Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2043 Comet

Two days later, a comet appeared in the sky.

In fact, comets are not new, but there has never been a comet with such a dazzling light and a tail flame that even dragged half of the sky.

And there are more than one comet. If you look closely, there are countless light spots in the dazzling light. It is clear that multiple comets overlap and accumulate together to create such a phenomenon, just like a group of migratory birds.

Such a strange astronomical phenomenon is very similar to the legendary omen of doomsday, which can't help but make people all over the world panic.

Even many people in the Renaissance Alliance were scared, but compared with ordinary people, they have more backbone, so they prayed to His Royal Highness the Regent to take action to resolve this doomsday crisis.

In the end, in order to appease people's hearts, Lu Yu had to show up... He activated the Magic Dragon No. 1 again and started to practice the pill.

When the Magic Dragon No. 1 was working, the celestial phenomenon it caused was so grand that it even covered up the sight of the comet. At least within the scope of Fenghezhou, no trace of the comet could be seen, so there was no need to worry about it.

This was clearly an ostrich strategy, but how could everyone understand the inside? They only thought that the regent had indeed taken action and formed a special defensive barrier within the territory of Fenghezhou.

Then the news was spread, and everyone knew about it. They all said that only in Fenghezhou could they avoid this doomsday disaster. So for a while, the world was boiling, and everyone rushed to Fenghezhou...

"Really don't need to pay attention?"

Inside the Ark of the Other Shore, Fu Jing asked Lu Yu.

She had just observed the comet group in the sky through the magic array of the Magic Dragon No. 2 field, and naturally knew that it was actually a strong man who came from the Sea of ​​Broken Stars.

Although it is not a real doomsday disaster, to some extent, if this matter is not handled properly, it is not much different from a doomsday disaster... But Lu Yu said that there is no need to pay attention to it, which makes Fu Jing very puzzled.

"Why don't you have confidence in Emperor Siyu?" Lu Yu smiled, "Since this matter has been handed over to her and she has not come to us for help, we just need to wait and see what happens."

Fu Jing hesitated.

She has also met Huo Siyu after her rebirth. The opponent's power is indeed very strong. Even when the two of them were face to face, she once felt deeply afraid. It can be said that the opponent's strength is indeed unfathomable.

But these are two different things... After all, those strong men are extremely vicious people who came from across the starry sea. If they are not handled properly, it is very likely to lead to very serious consequences. How can you completely hand over your fate to others?

Besides, she didn't trust Huo Siyu in the first place...

"The problem is that we don't have any better way!" Lu Yu explained, "We have no ability to threaten these aliens, so we might as well just treat it as a dead horse and let her do whatever she wants. Anyway, we won't lose much!"

Fu Jing had no choice but to accept it.

After all, the power is not strong enough...

"How long will it take to complete the 'Kuangsha'?" Fu Jing asked again.

"Kuangsha" is the large attack array they are currently repairing.

There are three large attack arrays inside the Ark of the Other Shore, namely Tianfa, Kuangsha, and Jiemie. For these three large attack arrays, Lu Yu has no choice at all.

First of all, Tianfa lacks a giant war halberd as a key component, and there is no possibility of repair at all. Jiemie requires too many dragons to be mobilized. Given the current situation of the Ark of the Other Shore, it cannot be driven even if it is repaired. After all, only Kuangsha is the most suitable.

Therefore, when contacting the original world last time, Liu Hongxu's people discussed and directly provided him with the repair skills of the Crazy Demon.

Lu Yu sighed lightly: "The key steps have been figured out, and now what is lacking is manpower... At the current progress, it will take at least ten days. If there are more people, the speed will be even faster!"

Fu Jing was silent for a moment, and said: "I will try to send another batch of people to you in the next two days!"

"Strive? How do you plan to strive?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

"Of course, I will force them to do it!" Fu Jing replied, "Next, I will put all the members who have not passed the assessment into the Hall of Heroes illusion, tell them that this is the moment of life and death for the whole world, if they don't want to die, then quickly master the skills of dragon mimicry... At the same time, I will also increase the intensity of their training. Sometimes people have to force them!"

Lu Yu was slightly stunned. It was rare to see Fu Jing's tough side. From her sharp eyes, he could almost see the scene of everyone being trained by her in the Hall of Heroes illusion.

"Just be careful!" Lu Yu said.

So the matter was settled.

Then, under Fu Jing's almost cruel and strict requirements, it was indeed effective.

Every day, new people came out of the Yingling Emperor's illusion and were sent to the area where Lu Yu was.

In this way, more than 30 dragons flew around in the Ark of the Other Shore every day, pushing the repair work to continue steadily.

After a few days, the progress of the repair was greatly advanced.

That day, Huo Siyu came to the Ark of the Other Shore again and came directly to Lu Yu's side.

"Are you rushing to speed up the progress? Why is there such a bustling scene?"

Huo Siyu looked at the giant dragon flying in front of him and asked.

Lu Yu glanced at him without answering and asked, "How is the situation?"

Huo Siyu smiled: "If you want to hurry up and repair the Ark on the other side to deal with those extraterrestrial visitors, I advise you to take it slow, because I have already done it for you."

"Done?" Lu Yu was shocked, "How did you get it done?"

"It's nothing, I just told them the truth... I said you are repairing the Ark on the Other Side. Even if they start now, they can only get a piece of junk. They might as well wait and fatten you up before killing you!"

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned and speechless: "You say that and they believe it?"

"They don't completely believe it, so... they want to talk to you face to face!"

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