Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2052 Disappearance Technique?

Above the flying land in the void.

"Your Majesty, there is a situation!"

Hawkeye, who was responsible for monitoring the situation in Guantian World, suddenly shouted nervously.

During this period of time, with the arrival of the bandits from the Sea of ​​Broken Stars, everyone on the Void Flying Continent has been closely monitoring every move of Guantian World.

However, because the distance is too far, only the eagle eye with special magical powers can see the specific situation clearly. Therefore, he can do more work, and he is responsible for keeping an eye on it most of the time.

In the past, he often reported on the specific situation of Guantian World, but never in such a tone as now... not only nervous, but even a little scared.

"What happened?" Lord Shenya immediately appeared and asked in a deep voice.

Hawkeye said nothing, his Adam's apple rolled, as if he still couldn't believe what he saw, so he used Hawkeye's power again.

Seeing his appearance, Lord Shencrow couldn't help but frown and urged: "What happened? Did someone from the Mighty Heavenly Army take action?"

"No, it's not... the Mighty Heavenly Army took action... yes, the Mighty Heavenly Army is missing!" Eagle Eye said with difficulty.

"Disappeared?" Lord Shencrow was shocked, "How could such a good person disappear?"

"I, I don't know. They were fine an hour ago, but when I looked again just now, they had disappeared!" Hawkeye replied.

The use of magical powers consumes vitality. It is impossible for Eagle Eye to use magical powers all the time, so he only uses them every other hour. Unexpectedly, in this hour, when he uses the magical powers again, At that time, the Tianwei Army was completely lost from the field of vision.

"Go up to the Developing Stone, I want to see the real-time picture of the great world!" Lord Shenya said.

So, the subordinates immediately moved the special crystal stone over. As before, Eagle Eye held the crystal stone with one hand while using his magical power again. Suddenly, the picture of the vast world was clearly displayed on the crystal stone.

Originally, the huge warship of Tianwei Army was parked on the edge of Guantian World, which was as big as the void land they were in now, but now it has completely disappeared.

Lord Shenya looked at the picture on the crystal stone quietly and remained silent.

The surrounding subordinates did not dare to say a word. This incident was too strange. Even if the Tianwei Army's warships moved quietly, they would not be so silent.

"Can you enlarge the picture here?" Lord Shencrow pointed to a certain part of the picture.

"I'll try..." Hawkeye responded.

Then he began to drive the power in his body, increasing the eagle's eye vision to its maximum efficiency. On the distance scale of the universe, even the eagle's eye vision was not omnipotent. His body could not help but tremble slightly, and it was obvious that he had endured an extreme amount of energy. A lot of pressure.

However, all this finally had an effect, and the picture on the crystal stone quickly enlarged.

Finally, some black spots appeared on the screen...

"Hey, what is this?"

"It seems like we didn't have these things before, right?"

"How could something like this suddenly appear on the edge of the world..."

Several subordinates talked about it, and they were all very confused about this situation.

Only Venerable Divine Crow had a cold look in his eyes and said in a deep voice: "This is the battleship of the Mighty Heavenly Army..."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"A battleship of the Tianwei Army? How is this possible?"

"Are there any other Star Thief groups coming?"

"I didn't see it. If there are other star thief groups coming from the Sea of ​​Broken Stars, they will probably pass by our area, right?"

"Since there was no war with other Star Thieves, how could their warships become like this?"

"Although these warships of the Tianwei Army don't look like much, they were all baptized by the flames of war in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars. It is impossible for them to become like this for no reason..."

"Your Majesty, why did you say this?"

All the subordinates expressed disbelief because this was too unacceptable.

"Because of the traces of the evolution of the Starry Sky Law..." Venerable Divine Crow responded in a deep voice.

After hearing what he said, everyone suddenly fell silent.

The traces of the evolution of the Law of the Starry Sky... that is a realm that they have not yet touched, and the realm of strength of Venerable Divine Crow far exceeds theirs. If the judgment is drawn from this point, then they really have no way to refute it.

"So...these are really the mighty Tianwei army?" a subordinate said in disbelief.

"The facts are all before our eyes." Venerable Shencrow said, "It's hard for me to believe it, but this is the truth... Otherwise, do you have any other explanations for the whereabouts of the Mighty Heavenly Army?"

"But, how could this happen?" the subordinate said with difficulty, "What kind of power turned the Tianwei Army into a pile of wreckage, and it seems that all of this happened in an instant..."

"I have no clue..." Lord Shencrow shook his head.

Looking at the world in front of him, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of fear. It seemed that the world in front of him was no longer the world he was familiar with before.

"I think it is necessary to report this matter to the Lords of Qiu Palace as soon as possible... In addition, Lord Thousand Eyes must also be informed as soon as possible!"

"I think he won't have time to continue sleeping!"

Venerable Divine Crow finally said this.

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