Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2037 Find a new way

When Yang Chudie woke up again, she was already in Panlong Realm Mountain.

Her consciousness was still in a daze, but she also knew that the only one who could bring her out of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave was Liu Hongxu.

Because only she can open the portal to the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, and it was she who brought herself into the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave.

"woke up?"

Suddenly a familiar voice came from beside me.

Yang Chudie thought it was Liu Hongxu at first, and was about to say thank you to her, but when she turned around, she realized that the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons beside her was not her twin sister Yudie.

"Yudie? Why are you here?" Yang Chudie asked in surprise.

Jade Die chuckled: "What? Do you allow me to come but not me? Don't forget that I have far more friends here than you!"

Even though ten years have passed, the relationship between the two sisters does not seem to have changed much. They often start tit-for-tat when they disagree.

Indeed, in the past ten years, because of the common threat, the relationship between the entire world and the dragon clan has become much closer, especially Yudie. In order to study more advanced forging skills, she often visits Panlonglong. Jieshan has become very good friends with some ten thousand-year-old dragons here. When it comes to the "dragon vein" relationship here, she does have an advantage over Yang Chudie.

If it were normal, Yang Chudie might have quarreled with her, but now she was immersed in disappointment and just shook her head gently, ignoring her provocation at all.

"Tch! Useless guy!" Seeing her like this, Yudie became even more disdainful: "Isn't it just that guy who left? Everyone is like this. Could it be that the sky is falling?"

Yang Chudie couldn't help being shocked when she heard this, and immediately woke up and asked: "Where is Lan'er? Where has she gone?"

"Don't worry, she's in the next room..." Yudie said, "She was just like you. She was lost all the way. She finally got here, but she heard the news that the guy had left, so she fainted like you. In the's a good thing that I followed her, otherwise she would have been in trouble!"

Yang Chudie felt at ease, and at the same time she understood that Yudie had good intentions when she came here, but she just refused to say nice things... This is her twin sister, who is unreasonable and has a sharp mouth and a soft heart...

"Okay, now that you're awake, Ye Weilan will be left to you!" Yudie stood up and said.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but be startled and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Of course I have my own things to be busy with!" Yudie said with a smile: "Next, I'm going to discuss something with Queen Wanlong!"

Yang Chudie couldn't help but become more confused: "What happened?"

"It has nothing to do with you, so stop gossiping! Take a good rest, my sister!" After Yudie finished speaking, she opened the door and left.

"Stop!" Yang Chudie suddenly stopped her, "What is that in your hand?"

As he said this, the flying flowers on his body flashed and he stopped directly in front of Yudie.

Yudie instantly hid her hands behind her back and said innocently: "Yang Chudie, you are wrong!"

Yang Chudie said angrily: "Still pretending! Where are you going to take my dragon fish black tail?"

When Yudie saw this, she stopped pretending and directly took out the black tail of the dragon fish and said with a smile: "Yang Chudie, you are so embarrassed. This is obviously the dragon clan's treasure. Why do you say it is yours?"

After saying that, she directly put the black tail of the dragon fish on her back with her backhand, turned it into two wings, and flew away.

Yang Chudie was suddenly shocked and angry, but he had nothing to do with her and could only watch her quickly move away.

Fortunately, the direction she left was not outside, but at the top of Panlong Sword Mountain, where Liu Hongxu was sitting in the Zulong Palace.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but be slightly shocked, wondering what Yudie was doing there with Arowana Heiwei.

She felt that something was a little unusual, and Yudie's behavior was really strange.

She turned around and glanced at the next room, and heard Ye Weilan's even breathing. She expected that nothing would happen to her if she stayed here, so she quickly chased after her.

After a lot of trouble, she finally arrived at the Zulong Palace at the top of Panlong Sword Mountain.

But they found that the place was overcrowded. Not only the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons and Jade Butterfly, but also all the dragons had turned into human forms, gathered together, and were discussing enthusiastically, as if they were holding a grand meeting.

"Master Chudie, you are here too!" Liu Hongxu noticed her arrival, waved his hand to remove the restriction on the door, and greeted her.

Yang Chudie frowned, feeling more and more that things were unusual, and asked: "You... what are you doing?"

"We are calculating the current position of the young master..."

As Liu Hongxu spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to a huge star map in the middle of the palace, "You came at the right time. We have just got preliminary results. If our speculation is correct, the so-called Sky Viewing World should be This is the location!”

She tapped her finger lightly, and an area on the star map suddenly lit up.

Yang Chudie said in surprise: "What do you think of his position?"

"Of course I'm going to find him." Liu Hongxu said with a smile, "Although I have told him the relevant techniques for repairing the Ark, it is still not enough. For the safety of the Ark, since he cannot come back for the time being, then replace it with Let’s go find him!”

Yang Chudie was shocked and said in shock: "Does the Wanlong Kingdom actually have the ability to leave this world?"

She knew the secret of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, which was actually the core of the Ark on the Other Side. If the world was really destroyed, Ten Thousand Dragons Cave would be their only choice to escape the disaster.

It is for this reason that the teleportation array relay belt from Jade Butterfly Peak to Panlong Realm Mountain was built. She also knew that in fact, the Wanlong Kingdom has been working hard to develop the Wanlong Cave in the past ten years. To think that such results have already been achieved.

Unexpectedly, Liu Hongxu shook his head: "Sorry, Wanlong Kingdom does not have such ability yet. There is actually someone else who really wants to cross the star sea and go to the Young Master's location..."

As she spoke, she looked at Jade Butterfly beside her.

Yang Chudie was stunned and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Combined with Yudie's series of abnormal actions just now, she had already guessed what was going on.

"You really want to go to Guantian World to find Lu Yu?" Yang Chudie said in surprise.

Yudie smiled helplessly: "Sister, now you understand why I took away the black tail of the dragon fish, right?"

"But, how are you going to get there?" Yang Chudie asked.

Perhaps the dragon and black tail can give her the ability to cross the stars, but how can she leave this big world? You must know that Arowana Blacktail has no way to break through the restrictions of the laws of the big world.

Jade Butterfly whispered two words: "Overcoming the tribulation."

Yang Chudie's eyes couldn't help but open wider.

If it was Liu Hongxu who said this, it would still have some credibility. If it were would she have the qualifications to survive the tribulation?

"Hahaha, I lied to you!" Yudie laughed again, "Your expression just now was so funny... Even if I want to escape the disaster, God will not give me this face!"

Seeing Yang Chudie's face gradually become serious.

Only then did Yudie stop laughing and said seriously: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore... In fact, if you want to leave this world, the only way is to overcome the tribulation."

"Do you still remember that our Dali Sword Sect originally had a man named Wei Zhihan? It is said that he was actually the son of King Ming Fa Zun and Patriarch Xueyun. Under the prayers of Patriarch Xueyun, Bixiao Shrine has given birth to him. Sent to Dazejie..."

"What they used at that time was another method. When Meng Ting left, she told me this method."

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