Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2049 The right angle

As Lu Yu expected, the magic circle at Demon Dragon Field No. 2 was extremely attractive to Huo Siyu.

While she used the magic circle here to monitor the movements of the Tianwei Army, she also did not forget to study the magic circle itself.

Perhaps for other people, all this would be extremely difficult, but for Huo Siyu, she has an extremely powerful spiritual mind. Even with just a casual glance, the information gained is comparable to others' years of research.

Therefore, she quickly understood the operating principles and logic of the entire Magic Dragon Field No. 2. If there was anything unclear, the only thing left was the Hexapeptide Rubik's Cube itself as the core center. It is not that easy to understand this ancient thing.

"As expected of a lotus seed, he is truly a genius..." Huo Siyu sighed secretly.

Even though she had clearly understood the secret of the entire Demon Dragon Field No. 2, she still couldn't help but be impressed by Lu Yu's wisdom. She must know that Lu Yu created the Demon Dragon Field No. 2 from scratch in just a few days. That's all, this is far more difficult than sitting here and watching indifferently.

"Hey, this is..."

As soon as Huo Siyu took his mind away from the Demon Dragon Field No. 2, he immediately noticed some strange phenomena happening around him.

While she was distracted thinking about the Magic Dragon Field No. 2 formation, huge changes occurred inside the Ark on the other side, and the entire city became brightly lit.

It is not "brightly lit" in the superficial sense, but an inner brightness. If you look into it carefully, these lights spreading all over the city seem to come alive. They are no longer independent lights. , but connected in series to form the shape of a giant dragon.

It was as if the meridians of the entire city had been opened up, and the entire city suddenly possessed an indescribable vitality.

At the same time, Huo Siyu also felt a vague pressure. This pressure was not strong, but it existed all the time and never stopped, as if there was a pair of eyes staring at her all the time...

Huo Siyu couldn't help but frown.

At this moment, she finally realized that she seemed to have fallen into Lu Yu's trick... The other party wanted her to focus on the Demon Dragon Field No. 2, so that she could take the opportunity to do tricks elsewhere.

She had already thought of this, but she didn't expect that the other party would move so fast. Just as she was taking a nap, the other party had already completed the arrangement...

"what do you mean?"

Soon Huo Siyu found Lu Yu again and asked loudly.

Although the entire city has completed the first stage of "awakening", compared with the originally dark city, various forensic evidences have gradually begun to take effect in series, which can be considered to be a tight barrier, but all this still cannot cause Huo Siyu any harm. hinder.

Not only because of her personal strength, but also because she already has an extremely profound understanding of the power of the dragon. It can be said that apart from Lu Yu, she is the most qualified crew member in the Ark on the Other Side.

But even so, she was still very unhappy. The reason was precisely because of the vague pressure that made her feel that everything about herself was exposed to the eyes of the entire city.

"What do you mean?" Lu Yu said innocently.

"Are you targeting me deliberately?" Huo Siyu stared at him sharply.

With her reaction like this, Lu Yu knew that his plan had indeed worked.

The repair of the attack array does not only lie in the attack array itself, but also requires a series of array systems that cooperate with it.

It's like if you want to open a noodle shop, you don't just prepare noodles to make everything go smoothly, you also need a series of supporting facilities.

Originally, Huo Siyu could come and go freely within the entire Ark of the Other Side, as if she were in an uninhabited land. Now with the repair of the formation system, the entire set of supporting facilities seems to have covered the entire city with a thin layer of sand. Although she can still She can come and go freely, but she will leave a series of shallow footprints on the sand, making her whereabouts invisible... The invisible pressure Huo Siyu feels comes from this.

"Stop being so sentimental, I don't have that much free time...Besides, what good does targeting you do to me?" Lu Yu asked back.

Huo Siyu couldn't help but be stunned, and then she noticed another situation, and her face suddenly changed: "The Ark on the other side... is moving?"

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "It seems that you are not serious. Haven't you been staring at the Magic Dragon II all the time? Did you realize that we are moving now?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu waved his hand lightly, and the surrounding magic circle suddenly showed the situation inside and outside the other side of the ark.

The formation on the left shows a group of giant dragons driving a huge formation like a millstone. These dragons are naturally dragon mimics controlled by members of the Renaissance Alliance. They can not last too long, but However, by continuously pushing the millstone in this way, the entire Ark on the Other Side gained a sustained and stable power.

The magic circle on the right shows the scene outside the Ark on the other side. Now they are getting farther and farther away from the ground. They are surrounded by white clouds, and they don't know how far they are in the sky.

"There is no way. The Ark on the Other Side has not yet found a real power source, so it can only be driven in this very primitive way... I don't know how much elixir inventory will be used at this time!" Lu Yu said with a sigh.

Huo Siyu was stunned, feeling that everything in front of him was so incredible.

Although in Lu Yu's mouth, this is a very primitive driving method, in her opinion, it is already very powerful. You must know that the Ark on the other side is a very huge behemoth. It can be used in such a way in such a short time. , it is extremely rare to rise to such a height.

"What...what are you planning to do?" Huo Siyu asked in shock.

"Nothing...just looking for a suitable angle." A confident smile appeared on Lu Yu's face.

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