Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2038 God Appears


One month has passed since the second group of people entered the miraculous treasure.

In the past month, people's discussion about the Magic Dragon One has gradually died down, but they have become more and more curious about what the scene inside the artifact protection is like.

In the streets and corners of Fenghe State, people talk loudly every day, imagining what the scene will be like above the miraculous treasure, what kind of adventures the hundreds of selected members will have on it, and whether there are other Like Gong Haigang, people jumped over the Dragon Gate and directly crossed the realm of the Emperor in one fell swoop...

The reason why people are talking about this is not only because the selected members are all the top powerhouses in the world, but also because during the recent period, a steady stream of materials has been transported to the miraculous treasure every day, especially in the past ten years. Today, the transportation volume has doubled, and the roads in the territory are full of busy transportation teams, like ants moving, all the materials from all over the world are concentrated here.

On this day, another large item was transported.

It is a huge black stone pillar, hundreds of feet long, like a small mountain peak.

Naturally, such a behemoth cannot be transported on the road in conventional ways. Therefore, it was carried and transported by hundreds of strong men in mid-air - although the most top strong men have been selected to enter the miracle treasure. However, with the current size of the Renaissance Alliance, it is not a problem to use hundreds of additional strong men.

"Oh my God! What is this?"

"Is this also going to be transported to the miraculous treasure?"

"What's the use of this thing?"

"Mysterious Treasure is not very picky, how come it can fit everything in it?"

This behemoth quickly attracted a lot of attention, and people were once again talking about it.

However, as the distance continued to get closer, someone soon recognized the specific origin of this stone pillar.

"Ah...this is the square monument of the Temple of Hades!"

“I didn’t expect that the Renaissance Alliance would actually move the belongings from Hades Temple here!”

"What's so strange about this? In fact, the Hades Temple has already started transferring supplies here. You haven't seen the original high priest Xu Zhiyang. He has been running back and forth between the two places recently..."

"But I can understand moving other things, but what's the point of moving such a square monument?"

"The Hades Temple can use these monuments to communicate with the gods. It must have something extraordinary. I think the Renaissance Alliance must also have a way to use it!"

"It's really weird. Others are constantly bringing good things out of the treasure. Why is it that the Renaissance Alliance is constantly transporting things into it?"

"Is there something fishy here?"

"Haha, don't think about the people who enter the treasure. They will not do business at a loss... They must have a purpose for doing this!"

Gradually, the square sacred monument was transported to the sky above Fenghezhou Mansion.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but be attracted, wanting to see how such a behemoth would be transported into the miraculous treasure.

At this time, a heroic figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Ah! It's the Regent!"

People couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although Fu Jing is the Queen of Guanlan and the nominal supreme leader of the Renaissance Alliance, it is obvious that the regent Lu Afeng has a higher reputation among the people, especially after the official interview with Demon Dragon No. 1, everyone knew that he was alive. name, and also know the many incredible deeds he has accomplished using elixirs.

"I haven't seen His Highness the Regent for a long time!"

"I thought His Highness the Regent was no longer in Fenghe Province!"

"How could he not be here? Didn't you see that Demon Dragon No. 1 has been working all day long? He stays in Demon Dragon No. 1, so of course you can't see him!"

"This is not necessarily true. It is said that the person who is currently in charge of the Demon Dragon One is actually a disciple of His Highness the Regent. His Highness the Regent has not interfered with the affairs of the Demon Dragon One for a long time..."

"Ah? Is it true? His Highness the Regent has already accepted a disciple? How can I become a disciple of His Highness the Regent?"

"No, no, the news I heard is that the Regent has indeed handed over the work of Demon Dragon One to his disciples, but he has not completely let go. He still has to give guidance from time to time..."


"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupup up up()"

In mid-air, Lu Yu turned a deaf ear to all the discussions, cries, and prayers of the people below.

I saw him flying straight to the square god cup.

Suddenly, everyone understood that the next transfer work would probably be completed by him.

People couldn't help but look forward to it, wondering how he would transport such a huge thing.

"The greatest possibility is to activate the power of the dragon..."

"For such a big guy, it's probably going to be difficult for him to use the power of the dragon, right?"

"How can His Highness the Regent's dragon power be the same as other people's dragon power? Don't forget that His Highness the Regent is the originator of using the power of the dragon!"

"What kind of dragon do you think it will be this time? Last time Gong Hai took action, he was driven by a lightning dragon. His Highness the Regent can't be worse than him, right?"

"I guess it's the Crystal Diamond Dragon! It is said that the Crystal Diamond Dragon is the highest level form among all dragon powers. Her Majesty the Crystal Queen has already mastered such a skill! Her Royal Highness the Regent must have also mastered it!"

Everyone was talking and expressing their opinions, but the focus of their eyes never left Lu Yu in the air.

Lu Yu was not impatient and patrolled around the square divine monument, as if he was assessing the overall condition of the square divine cup and where to focus his efforts.

After a while, he suddenly flew to one end of the square divine cup, raised his hand and pressed it on the divine monument, and shouted: "Unload!"

This word seems to have magic power.

There was a loud "crash" sound, and in front of everyone's eyes, the square monument suddenly shattered into squares, like a children's building block toy.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

In the blink of an eye, such a huge thing was disintegrated. In their eyes, this was a power only possessed by gods.

However, this is not the end...

After disintegrating into squares, the square divine cup did not fall to the ground. Instead, it started to dance following Lu Yu's gestures, like a giant python that was constantly twisting its body...or a giant dragon!

The onlookers on the ground were completely frightened. They didn’t expect that such a method existed in the world! It can actually turn a huge thing into the form of a giant dragon instantly!

In the blink of an eye, the cube-shaped "dragon" soared into the sky and quickly flew into the miraculous treasure.

Lu Yu's figure also turned into a stream of light, followed closely behind, and quickly disappeared.

The people on the ground stood still and watched for a long time, still refusing to leave.

In the end, I don’t know who took the lead in shouting: "God appears! Your Highness, please guide us and other lost people!"

Gradually, the people knelt on the ground, and all the voices became one: "Please, Your Highness, guide my lost people!"

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