two. If he makes a fuss about it, It undoubtedly increases the possibility of success.

Of course, all of this is still Lu Yu's preliminary idea. To finally realize this, we still need to go through a lot of research, reasoning and even trial and error.

Therefore, he must record all the detailed information of this flying land. Although he has personally set foot on this flying land, stepping on it and staring at the stars are two completely different experiences. The data information is also completely different, and if he wants to build a spiritual relay station in the void, it should be based more on the latter information.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

When Lu Yu opened his eyes again, he finally recorded all the details of flying into Ten Thousand Dragons Cave.

At this time, the Magic Dragon Factory No. 2 where he was was restored to its original state, with only a huge spherical shadow representing the world of Guantian appearing in the center of the field.

"Your Highness the Regent, you finally woke up!" Gong Haigang was still guarding the surroundings dutifully. He noticed the movement here and rushed over immediately.

"What time is it now?" Lu Yu asked lightly.

"Three days have passed since you stepped into the arena..." Gong Hai just wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Miss Cui has sent people to invite you several times over at Magic Dragon One!"

"Besides the Magic Dragon One, is there anything else going on these days?" Lu Yu asked calmly.

"Uh, no, everything else is business as usual." Gong Haigang replied.

"Okay." Lu Yu said, "I'll go to the Demon Dragon No. 1 first, and then you go to the Hall of Heroes."

Gong Haigang couldn't help but be startled: "What should I do in the Hall of Heroes?"

"Go find Queen Jing and Guo Kun for me, and tell me that there is a big job coming next and I need their help!"

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