Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2045 Old guy?

Huo Siyu took Lu Yu directly to Junshui City.

"I thought we were going to talk up there?" Lu Yu said.

"How do we talk about it above? Looking at each other across the edge of the big world?" Huo Siyu said, "Don't be ridiculous, even if you are willing to do this, others are not happy! After all, the edge of the big world's laws is very difficult for them. It’s a very dangerous place, and they don’t dare to take risks so easily.”

"Then who exactly are the 'they' you're talking about?" Lu Yu asked again, "It's been so many days, haven't you even found out their basic information?"

Huo Siyu said: "They are a group of starry sky thieves called the 'Mighty Heavenly Army'. According to them, they are extremely powerful in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars. They are one of the three major bandits in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars, and their leader, Lord Tianwei, is a He is an incredible person who can destroy a whole world with just a move of his hand. Even the people of Yongle Fairy Court must be courteous to him... Of course, these are all their one-sided words. I know they are false even without checking. , the so-called 'Captain Tianwei' can't be a divine king. If he is really that capable, then they shouldn't be robbers in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars!"

"But apart from the fact that they are trying to flatter themselves, this Mighty Heavenly Army should still have some strength, otherwise they wouldn't have been the first to get here!"

Lu Yu wondered: "What do you mean? Is there a second wave of people besides them?"

"It's not just the second wave?"

Huo Siyu said, "Third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth... I don't know how many there are! According to them, we have been targeted by many starry sky thieves, and these people are all extremely vicious. Our generation is far less restrained than their Tianwei Army. If we are found by them, we will definitely die... But fortunately, these competitors have been repelled by them along the way, but this will not delay for too long. If we If we don't make a decision early and surrender obediently, then they won't be able to help us... Well, these are their excuses. "

"How come so many people are targeting us?" Lu Yu asked in surprise: "Don't these bandits in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars have anything to do? Can't they just keep an eye on the Great World of Guantian all day long?"

"I have already asked them this question..." Huo Siyu said with a smile: "How do you think they got the news? It was because someone in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars deliberately spread the news that the Dragon Clan's treasure appeared in the Great World of Guantian. After hearing the news, everyone naturally looked over here, and you were also very cooperative in making a big move here, so everyone was convinced. "

Lu Yu frowned: "Not many people know about the Ark on the Other Side. Of course, many people in our Renaissance Alliance know about it, but they don't have the ability to pass the news to the Sea of ​​Broken Stars... Could it be the Bixiao God? Did the people in the palace help?"

Huo Siyu nodded: "They are the only ones... It seems that they are really afraid that you will run away like this!"

While talking, the two came to the tomb of Emperor Siyu again.

"It seems that you really hide a lot of secrets here!" Lu Yu said.

"I have long said that the construction of this mausoleum has begun since I ascended the throne. Moreover, there were many relics of predecessors here at that time, and I have incorporated all of them. Therefore, in a sense, it can indeed It can be regarded as my family fortune." Huo Siyu replied.

Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head.

To be honest, he no longer knew whether this place was still a mausoleum. Perhaps it would be more accurate to call it Huo Siyu's palace.

The two went deep into the tomb again, but this time they did not go down to the bottom floor, but on the middle floor. This was a very wide area that looked like a huge venue. When the two walked in, Many descendants of Guanlan with pious faces had gathered inside, as if they were performing some mysterious ritual.

"Are you all ready?" Huo Siyu asked Huo Yunru who was standing at the door to greet him.

"Ready." Huo Yunru replied.

"Then let's start!" Huo Siyu ordered.

After saying that, he strode into the center of the venue.

Lu Yu followed closely and walked in. The moment he passed by, he saw Huo Yunru looking at him with a complicated expression.

Lu Yu didn't say much. All this was her own choice.

Immediately the ceremony began, with numerous Guanlan descendants forming a circle around and chanting silently, and bursts of bright light gathered in the center of the venue.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

He could sense that these Guanlan descendants were driving the blood power in their bodies, but he didn't know what their purpose was.

"Clearing the place." Huo Siyu replied, "You also know that the bloodline of our Guanlan clan has factors that can affect the laws of heaven and earth. They are using this influence to eliminate the interference of the laws of heaven and earth and prepare for the arrival of these powerful people from outside the world. To create conditions... simply put, you can understand that they are bringing in chairs for our guests."

As soon as he finished speaking, the brilliance in the venue overlapped and turned into a series of light pillars, condensing in the center of the venue.

One end of the light beam connected everyone in the venue, and the other one broke through the ceiling above. It was unknown where the connection led.

Lu Yu was stunned.

I didn’t expect that the blood power of the Guanlan clan could be used in this way. I think these are technologies that were only available in the glorious era of the Guanlan Empire. This shows how brilliant the Guanlan Empire was in the glorious era...

Just as Lu Yu was sighing, he suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart. He sensed a powerful existence coming into the light pillar - to be precise, it was a thought of a powerful existence, and it appeared in the light pillar.

"Long time no see, my little cutie!"

The person who came was the image of a man, with a very powerful appearance. The muscles on his body were bulging as if they were about to explode, but his face had a squinting expression, and his eyes were fixed on the man standing outside the light beam. Huo Siyu.

"How have you been thinking about it these past few days? You took the initiative to contact me today. Have you finally thought it through?"

"I know you are a king here, but being a mountain king in a small pond, how can you have the freedom and ease of galloping in the sea? As long as you are willing to obediently hand over the ark on the other side, I will take you to see it The real sea of ​​stars!”

This man was obviously extremely arrogant. As soon as he arrived, he ignored everyone around him and only had eyes for Huo Siyu in front of him.

Huo Siyu shook his head and chuckled: "Sorry, deputy captain, I have already said that I can't make the decision on this matter..."

The deputy leader snorted coldly: "I know, you have already said that the person who can really decide whether to stay in the Ark on the other side is your father? Where is that old guy now? Has he still refused to show up after so many days?"

"He's already here."

Huo Siyu picked up Lu Yu's arm and brought him forward with a smile.

"Let me introduce, this is the deputy leader of the Tianwei Regiment, Venerable Iron Hand; this is my father - Emperor Yu!"

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