Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2032 Light Group Form

"Uh... what's going on? Where did this Emperor Shuntian go?" Guo Kun said with a confused look on his face.

"He has gone to another world." Lu Yu said with infinite regret.

Guo Kun was amazed: "Has he gone there already? So efficient?"

Apparently, for him, he still couldn't fully understand the power of the soul level, which was a concept of another different dimension.

Fu Jing said: "Since this senior is the god guarding here, now that he has left, will it have any impact on this place in the future?"

"The biggest impact is probably that it will no longer automatically hide its form in the future, and it will no longer send special signals to the dragon clan outside... For now, this will not have much impact on us for the time being." Lu Yu replied.

Fu Jing felt relieved and asked, "What should we do next?"

"Leave the next part to me!" Lu Yu said, "I will follow the path of Emperor Shuntian and connect to the divine thought transfer station he built for me. If everything goes well, I will quickly contact my dragon friends in the other world and ask them how to repair the attack array here..."

"However, even if everything goes well, I can only get relevant technical information. The specific repair work has to be done by ourselves. These tasks cannot be done by me alone, which means we need more helpers, and considering the need to operate these large attack arrays in the future If we can do this, we also need more helpers!"

Fu Jing said: "You mean, we need more people to pass the assessment of the Hall of Heroes illusion?"

Lu Yu nodded: "This is the basis for us to fight against those powerful enemies from the sky, and it is also the foundation of everything in our future. On this Ark of the Other Shore, only those who can perfectly control the dragon mimicry are qualified crew members."

Fu Jing said: "I understand, we will work hard in this direction next."

So, Fu Jing and Guo Kun left soon and returned to the Hall of Heroes. In addition to the Hall of Heroes being in charge by them, there are many corresponding things that they have to deal with, so they naturally cannot stay here for too long.

By the way, even Gong Haigang, Lu Yu also let him leave with Fu Jing. The work here will come to an end temporarily, so that he can play a greater role elsewhere. After all, with his current level, it is more than enough to be a leader in the Ark of the Other Shore, and he can be Fu Jing's deputy very well.

Finally, only Lu Yu was left in the Dragon Field No. 2.

Lu Yu did not rush to start the Magic Dragon II, but first sat in meditation and adjusted his breath for a while, and waited until his mental state returned to the most perfect state before restarting the Magic Dragon II.

Everything was the same as last time, Lu Yu was familiar with the road, and soon the Huangtian World came into view again.

The only difference was that this time, a strange arc appeared in his eyes in the Huangtian World, like a twisting dragon body, and one end of the arc was just connected to the flying land at the edge of the Huangtian World.

Lu Yu instantly understood that this was a mark left by Emperor Shuntian for him. In fact, this track was invisible elsewhere, but because they all started from the Magic Dragon II on the Ark on the other side, he could see the existence of this ghost emperor.

Lu Yu did not hesitate, and immediately connected his thoughts to the past, and everything was like a natural outcome, and he successfully entered the divine thought transfer station formed by Emperor Shuntian.

"You are here..." Emperor Shuntian's voice sounded in his mind again, "Time is running out. I can only maintain this connection point for you for three days at most. You should hurry up!" After saying this, Lu Yu felt that he was wrapped by a powerful thought and then projected out. The next moment, his eyes turned into a familiar and unfamiliar scene. It was familiar because the environment here could be seen at a glance that it was the Wanlong Cave. It was unfamiliar because this was an area in the Wanlong Cave that he had never been to. Lu Yu realized that Emperor Shuntian had already prepared everything for him, allowing him to directly generate a landing point in the Wanlong Cave. His state at this time was in the shape of a light ball, floating in the air, and he could move freely without being affected by gravity. It was a world of difference from the last time he came here. But even so, this Feilu is also a large area for him. Lu Yu was thinking about what to do next, when suddenly a roar of a giant dragon came, followed by another one...

To be precise, it was a group of giant dragons roaring one after another, shaking the entire Feilu faintly.

Lu Yu also had a certain understanding of the habits of giant dragons. From the tone of their voices, he could hear that they were very excited now, as if they had encountered something exciting... Combined with the current situation, Lu Yu instantly understood the whole picture of the whole thing. These people were also arranged by Shuntian.

"It's worthy of being the Emperor Shuntian, it's really reliable..." Lu Yu praised in his heart.

Although he didn't know what specific means he used, as the ancestor of the giant dragon clan, and in such a special environment of the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave, he had plenty of ways to attract the attention of the giant dragon clan.

Sure enough, after a while, a group of giant dragons gathered around Lu Yu, as if they were worshiping devoutly.

They hesitated for a long time in front of Lu Yu, who was in the form of a ball of light. Finally, a giant blue dragon took the courage to approach and said, "Great sage, which ancestor of our clan are you?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a very absurd feeling in his heart, but at this time, as a ball of light, he was actually far away from the group of dragons in front of him in the sea of ​​​​stars. He did not have any extra energy to waste on expressing his emotions, so He just responded very mechanically:

"Sorry, I am not your ancestor, but I am indeed your friend. Now please ask the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons Liu Hongxu to come and see me immediately!"

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