Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2048 Light up the city

"What on earth are you planning?" Huo Siyu looked at Lu Yu in surprise and asked.

Lu Yu also looked at her and asked: "Then what are you planning? Emperor Yu? Haha, I don't know when I became the former emperor of the Guanlan Empire?"

"Oh, it's just a joke, why do you have to be so serious?" Huo Siyu said with a smile, "Isn't this also to implement your strategy and delay it as much as possible? Only in this way can they not see through it. Our reality!”

"If I were a three-year-old child, I would believe what you said..." Lu Yu sneered, "You are just making them unable to see through you, but you are holding me on the fire!"

"How can it be that serious?" Huo Siyu said with a smile, "But are what you just said true? Will you really raise the Ark on the other side to tens of thousands of miles in the sky?"

Lu Yu said: "I always keep my word. Since I have promised others, I will naturally keep my word!"

"Tch! I believe you are evil..." Huo Siyu curled his lips disdainfully, "Are you really willing to hand over the Ark of the Other Side... What is the purpose of letting them clear out the star battleships?"

Lu Yu smiled: "Guess!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

Huo Siyu quickly asked: "Where are you going?"

"Where else can we go? Since I agreed to this, I naturally have to go back and make preparations... Is it possible to stay here for dinner?" Lu Yu replied without looking back.

Huo Siyu looked at his leaving figure, a suspicion flashed in his eyes: "What kind of trick are you playing..."

Then he quickly followed out: "Wait for me!"

Lu Yu directly used the Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth and returned to Fenghe State again.

As soon as he stepped onto the other side of the ark, Huo Siyu followed him with his hind legs.

There was no way, she had also mastered the true meaning of the Five Elements Shield of Heaven and Earth now. Even if Lu Yu wanted to get rid of her, it would not be that easy.

"I've never seen you burn bridges like this. When you need someone, you let them deal with it for you. When you don't need it, you just pat your butt and leave. I didn't expect you to be such a person..."

Huo Siyu followed Lu Yu and complained endlessly.

"Can't we reveal what kind of plan we have?"

"They say they are allies, is this the trust between allies?"

"Don't forget, my blood is yours. Is this how you treat your own flesh and blood?"

Lu Yu remained indifferent.

It wasn't until he entered Demon Dragon Field No. 2 that he suddenly turned around, glared at her fiercely, and said, "Okay, if you want to know what's going on, just shut up. Otherwise, I guarantee that you won’t be able to guess my next plan even if you try hard.”

Huo Siyu's eyes suddenly lit up: "What exactly are you planning to do?"

Lu Yu ignored her and gave her a blank look.

Huo Siyu immediately understood the alliance and covered his mouth with his hand, pretending to be cooperative.

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Next, I will give you a task. If the task is completed well, I will tell you all my plans..."

Huo Siyu said in surprise: "Are you ordering me?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said, "Don't you always think of yourself as my daughter? Isn't it okay for me to tell my daughter to do something?"

"Of course..." Huo Siyu said with a smile, "Tell me, what is the mission?"

Lu Yu pointed towards the Demon Dragon No. 2 Field in front of him: "It's very simple. You are responsible for monitoring every move of those guys outside. See when they clear out the Star Battleship, and then tell me immediately!"

"It seems that you really have ideas about their starry sky battleships?" Huo Siyu said in surprise, "But their starry sky battleships are far away in the sky and are isolated by the laws of the big world. Even if they really clean them up, there is nothing you can do about it. Come across..."

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Of course I have my own plans. If you want to know, it is the best choice to be prepared here!"

"Okay, then I'll wait and see here!"

With that said, Huo Siyu took the initiative to enter the Demon Dragon Field No. 2.

She has used the formation here to observe the world outside the sky before, and is already familiar with the series of operations here. She activated the formation without any effort and focused her sight on the outside world.

With the blessing of this formation, the situation in the distant star field can be seen clearly, and it is naturally easy to see clearly the situation of the Mighty Heavenly Army that is wandering on the edge of the big world at this time.

Soon, the situation about the Tianwei Army appeared in the light and shadow array of the Demonic Dragon Field No. 2.

In fact, Lu Yu had no choice. The Magic Dragon No. 2 has never been completed. To drive this formation, one must have very strong spiritual power. Apart from him and Huo Siyu, it was Fu Jing who wanted to drive it. It was all very strenuous.

With the current situation, he naturally had no way to drive the magic circle here personally, so he had to resort to this trick to lure Huo Siyu into taking the bait. This not only fully utilized her ability, but also locked her here, allowing her to There is no way to interfere with the progress of other aspects.

"Then I'll leave this place to you!"

Lu Yu said to Huo Siyu in the Demon Dragon Field No. 2.

Huo Siyu waved his hand at him: "I hope you keep your word!"

So, Lu Yu quietly retreated and handed everything here over to Huo Siyu.

In fact, there is still a certain risk in all this... Even if Huo Siyu behaves respectfully and meekly, in Lu Yu's eyes, she is also a time bomb. If she suddenly goes crazy and destroys the Magic Dragon II, then Lu Yu will The gain will outweigh the loss...

However, Huo Siyu wouldn't really go crazy after thinking about such a thankless job...

Lu Yu came to this newly opened area again.

Fu Jing immediately came out and asked, "Have you settled her down yet?"

Lu Yu nodded: "She is now responsible for looking at the stars at the Magic Dragon II."

Fu Jing worried: "Will... something go wrong?"

She also knows the details of Magic Dragon Factory No. 2 very well. The core center of Magic Dragon Factory No. 2 is the Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube. Putting such a key treasure in Huo Siyu's hands without anyone monitoring it is undoubtedly a very big deal. Risky things.

"I can't control that much anymore!" Lu Yu sighed softly: "It's better for her to know the secret of the Six Peptide Rubik's Cube than for her to know the secret here... It's better to hurry up and act quickly!"

Suddenly, the entire dragon city became violent.

All the preparations in the past few months were for this moment. The brilliance that had been extinguished for countless thousands of years was gradually lit up again in this magnificent dragon city.

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