Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2044 Ready

In the end, Lu Yu did not accept Huo Siyu's suggestion.

In his opinion, he had nothing to talk about with these extraterrestrial visitors. It was impossible for him to agree to the other party's conditions. If it was just to delay time, maintaining the current rhythm would be enough.

"You should continue to waste time with them first. If you really can't do it any longer, then wait!" Lu Yu finally said.

After saying that, he continued to engage in the intense repair work, directing a group of members of the Renaissance Alliance to activate a magic circle.

Huo Siyu shrugged helplessly and had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Two more days passed like this.

Huo Siyu came to visit again and said straight to the point: "I can't stand it anymore. If you don't show up, they will take serious action next!"

Lu Yu, however, remained indifferent and said, "Then let them be serious about it!"

"Are you sure?" Huo Siyu asked in surprise.

Lu Yu said with a smile: "If they didn't do anything, wouldn't it be very insincere for me to just go out and surrender? Now let them go to war, and then I go out and surrender with a look of suffering, wouldn't it look even more disgraceful?" Do you believe it?”

Huo Siyu looked at Lu Yu blankly for a while: "You have such a dirty heart..."

"Tch!" Lu Yu completely ignored this.

Your own heart?

Don't these starry sky thieves who want to come here to steal something have dirty hearts?

Next, the starry sky thief took action immediately outside the sky.

Lu Yu didn't know exactly what methods they used, but that night, the sky began to thunder and lightning, and heavy rain poured down. The terrifying thunder continued to ravage Fenghe State, and the laws of heaven and earth were thrown into chaos.

Although such chaos could not affect the progress of the repair inside the Ark, it had a great impact on the Magic Dragon One standing at the highest point.

Under such circumstances, Demon Dragon No. 1 cannot maintain the stability of the elixir energy at all, and thus cannot purify it. It is even impossible to refine the elixir into elixirs.

So, when Cui Zhenzhen came to report the situation to him, Lu Yu directly asked her to pause first.

"Let's rest for a few days! You've been busy for so long and you haven't had a good rest yet, so I'll just give you a few days off!" Lu Yu said.

"However, this situation must be resolved... I heard that the person who caused these situations this time was a powerful person from outside the world? Have you thought about how to deal with it?" Cui Zhenzhen asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, everything is under control!" Lu Yu said, patting his chest.

Naturally, he was not absolutely sure about this, but he was now the backbone of everyone, so naturally he could not show his cowardice.

Cui Zhenzhen was indeed relieved. Although the sky was still thundering, she fell asleep quickly.

Lu Yu then called for Fu Jing and said, "The current manpower is basically enough. Let's ignore the Hall of Heroes for now. You can deal with the matters above first!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu pointed at the sky above his head.

Fu Jing was slightly startled: "How do you want me to deal with it?"

"Of course you use your old skills!" Lu Yu said: "Aren't they disrupting the laws of heaven and earth? You use the blood power of the Guanlan clan to calm them down... Don't pay attention to one thing, calming the laws of heaven and earth is not Your real purpose is to evaluate their strength!"

Fu Jing suddenly said: "You want me to take the opportunity of restoring the laws of heaven and earth to judge their strength and weakness, so that I can catch them off guard when repairing the attack array!"

"Enemies!" Lu Yu snapped his fingers, and the smile on his face became a little sinister, "These starry sky thieves have always been used to being tyrannical. They think that robbing the Dragon Clan's treasure is such an easy task. They have to know the pain once. !”

Fu Jing smiled bitterly and said: "But, you think too highly of me. If you ask me to try my best to calm the laws of heaven and earth, I may still be able to do it, but how can I judge their actual strength?"

"Aren't I still here?" Lu Yu said with a smile, "After you have calmed down, share the entire experience with me, and then we will make a judgment together!"

Fu Jing said in surprise: "Is this still possible?"

Lu Yu nodded affirmatively: "This connection with another world is a very special experience for me. Especially the actions of Emperor Sainty gave me great inspiration. Now I have learned how to share it with others. The secret of memory... of course, if the person is willing to share it. "

Fu Jing looked at Lu Yu in shock for a while, and finally nodded: "I understand."

Another two days passed like this.

Although the sky was still flashing with thunder, the shock caused was far less severe than before.

At this time, Huo Siyu came to visit again and said to Lu Yu: "You are really good at it. You actually thought of using this method to resolve the offensive of those guys... But this is too disrespectful. Don't worry about Jing'er." Hurt?"

Lu Yu said: "Didn't you say that Jing'er's bloodline power is extremely pure? Especially after being inspired by me, it is even more outstanding than you expected. Since you have so much confidence in her, then I will too." Have confidence!"

Huo Siyu said: "Having confidence is one thing, but not overestimating one's own capabilities is another thing. Now these starry sky thieves are just a reminder, and they haven't really gone crazy yet. If it continues, it won't be like this." It’s easy to deal with!”

Lu Yu nodded and said: "You are right, I will let her come back!"

After saying that, he immediately called a subordinate from the side and asked him to notify Fu Jing to come back.

Those who can appear here have all passed the assessment of the Hall of Heroes. They are just sending a message from heaven to earth, so naturally it is no big deal.

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be stunned. She didn't expect Lu Yu to be so easy to talk to. She was surprised and said: "Why did you change your gender today..."

"What are you talking about? I have always been very aware of current affairs! Besides, my strategy has already been told to you. It is just to make them feel that I have suffered enough from them. This matter is just a formality. Now it is so heated. It's almost done, right?" Lu Yu said.

Huo Siyu was noncommittal and glanced at Lu Yu lightly: "So, you have already decided to talk to them?"

"Let's talk! Of course we have to talk! I've been thinking about this for the past two days, and I'm almost worried to death!" Lu Yu said.

The corner of Huo Siyu's mouth twitched. This guy didn't look like Fan Chou at all.

"There's something wrong with you..." Huo Siyu frowned and looked around, "Did you really repair this Ark on the Other Side?"

"Don't you know whether it has been repaired or not?" Lu Yu said with a faint smile, "Don't think that I don't know. Although you haven't shown up in the past few days, you still come around here for a few walks every day... Sometimes I I wonder who you are with, and have you conscientiously implemented the strategy we mentioned before? "

Huo Siyu couldn't help but feel guilty.

Lu Yu's initial strategy was to let her play Tai Chi with the group of star thieves and try to delay it as much as possible. This is what she did at the beginning.

But as time went by, she also became curious about Lu Yu's actions. She also wanted to know what Lu Yu was busy with behind closed doors... Could it be that he could still repair the Ark on the Other Side?

Under such a psychological influence, she was unable to work hard. Especially in the past few days, instead of finding ways to delay, she actually wanted to add fuel to the fire.

Otherwise, with her ability, if she really gets ruthless, she can at least keep these starry sky thieves honest for a few days.

At this time, Lu Yu's words broke the news, Huo Siyu immediately changed the subject and said: "Well, since you are ready to deal with them, then follow me!"

Lu Yu did not continue to struggle, and left the other side of the ark with her.

He will finally have to deal face-to-face with these powerful men from far away!

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