Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2039 Call her over

The teleportation entrance inside the Ark on the Other Side.

Lu Yu waved his hand and pointed, and suddenly the squares formed by the square sacred monument fell down one after another. The landing points of each square were staggered and neatly stacked in front of him.

Next, the transportation array will automatically transport these materials to the predetermined location, eliminating the need for manual transportation.

The so-called conveyor array is similar to the conveyor tracks commonly seen in mines, except that it is far more flexible than the conveyor tracks in mines. Not only is the conveying efficiency higher, but it can also change the path of the track at will like drawing a line, which can be achieved in The erection between any two points inside the Ark.

All of this is naturally a formation that has been repaired recently. As more and more members graduate from the Hall of Valor Hall of Valor, there are more and more manpower available, so Lu Yu began to restore some of the infrastructure inside the Ark. , as the saying goes, "If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools." Only by gradually improving these infrastructures can he achieve his ultimate goal with faster efficiency.

At present, the results during this period are very gratifying, and the glory of the entire dragon city inside the Ark is much brighter than before.

After doing all this, Lu Yu casually patted the dust on his hands, and then realized that Fu Jing was looking at him intently.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Is there something dirty on my face?" Lu Yu said.

Fu Jing said: "Have you heard

Lu Yu shook his head. The teleportation entrance was so close, and he no longer needed such a reputation.

"This is just their wishful thinking. You still don't know my details?" Lu Yu sighed: "God appears in this world? At least those beings outside the world who are rushing here will definitely not agree with this view... "

Fu Jing was silent for a moment, then her voice suddenly became softer and asked: "Are you okay?"

Lu Yu glanced at her strangely: "Aren't I fine? Why do you ask like that?"

Fu Jing said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness is just showing off his power today, and it's also because they haven't seen you for a long time... Not only them, but even I haven't seen you for many days. Since the last time you and I After contacting those dragon friends of yours, they seemed to have changed into different people, and they closed themselves in the fourth area all day long, so I am a little worried..."

Lu Yu was slightly startled and said: "You are thinking too much, I'm fine... It's just that I brought back a lot of gains after this contact, and I was eager to put these gains to use as soon as possible, so I was too busy to care about anything else... "

"It's okay!" Fu Jing breathed a sigh of relief, "Didn't you say that this world is your hometown? I'm worried that you received some bad news there, but you refused to say it. I keep it in my heart silently... In short, it’s okay!”

Lu Yu looked at her quietly, his eyes gradually softened, and said: "Actually, your feeling is right... That world is the place where I was born and raised. There are too many bonds for me. This time of contact Once again, I was reminded of how heavy the responsibility was, so I was so overwhelmed that I didn’t have anything else to do. I just need to wait a few days and it will be fine.”

"That's good." Fu Jing breathed a long sigh of relief. Now she was really relieved. At least now Lu Yu is willing to confide in him again. Unlike the previous period, she felt that the two of them seemed to be from two different worlds.

Seeing her patting her chest, Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh and said, "Dear Her Majesty Queen Guanlan, are you waiting here just to talk to me about this?"

Fu Jing's heart skipped a beat. In fact, for her, this was indeed the issue she cared about the most, but how could she have the nerve to admit it in front of Lu Yu?

So he said: "There is one thing, have you been busy and forgotten?"

"What's up?"

"It has been three months since you came back from Junshui City..."

"It's been three months?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned, "So soon?"

Fu Jing said: "If Emperor Siyu's plan does not go wrong, she must have been successfully reincarnated by now... Have you thought about how to welcome your... daughter?"

These three months can be said to be an extremely rare period of peace and quiet.

But with the rebirth of Emperor Siyu, no matter whether she responded to Qian Yanjun's instructions or not, she definitely did not take other actions. Such good days will be gone forever.

"She is not my daughter." Lu Yu said, his eyes narrowed slightly and his gaze gradually became sharper.

"But she will definitely not let you go easily!" Fu Jing said, "Emperor Siyu is not willing to be lonely. She will definitely make some noise next. Have you decided how to deal with it?"

This is the focus of the problem. Even if Emperor Siyu's next actions are not directed at Lu Yu, her every move will definitely distract Lu Yu, and Lu Yu's efficiency in doing things will be reduced if he is distracted. This is for the current situation. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the array repair work that is halfway through.

"Send someone to Junshui City to deliver a letter, call her over, and tell her that I want to see her!" After thinking for a moment, Lu Yu suddenly said.

Fu Jing couldn't help being surprised: "Call her over?"

Lu Yu said: "Don't you always say that I am her father and she is my daughter? Isn't it natural that I want to see my daughter?"

Fu Jing was speechless for a moment. Did he mean this?

She just wanted to express that Emperor Siyu would be a huge trouble after being reborn.

Faced with such a trouble, wouldn't the normal reaction be to stay away from it? But Lu Yu was fine, but he wanted to recruit her over...

"Are you sure?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu nodded affirmatively: "It's best to carefully screen the candidates who are responsible for delivering the message. When you go there, you should have a tougher attitude and speak more arrogantly. If you can make Huo Siyu half angry to death, she will feel like, 'Why does a junior dare to come? "Order me, it's best if you don't want to talk to us anymore!"

"But... what if she comes over anyway?"

"That's just right!" Lu Yu continued, "There is no way to avoid this kind of thing. Even if you can escape the first grade of junior high school, you can't escape the fifteenth grade..."

"If that's the case, then why not just let me arrange something for her to do, and control her movements in my hands, so that she won't have time to think wrongly, and it will be hard to guard against!"

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