Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2030 Reversal and Restoration

Fu Jing and Guo Kun couldn't help being surprised at the same time.

They have been on the Ark on the other side for so long, and they never thought that there would be such a powerful being inside.

In fact, Lu Yu only recently became aware of the existence of Shuntian Earth.

Although when this part of the Ark of the Other Side reappeared in the seventh heaven, the remnant soul of Emperor Shuntian had completely rested in peace under the salvation of Liu Hongxu, and even the skeleton was broken into powder and integrated with the entire Ark of the Other Side... ...But in fact, his will still exists, otherwise the Ark on the Other Side would not automatically hide its form, and would constantly release to the outside world the sealed puzzles that only the dragon clan could solve.

Even the Ark on the Other Side can be hidden in the seventh heaven for millions of years because of the existence of this ray of will.

In short, the series of intelligent performances of the Ark on the Other Side prove that there must be a powerful consciousness within it. This consciousness may not be exclusive to Shun Tian Da Di, but Shun Tian Da Di must occupy a considerable proportion in it. Because it was his masterpiece to split a complete Ark on the Other Side into two, and at the last critical moment, it was he who drove this part of the Ark on the Other Side and finally crashed.

Now Lu Yu plans to revive this part of his will, and then let him contact the Wanlong Cave far away on the edge of Huangtian's world to build a spiritual relay station there.

Soon Fu Jing and Guo Kun, led by Lu Yu, came to a new and unopened area inside the Ark. The space here was very vast and looked like another Hall of Valor, but the atmosphere was completely different from that of the Hall of Valor. , it is the place where Emperor Shuntian was enthroned.

Lu Yu walked directly to a huge chair. It looked like a throne in this palace, but now it was empty. Fu Jing and Guo Kun were still curious about what was going on, but Lu Yu knew that Shuntian and Earth were seated on this throne.

"I'm sorry, Emperor Shuntian, I have to disturb your rest today!" Lu Yu said softly.

Then he raised his hand, and a gorgeous red lotus gathered on the palm of his hand. This was his most original power - the power of the red lotus.

However, as soon as he changed his hand, the red lotus immediately changed. The color changed from red to yellow, and finally turned into a dazzling golden yellow, and the shape also changed into a miniature swimming dragon.

Guo Kun on the side couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ah... this is the power of the Dragon God!"

In the process of breaking the seal with Lu Yu before, he had seen the Dragon God's Dragon many times. When the power of the seal was broken, it was eventually transformed into the power of the Dragon God and flowed into the other side of the Ark... He knew that Lu Yu He already had an extremely deep understanding of the power of the Dragon God, but he never expected that he could transform his own power into the power of the Dragon God with his bare hands.

However, he did not know that this was just a routine operation for Lu Yu. When he cracked the seal of Wanlong Cave, in order to help Liu Hongxu absorb and refine the power of the Dragon God, he did not know how much Dragon God's power flowed through his body. , now it is just a transformation of the power of the Dragon God, which is nothing to him.

Lu Yu pulled his hands again, and the golden dragon quickly stretched and grew in his hands, far exceeding the width of Lu Yu's hands, and finally transformed into the image of a giant dragon, which was placed on the empty throne in front of him.

Fu Jing and Guo Kun were stunned. They were about to ask Lu Yu what he was doing, but they saw the ground suddenly cracked, and a strange substance separated from the ground and filled the dragon image in Lu Yu's hand.

These strange substances separated from the ground were the skeletons of Emperor Shuntian that had disintegrated at the beginning. They had originally been turned into scattered powder, but now they were reunited under Lu Yu's power.

Lu Yu did not originally have such power. He only mastered such power after understanding the secrets of multi-dimensionality. Although the physical bones of Shuntian Earth were shattered into powder in this dimension, this was not the case in other dimensions. Lu Yu officially reversed and restored this through other dimensions.

Of course, this kind of reversal and restoration has limitations. Not everything can be reversed and restored. The reason why he was able to restore the bones of Emperor Shuntian was precisely because after Emperor Shuntian rested here, there was no one left. It can be said that Lu Yu was able to do this with almost no other variables when he came in to disturb and kick his feet.

After a while, the entire huge dragon skeleton was finally restored. Although it was just a skeleton, the aura of the king was fully revealed, sitting on the seat like a lifelike emperor.

Seeing this scene, Fu Jing and Guo Kun were so surprised that they were speechless.

"Is this Emperor Shuntian? It turns out that he is dead..." Fu Jing said after a long time.

"It's just his body that died." Lu Yu said, "We will really see him next... He may be quite violent, so I need you to help me block him."

The two of them couldn't help but be stunned. They were about to ask what "block a block" meant. However, before they could ask, a piercing scream suddenly sounded, and the whole palace faintly shook.

Lu Yu's actions just now seemed to anger the unknown existence hidden deep in the Ark on the other side. In an instant, countless dragon silhouettes emerged from the ground of the palace and roared towards Lu Yu.

The two of them finally understood what they wanted to "block"?

This scene is actually quite similar to the Hall of Valor illusion. Since the two of them have the ability to clear the Hall of Valor illusion, they naturally also have the ability to suppress these dragon illusions.

It turns out that this is the so-called big job.

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