Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2042 Hint

Huo Siyu was noncommittal.

But since she didn't express any objection, it meant that she had tacitly agreed to Lu Yu.

This matter is not urgent. Although the starry sky thieves from the Sea of ​​Heartbreak are already very close, it will take some time to officially arrive. Huo Siyu can't do it even if he wants to do it now.

Her power is also unable to break through to the outside of the sky. Only when these starry sky thieves come to her door can she take action.

Lu Yu continued to be busy again.

Now that he had Huo Siyu's tacit approval, he no longer cared about this matter. Anyway, he never thought of relying entirely on Huo Siyu to solve this matter.

His purpose was just to delay for a while, not only to use this group of uninvited guests from the Sea of ​​Broken Stars to attract Huo Siyu's attention, but also to use Huo Siyu to block the opponent's formula.

It would be best if Huo Siyu could solve this problem alone. If he couldn't solve it, then he wouldn't lose at all.

In short, as long as he can. If the large attack array on the other side of the Ark is repaired, then all problems will be solved.

However, his plan seemed to have no effect for the time being. Huo Siyu did not leave to make preparations as he expected, but continued to stay where he was, showing curiosity at the work he was doing.

"What are you doing now?" he asked with interest.

"What else can I do?" Lu Yu replied without raising his head, "Of course I'm thinking of ways to repair this Ark on the Other Side..."

"It seems that you are really confident that you can repair it!" Huo Siyu said.

"Didn't I tell you earlier? I have a group of dragon friends..." Lu Yu said calmly, "I won't hide it from you. When I left my original world, it was those dragon friends who sent me away. I went to the Ark of the Other Side, so I know some repair techniques.”

"Really?" Huo Siyu smiled, "But I clearly remember that the last time I came here, it was not in such a condition... If you really know how to repair it, why didn't you repair it earlier? "

Lu Yu finally stopped what he was doing, raised his head and looked at her and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Nothing..." Huo Siyu smiled, "Actually, I don't care where you got the repair technology from. The only thing I really care about is... if you really repair this Ark on the Other Side, what do you want next? Do something?"

"Of course I leave here." Lu Yu replied, "I don't belong to this world in the first place, so I won't be reluctant to leave here, nor will I care about the deeper secrets hidden under this world. Once the time is right, I will leave automatically..."

"Of course, before leaving, you must first eliminate external resistance, so don't worry, I will work with you to deal with the Qianyan Lord first, and try to get the key you want from him, and then I will leave here."

"Where do you plan to go after you leave here?" Huo Siyu asked.

Lu Yu glanced at her and said, "It's probably another, more distant star field, what? Are you also interested in going together?"

Huo Siyu was noncommittal and asked, "If I'm interested, will there be a place for me on your Ark on the Other Side?"

Lu Yu's eyes became sharp and he said tit for tat: "If I leave a place for you on the Ark, will you be willing to give up everything here and leave with me?"

The two of them were pulling and testing.

In Lu Yu's view, there must be deeper secrets hidden in the world of Guanlan. The world transformed and sealed by the ancient anchor is unlikely to be as simple as what the other party said. It simply hides the origin of the Guanlan clan. It's just a secret, and there must be even bigger and far-reaching secrets involved.

Sure enough, Huo Siyu stopped talking when he heard such a question.

The two looked at each other tit for tat. After a moment, Huo Siyu suddenly laughed: "What can I be reluctant to part with? Then Jing'er is the real ruler of the Guanlan Empire now, and everything here can be left to her. She, I also want to go with you to see the more beautiful outer starry sky!"

Lu Yu was slightly startled.

These words were originally his promise to Fu Jing... He was not surprised that Huo Siyu also knew this. After all, she had read all of Huo Yunru's memories, but what did she mean by saying this now?

"Are you hinting at me?" Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a hint of gloom in his heart, "Are you trying to say that Jing'er can't leave this world at all?"

"I didn't say anything..." Huo Siyu said with a smile, "I just wanted to express that Jing'er, as the supreme ruler of the Guanlan Empire, has a mission on her shoulders whether she wants it or not... In comparison, I am now You are free and can follow you wherever you want!"

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore. You can work seriously! I also have to think about how to welcome those guests who come from afar!"

After saying that, Huo Siyu flashed and left the Demon Dragon No. 2 Field.

With her ability, she was indeed allowed to come and go freely in the Ark on the other side at this time, and no one could stop her.

Unless the entire Ark of the Other Side is fully repaired and all the restrictive barriers are put into effect, the situation may change.

However, for now, this is still not possible.

Lu Yu stood there and pondered carefully for a while before finally comprehending the meaning of Huo Siyu's words.

She was threatening herself.

With her ambition, it was naturally impossible for her to ignore a treasure like the Ark of the Other Shore, let alone watch her drive the Ark away.

Therefore, if one day comes, she will definitely impose restrictions on herself.

This is inevitable, no matter whether she chooses to cooperate with Qianyanjun or not, this will not change.

Now, this is just a small warning from her, not even a warning, at best, just a reminder.

"What a huge ambition!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but sneer.

"It seems that we really need to repair the attack array as soon as possible... I would like to see who has the guts to stop me when the day comes!"

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