Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2036 End of Contact

"Yu Lang, it's really you!"

Yang Chudie had already burst into tears. She flew over and snuggled tightly into Lu Yu's arms.

Communication at the level of thoughts cannot deceive people. In the real world, the twin sisters Chudie and Yudie may be difficult to tell apart in appearance, but at the level of thoughts, they are each unique.

The same principle also applies to Lu Yu.

The two are Taoist companions. Not only do they have a close relationship and absolute trust, but they are also deeply imprinted on each other's souls. Therefore, as soon as the two parties come into contact, Yang Chudie is certain that the existence in front of him is indeed the person who has been letting him know for many years. The lover whom she longed for and cared about.

The two hugged each other tightly.

Yang Chudie's shoulders couldn't help but tremble slightly. In the past ten years, she had spent countless torturous days and nights, and cried silently many times. Until now, although she still could not truly reunite with Lu Yu, she finally saw her. A glimmer of light arrived.

She didn't say these words, but without her actually saying them, Lu Yu knew it clearly in his heart, because he himself was not like this?

Even without asking, Lu Yu knew that she must have been in tears along the way...

"Okay, there's no need to worry. You've seen it too. Am I not fine now?" Lu Yu comforted softly.

Yang Chudie nodded vigorously, but tears still flowed down involuntarily.

The two of them clung to each other tightly, talking to each other and introducing their situations to each other.

Gradually, Yang Chudie calmed down and asked: "Can you only stay for three days this time? In fact, Laner misses you too. After receiving the news, she set off at the same time as me. It is estimated that now It’s almost here, can’t you wait for her a little longer?”

Lu Yu sighed: "Why don't I want to see her? If I could, why would I be stingy with this little time? It's just that this matter is not that easy. We have already gone through a lot of trouble to achieve the contact we have now..."

"Don't say she hasn't arrived here yet. Even if she is standing next to her now, I'm afraid I won't have the extra strength to communicate with her anymore, because I have another mission attached to my visit this time, and I must stay. Part of the remaining energy..."

Yang Chudie said: "The Queen of Wanlong told me that you plan to repair the large attack array inside the Ark on the Other Side, right?"

Lu Yu nodded: "Only in this way can I deal with the endless pursuit of soldiers from Bixiao Shrine, win a chance to breathe, and truly find a way back here."

"Then when will your next contact meeting be? I asked Lan'er to wait for you here in advance..." Yang Chudie said.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. Until now, he still didn't dare to tell the other party that this contact was completely temporary and was at the cost of Emperor Shuntian's self-sacrifice. Can such a contact be re-established after this? , he himself is not very sure.

"If everything goes well this time, I will rush to the cancer-shaped star field where the Peacock King is located to see the Fountain of Innocents he mentioned. It is a place that is even farther away than the distance between us now. The star field is many times farther away... This journey will be extremely unstable, so I don't know when the next contact will be, but even if I don't contact you, don't worry, this means that I should not be there for the time being. I encounter a problem that requires your help..."

Lu Yu still didn't dare to tell the other party the cruel truth, but only said his next plan.

Yang Chudie said: "I understand... But if this happens, Lan'er will be very disappointed..."

Lu Yu felt pain in his heart again: "I can only rely on you to comfort her... You tell her that all our patience now is for an earlier reunion in the future."

"Yes." Yang Chudie nodded vigorously with tears in her eyes.

"Okay!" Lu Yu also held back his tears and said with determination: "My strength has been almost exhausted. Leave the remaining time to me and Liu Hongxu!"

Yang Chudie took a deep look at Lu Yu, and without too much fuss, just warned: "You must take care of yourself! I will always wait for you!"

After saying that, she left this fantasy world and returned to the reality of Wanlong Cave Flying Land.

At this time, Liu Hongxu was already standing by.

She clearly knew how difficult it was for Yang Chudie to wait for this day, so she did not bother her. Unexpectedly, the other party took the initiative to leave the fantasy world.

"Aren't you going to chat for a little longer?" Liu Hongxu asked.

Yang Chudie shook her head and said, "I leave everything to you!"

Liu Hongxu said: "Please rest assured, Master Chudie, this is also our Dragon Clan's responsibility!"

After saying that, she strode forward, replaced Yang Chudie's position just now, and put her hand into the red light group.

The red light group dimmed and brightened, like an angular face.

Yang Chudie stared at this scene blankly, forgetting the passage of time.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Suddenly, the red halo was completely extinguished and disappeared completely.

Liu Hongxu stood there and withdrew his hand in despair.

"How's it going?" Yang Chudie asked.

"What a risk!" Liu Hongxu said with a long sigh of relief, "I finally told him everything I needed to say. I hope it can come in handy!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Chudie's eyes suddenly darkened and she fainted.

The environment of the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave was different from the original world. Even if she stood still here, it would consume more energy than in the original world.

In addition, she had rushed all the way here, and was completely exhausted at this time.

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