Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2029 The real master

Next, Lu Yu completed the work of Magic Dragon No. 1 with three strikes and five eliminations.

To him, the current Magic Dragon No. 1 is like a big boiler. He himself is the master in charge of cooking, while Cui Zhenzhen is the apprentice next to the stove.

As a master, he only needs to step in and take charge at critical moments, and everything will be fine, and the rest of the trivial work can be left to his apprentice.

Soon, he returned to Demon Dragon Field No. 2.

At this time, Fu Jing and Guo Kun had also rushed over. As soon as he saw Lu Yu appear, Guo Kun's eyes immediately brightened up and he said eagerly: "Lu Shen, is there any big job I can help with?" Busy? You don’t know that I’m either staying at the Hall of Valor or accompanying the rookies at Shenyu Palace every day, and I’m almost depressed..."

Now Lu Yu has a new title in the Renaissance Alliance. Most people call him "Regent", but Guo Kun regards himself as Lu Yu's disciple and insists on being new and different. He still calls Lu Yu "Lu Shen". Show how you are different from others.

That is to say, Lu Yu had not agreed to take him into his sect, otherwise he would definitely change the title of "Lu Shen" to "Master Lu".

Lu Yu ignored Guo Kun's exaggerated remarks, looked directly at Fu Jing and said, "Weren't you curious about what Huo Siyu's warning meant before? I think I have found some clues..."

With that said, Lu Yu walked directly into the field. Under his control, the scene in his palm changed rapidly. The spherical area representing the Great World of Guan Tian quickly shrank, showing the scene of the nearby star field.

This was the first time for the two of them to see such a scene.

Guo Kun was naturally confused, but Fu Jing understood his intention of transforming the Magic Dragon No. 2 field, and couldn't help but be startled: "Have you completed the transformation of the Magic Dragon No. 2?"

"It's still far away!" Lu Yu said: "But the most critical main part has been designed and the general functions can be realized. There is no problem in using it temporarily..."

While talking, the light and shadow scene in the field changed rapidly under Lu Yu's hands, and finally settled on a fixed star map.

"Is this what the world we live in looks like among all the worlds?" Fu Jing said thoughtfully.

"Not bad!" Lu Yu praised.

"To be precise, this is the Guantian World where we are..." Lu Yu directly marked a location and continued to introduce, "These areas next to it are all neighbors of the Guantian World. Don't look at where they are. The distance here is not eye-catching, but in fact it is a distance that most doctors find difficult to cross, even for the most top experts..."

"However, there are people now trying to cross such a distance, and their speed is very fast. It may not be long before they reach our world!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu marked another exit position in the field. That position was just before Guantian World. It was originally a few inconspicuous points, but after Lu Yu marked it, it immediately made people aware of it. Their weirdness.

"You mean they are intruders attracted by the sight of the Demon Dragon No. 1?" Fu Jing said in astonishment.

Lu Yu said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out... In short, their behavior is very suspicious, and they are indeed coming towards us."

Fu Jing couldn't help but think of Lord Thousand Eyes and King Peacock Ming... In her opinion, the forces outside the world are extremely powerful beings, and the arrival of these invaders is likely to be a repeat of the last incident.

"How long will it take for them to get here? How will they arrive then?" Fu Jing asked with a frown.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Unless we complete the entire Magic Dragon II now, I know nothing about them."

Guo Kun, on the other hand, was not afraid of tigers, so he started gearing up again: "So, Lu Shen, when you talk about the big job, do you mean fighting against these invaders? Tell me, what do you want me, Old Guo, to do? It’s all up to you!”

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "This is not the big job I'm talking about. It's not our turn to take action... To put it bluntly, we are not qualified at all!"

"Let's not talk about other things for now, do we have any offensive that can reach the sky?"

Guo Kun couldn't help but be stunned.

During this period of time, his strength has improved rapidly, and it was just when his self-confidence was bursting. He didn't expect that Lu Yu would pour cold water on him now.

"Then what on earth do we do?"

Lu Yu said: "Our biggest reliance now is naturally the Law of the Great World here. Although the Law of the Great World locks us within this world, it also gives us great protection. The strong people outside the world want to It is not easy to invade... Since the other party is coming fiercely, we have to prepare for the worst. They may have the means to break through the laws of the big world. Just in case, we'd better do a few more things. Hands ready!”

"What preparations?" Guo Kun asked.

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said: "Faced with such an enemy, no matter how good the defense measures are, they will only make us passive. Therefore, it is best for us to have the ability to defend ourselves against the enemy... I plan to use the three weapons on the Ark. Pick one out of the attack array and repair it completely!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned: "But didn't you say before that this is not easy...Have you already figured out a repair plan now?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "No, but we have a good opportunity now... Do you remember that I said that I know a group of dragon friends? We were helpless before, but if we can get their help, then this matter It’s not as difficult as we thought!”

"Well, your dragon friends... aren't they in another world now?"

"That's true, but with the completion of the main part of the Magic Dragon II, the connection between us has become possible!" Lu Yu said.

Only then did the two of them realize that this was what Lu Yu called a "big job."

If we can really get in touch with the dragons in another world, then many problems will be solved. After all, they are the real owners of this Ark on the Other Side.

"What should we do?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu breathed out and said: "Actually, I have tried it before. I can't do this thing alone, and even if you are added to it, I can't do it... But there is one person who can."


"Emperor Sainty!" Lu Yu replied, "Let's go, I will take you to meet him... In fact, he is the real owner of this Ark on the Other Side. Let's go and invite him out together!"

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