Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2031 Temporary Method

As Emperor Sainty, who had been integrated with the Ark on the other side, was reversed and restored, the moment he was hidden in the depths of the Ark on the other side, he was angered and burst out completely.

Just as Lu Yu expected, this consciousness is extremely powerful, but it no longer has an independent individual consciousness, but an aggregation of many consciousnesses.

Just like the birth of the Dragon God in the first place, many Dragon God tribe members gathered their consciousnesses to form an extremely powerful god - the Dragon God.

To a certain extent, the consciousness that appeared at this time can also be regarded as another small dragon god.

Of course, even if he is far less powerful than the real Dragon God, he is definitely not something Fu Jing and Guo Kun can resist.

Lu Yu's purpose is not to completely defeat the consciousness in front of him like he did in the Hall of Heroes. He just needs Fu Jing and Guo Kun to help him create some space so that he can have the opportunity to try to communicate with this consciousness. .

He believed that as long as he told the other party about the current situation faced by the dragon clan and himself, he would be very confident that he could convince the other party.

The premise is that if this consciousness is indeed dominated by Suntian Earth, if it has completely turned into a chaotic body, then there is probably nothing to talk about...

The opportunity is only a moment.

After a moment, the screams stopped abruptly, and the originally arrogant dragon illusion instantly became calm, turning into discrete streams of light that continued to pour into the skeleton of Emperor Sainty.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu knew that he had guessed correctly. At that moment, he only had time to show the opponent the current situation of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave. Unexpectedly, his conscious body immediately stopped attacking and would be so easily affected by Ten Thousand Dragons Cave. Yes, probably only Emperor Sainty.

Fu Jing and Guo Kun couldn't help but look confused. They didn't expect that the battle had just begun. It was just a face-to-face meeting and it was over. This so-called "big job" was too easy...

But they didn't know that without their moment of delay, Lu Yu would not have had the chance to communicate with the other party, and there would not have been such a change.

"Mortal, why do you want to wake me up?"

An emotionless voice echoed in the empty hall.

The skeleton of Emperor Shuntian gently shook its head and pointed it at Lu Yu, as if looking down at him with disdain.

Lu bowed and bowed, saying: "Emperor Sainty, please forgive me for inviting you out in such an offensive way... I need your help."

"You actually know my name? It seems that you are not an ordinary mortal." Emperor Sainty said.

Lu Yu responded: "I not only know your name, I also know your deeds, but it is not because I have extraordinary abilities, but because I am a friend of the dragon clan... Back then, when you divided the Ark on the other side, Second, after sacrificing your life for righteousness, your people were able to thrive in the great world of Huangtian. Later, they encountered many other crises. They had no choice but to return to the core of the Ark on the other side and took the initiative to seal themselves. Finally, It was with my help that they were released from the seal, so we became trustworthy friends, and they told me about your deeds. "

"I don't doubt this." Emperor Sainty said: "The fact that you can control the power of the Dragon God is enough to explain everything... What exactly do you want me to do?"

Lu Yu said: "As you can see, we are now in a world without dragons. There are no surviving dragons in this part of the ark. I have lost contact with those distant friends. I hope to use your power. , and set up a transfer station for mind communication on another part of the Ark so that I can reconnect with them."

"Mortal, I think I understand what you mean..." Emperor Sainty said: "But this is not an easy task. The core part is too far away from us, so far that I can no longer perceive its specific details. Location."

"What if I could provide you with its exact location?" Lu Yu asked.

Emperor Sainty was silent for a moment and said: "Even so, this is still very difficult. Over the long years, my spiritual thoughts have been gradually erased, and the remaining parts are no longer enough to support the communication relay station you mentioned. …”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Originally he had high hopes for Emperor Shuntian, but now even Emperor Shuntian admits that he cannot do it. Is it really so difficult to build a "spiritual transfer station"?

"However, if it is at the expense of my spiritual consciousness, it is not completely impossible to do it, but there is only one such opportunity, because this is the last remaining spiritual consciousness of mine." Emperor Sainty continued.

Lu Yu couldn't help but was stunned: "Emperor, do you mean to sacrifice yourself in order to obtain a temporary communication transfer?"


"But...why are you doing this?"

"Because my time is running out, and the purpose of my existence here is to guide my people to rediscover this part of the ark. Now it is far away from my people in the sea of ​​stars. If it passes through my last Sacrifice so that the tribe can regain information about this part of the Ark is also valuable."

Emperor Sainty's voice was still without any emotion, but what he said was full of deep love.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be in awe, and bowed deeply to the dragon skeleton in front of him again.

Emperor Shuntian said: "Mortal, you don't have to feel sorry for me. Back then, the Ark on the other side was divided into two parts in my hands. It was my last wish before my death to reunite them. It was precisely because For this reason, I have been watching here until now. For me, this is a destiny that has been determined for a long time.”

Lu Yu said: "Because of this, I admire you even more, the Emperor. You are the well-deserved Emperor of the Dragon Clan!"

Emperor Shuntian said: "Perhaps, I will never be able to see the two separated parts of the ark merge into one, but if I can see the descendants of the people who thrived in the Huangtian world, it will be a great comfort... …Let’s go, mortal, take me to see what kind of clever tricks you have to locate the core part!”

As he spoke, the huge dragon skeleton left the throne and actually took off.

So, the three of them returned to Demon Dragon No. 2 Field with a "Bone Dragon".

"A very exquisite design!" Shuntian Dadi praised, "Mortal, you are very talented in this area!"

Lu Yu explained: "Emperor, you have misunderstood. This is not my skill. This is actually a six-peptide Rubik's Cube made by the Demon Spirit Clan. I just slightly changed it on the original basis... I don't know. Have you ever heard of this name?”

Emperor Sainty said: "I'm sorry, I may have heard of it in the past, but in order to resist the invasion of time, most of the redundant memories have been eliminated from this divine thought, leaving only the core part to complete the mission. , so I can’t help you in this regard.”

Lu Yu had already expected such an answer, otherwise he would not have had to abandon the near and seek the far away. He would have just asked Emperor Shuntian to tell him how to repair the Ark on the Other Side.

"I wonder if this device is enough?" Lu Yu asked.

"That's enough." Emperor Sainty replied, "But before I direct my spiritual thoughts over there, I have a request."

Lu Yu understood and said: "Does the Emperor want me to combine the two parts of the Ark on the other side into one? Please rest assured on this, I will do it even if you don't tell me!"

Emperor Sainty said: "I have no doubt about this, otherwise I would not help you so without any worries... But what I want to say is not this matter, but another matter, show it to me before you In the information about the core part, I saw that the fire of the abyss seems to have been extinguished, and I would like to ask you to help my people rekindle the fire of the abyss.”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

The Fire of the Abyss is closely related to the reproduction of the dragon clan's descendants. In fact, the dragon clan in the Huangtian world resorted to the next best thing and created the "Dragon People" precisely because the Fire of the Abyss was destroyed by the Shadow Clan and could no longer reproduce smoothly. This species is why Liu Hongxu, the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons, exists.

Emperor Sainty has really been worrying about the dragon clan all his life, but he didn't expect that he was worried about such a thing at this time.

"Please rest assured, Emperor, there is no need to explain this matter, because I have already promised my dragon friends." Lu Yu said.

"Then I have no problem."

After Emperor Sainty said this, the huge dragon skeleton collapsed instantly and turned into powder. At the same time, a streak of light rushed out of the sky.

Amidst the flying powder, Lu Yu knew that Shuntian and the Earth were completely at rest this time. Even if he used reverse restoration again, it would be of no avail.

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