Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2041 Star Thief

The light and shadow retreated. Huo Siyu was in the scene, slowly opening his eyes. "How is it? Did you see it?" Lu Yu asked. Huo Siyu seemed to be still immersed in shock, as if he didn't hear Lu Yu's question, and said to himself: "So, this device is using the original in my mausoleum. "Not bad." Lu Yu replied. "Incredible..." Huo Siyu shook his head and muttered to himself, his eyes full of admiration, "You are really a genius!" "You can say the compliments later, now let's talk about business, okay?" Lu Yu said, "Did you see it?" Huo Siyu nodded: "I saw it." What they said was exactly the light spots that Lu Yu observed when he first fixed the No. 2 hexapeptide magic cube and looked at the starry sky through the magic circle a month ago. Compared with a month ago, these light spots are now close at hand. If they were still unknown before, then it is 100% certain that they are coming to the Guantian World. "Then do you see what they are? "Lu Yu asked again.

"The Star Thieves of the Broken Star Sea!" Huo Siyu replied.

Lu Yu was stunned. She had just asked casually, but she didn't expect that the other party actually knew the answer.

Huo Siyu explained: "The direction they came from corresponds to the starry sky of the Broken Star Sea. In addition, the light spots we saw clearly have a circle of green ring halo around them. This is obviously a unique feature of the starry sky vehicles on the Broken Heart Sea. It is said that this is because the starry sky vehicles produced there all use a special ore produced in the Broken Heart Sea... So, I am sure they are definitely the Star Thieves of the Broken Star Sea!"

Lu Yu's eyes couldn't help but become sharp: "I thought you were just the empress of the Guanlan Empire, but I didn't expect you to be so familiar with the things in the outer space?"

Huo Siyu said: "Not familiar, just a few times occasionally... Didn't I say that? They are a group of space thieves. This name is just a nice name. In fact, they are the same as the robbers who commit crimes on the road. Sometimes they come here to trade with us to settle accounts. "


Huo Siyu said: "Thousands of years ago, before the relationship between Guanlan Empire and Hades Temple was completely strained, we were actually a very powerful whole. Hades Temple can use the square divine tablet to communicate with the sky. First, they contacted these space thieves, and then acted as a middleman to match us up and finally complete the transaction... Otherwise, where do you think all these rare treasures and scarce materials of Hades Temple came from? "

Lu Yu could not help but be stunned.

No wonder he recently found that the various materials transported from the Hades Temple were becoming more and more convenient to use, as if they were tailor-made. It shouldn't be like this, at least in the original Huangtian World, there were no such abundant products. It turned out that many of these things originally came from the heavens.

However, Lu Yu soon realized a problem and frowned: "But one of you is outside the sky and the other is inside the sky, and there is a separation of the laws of the world in between. How should the two sides trade?"

If breaking through the laws of the world is such an easy thing, then the previous Thousand Eyes God would not have gone through so much trouble and ended up being beaten half-crippled.

"Breaking through the laws of the world is indeed not an easy thing... But if it is not broken by a person, but by an item, it would be relatively much easier... Besides, I believe you have also noticed that the blood power of our Guanlan clan has a special influence on the laws of the world. Didn't you and Jing'er use this to prevent the arrival of the Thousand Eyes God? Since this kind of power can stop the Thousand-Eyed God, it can naturally open a backdoor in the laws of the big world. Of course, this backdoor cannot be opened too big, it can only meet the needs of trading items..." Huo Siyu said.

Lu Yu was completely surprised.

It seems that the Guanlan Empire in history was far more powerful than he imagined.

"So you should be old acquaintances?" Lu Yu said again.

"How is this possible?" Huo Siyu smiled bitterly, "I said I haven't dealt with these bandits many times. Even if you look at the history of the Guanlan Empire, the bandits we trade with are not the same group... The Broken Star Sea is very vast, and there are countless bandits wandering in it. Maybe it's just a coincidence that they are old acquaintances..."

Lu Yu said: "Whether it's an old acquaintance or not, you have experience dealing with them. Even if it's not the same group, the experience is always the same... So, I'll leave this matter to you!" Huo Siyu said angrily: "This is obviously the trouble you caused. I asked Yunru to come and remind you a long time ago, but you didn't listen! You made such a big noise here, how could you not attract the attention of the outer world? "

"How could I know if you didn't tell me directly at that time?" Lu Yu waved his hand, "It's useless to say these things now. Besides, we still have to work together to deal with the Thousand Eyes God. Now they are just a group of robbers. What's the big deal? With your current ability, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with them, right?"

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